The 25 Best Cat Blogs You Should Know About

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Looking for cat-focused information about adoption, training, behavior, or just funny stories about cats? Our list is full of valuable content, no matter what you’re in the mood for.

There are countless cat blogs on the internet, but we’ve narrowed them down to bring you some of our favorites. We selected these blogs for the quality of their content, posting frequency, and general creativity. Check them out!

Cat News And Advocacy Blogs

#1 The Catnip Times

Founded by blogger Lauren Mieli in 2012, the Catnip Times is the perfect blog for anyone interested in learning about their cat’s behavior, care tips, and nutrition.

The blog raises awareness for diseases that affect cats that have no cure like FIP and shine a light on the little-known effects of declawing like feline phantom pain. All articles are carefully researched, and they collaborate with some of the world’s top experts and brands to bring cat owners the best and most reliable cat information.

#2 The Conscious Cat Blog

The Conscious Cat Blog

Without a doubt one of the best cat blogs around, The Conscious Cat features articles on cat health, cat nutrition, cat behavior, cat lifestyle, pet loss, and more. The Cat blog is owned by Ingrid King  an award-winning author and popular cat blogger, where she shares her insight to the world of cats. Be sure to check out the books section.

#3 Pawsome Kitty Blog

Launched and maintained by Rebecca, a self-proclaimed cat lady, this blog aims to cover all the latest cat news. The blog focuses on topics related to cat behavior and health with a particular slant toward first-time cat owners. Whether you’re looking for advice on the best cat litter or you need help understanding your cat’s behavior a little better, check out the Pawsome Kitty blog.

#4 Cat Wisdom 101

At Cat Wisdom 101 cat influencer Layla loves to entertain and educate interested audience with the most recent news, products and information about cats and their owners. Layla Morgan Wilde, cat claimed professor and initiator of Cat Wisdom 101 is a devoted holistic kitten behaviorist who encourages cat adoption and conducts great product reviews. She is a fanatical advocate of promoting the human-feline bond and the embrace of special need cats.

#5 Sandy Robins Online

Sandy Robins is one of the leading multi-media celebrity pet lifestyle expert and influencer. In her blog, Sandy discusses the great relationship between us and our cats, while outlining the trends and innovative thoughts as they happen.

Sandy has authored 4 cat books including The Original Cat Bible and her award-winning work can be seen on some of the nation’s leading pet platforms such as, as well as mainstream sites such as

Rescue Cat Blogs

#6 Lola The Rescued Cat

Lola the rescued cat is a blog that focuses on informational posts about how to raise cats, reviews on the right health products and how to keep one’s pets healthy and happy. The blog is passionate about animal rescue and promotes responsible ownership of pets. There are also a lot of entertaining posts about the day-to-day cat ownership experience.

#7 Bionic Basil’s Blog

Basil’s blog is about the escapades and adventures of seven cats from the rescue Centre. Some of these adventures spin for several blog posts as suspense is a key factor. It occasionally includes brain training, book reviews, coloring with cats, pet peeves, crafting with cats and a wide array of other things.

#8 Tuxedo Cat Blog

Popular in both the United States and the UK, the Tuxedo Cat blog is run by a tuxedo cat named Whisky. The blog covers a wide range of topics including cat breeds, behavior, training, health and nutrition, and more. Though the content focuses on tuxedo cats, all cat owners are welcome. Be sure to check out the gallery of reader-submitted photos of their own tuxedo cats.

#9 The Creative Cat

Creative Cats features a lot of stories and valuable information about the health and welfare and cats coming from a person who has been involved in the rescue and fostering of cats for more than thirty years. There is a lot of creative writing, photographs and artwork involving his cats, other people’s cats and other animals in general.

International Cat Blogs

#10 Katzenworld

One of the most popular cat blogs in the UK, Katzenworld is maintained by a group of cat owners who cover a wide range of topics. The blog highlights cats from all over the UK and even posts cat-themed poems once a week on Purrsday. If you’re looking for a place to connect with an online community of UK cat lovers, Katzenworld is the place to go.

#11 Living with Loulou

Written from the perspective of French kitty, Loulou, this blog covers every topic under the sun. Each blog is paired with a picture of Loulou and includes a collection of thoughts. The writer of the blog comments, “I love to do my blog with humor and silliness and hope you’ll smile or even maybe laugh out loud at some of my crazy ideas about every subject on earth. If I can do that, than I’ve done my tiny part to help the world spin in a kind and gentle direction.”

#12 Your Cat Blog

One of the best cat websites in the UK, the Your Cat blog comes from the creators of the UK’s bestselling cat magazine, Your Cat. This cat blog covers all subjects related to our furry friends, including health and behavior advice, cat growth charts, charity campaigns and rescue cats, and daily news updates from the world of cats. Our favorites are the Cat Breeds section as well as the Cat Craft section.

Environment And Travel Cat Blogs

#13 The Fluffy Kitty Blog

Created by couple Bri and Paul – along with their adopted cat Yoda – this blog covers topics related to being an eco-conscious cat owner. The blog provides resources and guidance for traveling with cats and recommendations for eco-friendly products. Whether you’re into traveling with your cat or simply want to reduce your carbon footprint as a cat owner, this blog is a great place to start.

#14 Traveling Cats

Maintained by Vanessa Morgan of Traveling Cats, this blog features photos of the cats Vanessa meets while traveling. She started in December 2013 when she realized she had more travel pictures of cats than anything else. The pictures she posts aren’t just of the cats – they also provide an impression of the cities and countries to which she’s traveled.

#15 The Kitty Cat Chronicles

This blog began when the writer started taking her cat Sophie, who has cerebella hypoplasia, on walks. Eventually the two started taking longer adventures together and came to be known as the KCC Adventure Team. The team has grown over the years and the blog shares their stories as well as information to help other cat owners learn to travel with their disabled cats.

#16 Outdoor Bengal

This blog features stories of Albert and Mia. Mia is a Bengal cat who began training and adventuring with her owner, Albert, in 2020. The two have traveled the world together and Albert has turned his blog into a resource for cat owners interested in adventuring with their cats. You’ll find a collection of free resources as well as product recommendations on this site.

Lifestyle And Humor Cat Blogs

#17 Simon’s Cat

Warning, death due to laughing may occur while visiting this page! Simon cat’s logic videos are absolutely hilarious. If you haven’t seen them yet you are missing out. The blogs consist of quick, animated films about Simon and his cat’s experience with everything from going to the vet to receiving a canine house guest. If you’re looking for laughs, you’ll find them here.

#18 The Purrington Post

Blogger Mouse led by the talented editor in chief the Purrington post is a fun, informative, humorous and often cheeky blog that celebrates cats of all types. Articles focus on cat behavior, cat lifestyle and inspiring feline stories. They’ve also added an online store filled with unique and memorable kitty toys and accessories. Cat lovers will find this blog definitely worth following!

#19 LoveMeow

Looking for heartwarming cat stories? They’re waiting for you at LoveMeow. This cat blog posts humorous, inspiring, and heartwarming stories about cats and their carers. In addition to their great website, Love Meow takes part in cat rescue events and community awareness.  They also aid in finding homes for abandoned cats. We recommend taking a look at the video section.

#20 Kitty Loaf

Kitty Loaf is an entertaining cat blog that showcases the best cat loaf of the day. But this website is more than just a collection of funny cat photos. The Savannah Cats behind the blog are renowned product testers that focus on finding the best top-quality, durable, cat-friendly products on the market.

#21 Feline Opines

Feline Opines is a blog with stories about anything and everything from a feline’s point of view. A lot of the posts are funny, whimsical and probably fictitious but there are some serious posts too, making this a very enjoyable blog.

#22 Purrfect Love

The Purrfect Love blog is dedicated to providing tips for cat care as well as fun facts and news articles. The blog team includes three cats – Brock, Yukio, and Fry. Here you’ll find blog posts and informative articles broken up into categories like Diet, Behavior, Care, and Facts.

Feline Behavior And Nutrition Blogs

#23 Little Big Cat

Little Big Cat is an informative blog written by a veterinarian and a cat behaviorist. It is bound to provide quality information on health, behavior and nutrition for both cats and dogs. It is founded on the vision to create public awareness on the right ways to raise cats and dogs and reduce the number of abandoned and stray cats.

#24 Feline Behavior Solutions

Feline Behavior Solutions is a blog by a cat behaviorist who develops personalized behavior and training plans for cats and their owners. The goal of the blog is to prevent cats from being abandoned, abused and surrendered to shelters by providing the necessary education to treat behavior problems.

#25 Feline Engineering

This blog is maintained by Jessica Char, an experienced animal behaviorist. Having spent years working with shelter cats, Jessica has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience that she shares with cat owners through her blog. Here you’ll find valuable information about interpreting cat behavior to help you become the best cat carer you can be.

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About Kate Barrington

Kate Barrington is a writer with over twelve years of experience in the pet industry. She is an NAVC-certified Pet Nutrition Coach and has completed coursework in therapeutic nutrition, raw feeding, and the formulation of homemade diets for pets at an accredited university. Kate enjoys cooking, reading, and doing DIY projects around the house. She has three cats, Bagel, Munchkin, and Biscuit.

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143 thoughts on “The 25 Best Cat Blogs You Should Know About”

    1. Adam

      Hi, what you think about this bad for cat?
      I hear it’s very comfortable for cat.
      I want to buy this but I don’t know is a good? placeforcat . com

    2. small mallory photoMallory Crusta

      Hi Adam, I don’t have all the details on this particular bed and it doesn’t have enough customer reviews to make a full assessment, but it looks like a cat-friendly design, assuming that the top actually stays up and doesn’t flop onto the cat inside. Also, I’d keep in mind that beds generally are not the strongest solution for anxiety in cats.

  1. Paul Manson

    Thank you for this list. I was looking for cat blogs and landed on your page. I will be looking forward to reading more of your work too, thanks.

  2. christophe liglet

    hi..i m a male cat lady..haha..all tattoed up with a mohawk, a french accent and 3 cats.
    i started making funny cat videos of one of them.. my 2 year old siamese boy..COCONUT..
    and somehow its creating a cool buzz on instagram..and facebook.
    they re all silly videos of me talking to him and saying stupid stuff
    he has a youtube channel as well..but i somehow dont really promote it..All are labeled as “coconut.. what are you doing?”.
    i d love to have your input.
    thx for your time

  3. Ryan

    Hi, great article, will definitely be adding a few of the sites to my favorites list. Please also have a look at my blog and maybe consider it for a future post. Thanks and keep up with the great work!

  4. Layla Morgan Wilde

    FYI, several on your list are not blogs but either websites affiliated with brands, a print magazine and a blog group which I belong to. Only three can be considered top blogs.

    1. Avatar photoAll About Cats

      Hi Layla,
      We really appreciate your opinion. Thank you for taking the time to comment on our top cat blogs article.
      I’m not really sure how you got to the conclusion that only three can be considered top blogs. We are already working on the 2017 article. We’re aiming to give independent cat bloggers a bigger exposure on the new article. If you would like to submit a guest post in order to introduce yourself to our community you’re more than welcome.

    2. Jukiea

      I agree with this. Most of these are more like magazines than a blog. I think a blog should show the cats personalities in their home, their humans reaction to it as well as their experiences together. Some in this list bring those traits in to the mix like sparklecat and Deziz world and those are great but you are leaving out a lot of very creative cat blogs. Check out, Herman at, or Binkies beautiful photos and insight at plus many others. In my opinion these should be in the top 10!

  5. Mitch

    Great! I just love cats! I guess these sites are worth checking out. Those little blob of fur are so so cute I lose myself when I’m with them. Thanks for this.

  6. Khalid

    I Love this post awww. The blogs are good enough thats one thing, but the names are amazing :p Purrington, Conscious Cats, Cats vs Human <3 Love the names.

    You can have a look at my site too: meowtee . com 🙂 I am sure, one day we will be in that list.

  7. Gabby The Tabby

    Simon’s cat is so great!!

    That guy gets it.

    We started an instagram for our Gabby and eventually decided to move into full on blogging. I’d love it if you’d stop by our little blog and leave a comment 🙂 Maybe give us some pointers?

  8. Valentine

    Thanks for sharing this list of great blogs! One can never talk too much about us cats! I welcome you to visit me at noirkittymews . com -Valentine

  9. Maggie

    Some wonderful choices here. My blog features cats available for adoption at PAWS in Norwalk CT. I try to present them in all their beauty and unique personalities. Please visit!

  10. Amber

    Awesome list! I love finding new cat blogs, as I’m a cat blogger myself. Do check out The Meow Place if you have the chance. 🙂

  11. Anshul Goenka

    Thank you for posting these great blogs! I am excited to join the dog blog community and am eager to read and enjoy and write and enjoy. It’s great to meet you.

  12. Usman Zubairy

    It is very informative post regarding Cat Blogs. Really beautiful to learn from here.
    My niche is not this but its really good to have this information.

  13. Doris

    greetings, CEO Shop Cat has something to meow about. Shop Cat is the boss at a TN manufacturing company, with 3 people under her, and 3 CNC machines she monitors on her shift. That is when she’s not napping or mousing.
    enjoy and
    maybe we can be considered for your future lists

  14. Gerard

    I really appreciate what you’re doing out here, it requires hard work and years of experience with pets to know all these things about them. I can’t deny the fact that we really share the same views regarding pets, as if I’m reading my own articles, again thank you for such new information.

  15. Cat Lover

    Thank you so much for sharing great blogs! I would like to share my blog too – . It is a new blog focussing on advices and DIY projects! Again thank you!

  16. Monika

    Thanks for the list, these blogs look great and very useful for the pet owners 🙂 I actually just started my own website with my colleague, I hope I will get to that level one day too 🙂

  17. Valentine

    Wow, thanks so much for including my blog in your list! (dancing in the air) I am humbled to be included! You’ve made my day! Purrs to everpawdy at We’re All About the Cats! Cheers and best wishes to all the pet blogs & pet bloggers on the internet today! Hugs!

  18. Loulou

    THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH FOR PUTTING MY BLOG ON YOUR LIST!!! I really didn’t have any idea about this until I received a comment from a reader who congratulated me. I love YOUR blog and read it all the time, and I’m so glad you like mine.
    Love from Loulou

  19. feedmykitten

    Woa, just knew your blog now. Didn’t have time to see all but the fist one “I have cat” is very interesting.
    Thank you so much, I will take time to read the rest.

    Btw, i’m wondering this is the list of 2016 or 2017?

  20. Jonah Jones

    Cats have certainly taken over the internet. Hardly surprising really.
    Some really great websites, blogs and social media accounts about cats have emerged over the last few years, with some superstars like Lil Bub, Grumpy Cat and Nala Cat dominating Instagram social.

    The interesting thing is that each of these ‘super cats’ was a rescue cat that was rescued and now living with people just like me and you.

    This just goes to show that a cat doesn’t has to be a pure bred or come from a wealthy family to make it big on the internet or to have their own website or blog. They just need that little bit of exposure and a friendly community, which cat lovers most certainly are.

  21. Chirpy Cats

    Hi there, nice compilation of top blogs. I have met the awesome ladies behind the blogs Noir Kitty Mews and Momma Cat and Her Bear Cat. We were all finalists within various pet blogging categories at the 2017 BlogPaws nose to nose awards. We hope you consider adding our blog for another compilation in 2018 🙂

  22. Monica Cat Blog

    I think the admin has collected a good cat blogs for cat lovers. This collection may need to be continued. I am always love to read such blog in the sense of comparison and getting some more knowledge

  23. mommakatandherbearcat

    We’d love for you to stop by. We’ve been finalists in three separate categories in BlogPaws’ Nose-to-nose Awards over the years (including Best Cat Blog last year with Noir Kitty Mews; and Lola this year in the Best Written Blog Post {sponsored} category). We’re always open to feedback! If you find us not up to snuff, I’d love to get feedback as to why! Thanks!

  24. Joy Butler

    For pet lovers, this is really an awesome animal blog page! I have a pet named Doggie, it’s a cross-breed of a police and german shepherd. I will also love to share our experiences with you guys. I bookmarked almost all of the links you have mentioned here and would surely visit them.

  25. Feline Opines

    Hello There,
    Our Purrsonal Assistant , the Female Human, just stumbled upon your site and MEOWZA were we honored to see our listing. We are mortified that she didn’t send a thank you not on our behalf sooner but you know, good help is hard to find (and she’s always on schedule when it’s treat time).

    Thank you so much for the shout out, We’’re busy felines, just published a book and have received a certificate of excellence from the Cat Writer’s Association. It’s a hard job, this blogging thing but some cat has to do it!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Tucker, Jasmine, Lily, Alberto & Oliver

  26. Lorre

    Thank you for mentioning the Savannah Cat in your information. Plus getting most all the information correct. There is so much information on Savannahs that is not right and I am finally glad to see you took the time to do the research and report correctly. The one thing I have seen over and over is that Savannahs and servals can jump 8 feet straight up is just not true. I live with servals and F1 Savannahs in my house and out in catios and that just doesn’t happen. They will, however, jump to the top of the refrigerator at an angle like any other cat, even a Munchkin with their short legs. The preferred path though is from a countertop.

    Several breeders got together and produced a non-profit site to attempt to communicate the correct info about Savannah cats. Would love to see more of your good information on Savannahs and servals to help us overcome the incorrect info.

  27. happy scratcher

    Great resources for cat parents! You a ton of valuable information at your fingertips.

    For more great advice and reviews on some of the best cat scratching posts visit us

  28. GoodMeows

    Wow! What a wonderful resource for cat lovers. I am so glad I found this list and have definitely bookmarked. As someone who has just begun her journey as a cat blogger I think it is important to read as much as you can so you always have ideas for new blog entries and keep up to date on all the news in the cat industry!

  29. Rachel Rossi

    What a fun and exciting way to read more into the life of cats! I love the cat centric innuendos throughout the blog, makes it enjoyable and very fun to read.

  30. Randy @ Emusements

    Thanks for the great list. My cat, Milo, has started blogging. He’s published just two posts so far, but as he is a chatty cat, I suspect he’s just getting started. You can check out his posts here:

  31. Brian Harvey

    When I started my blog on all things feline, I started it out of my passion for cats. I’ve been a cat parent as long as I remember myself. But I couldn’t expect is how nice, friendly and engaged the community of cat bloggers is! The more time I spend in it the more impressed I become. And this website, wwwallaboucats, has been a great inspiration for me, despite the domain name lol No, really, I love your blog guys. It’s a great example of what any cat blogger should aim for in terms of quality and value that you guys provide to your readers.

    Warm hugs,

  32. Tristen Wallace

    Hey guys, this has been such an awesome source for exploring the other great cat blogs that are out there! If you are considering doing a “2020 Cat Blog review”, could you check out my cat blog and possibly consider it for the next list that you make? I just went live last month but will be covering a wide range of lifestyle topics for the modern-day cat owner.

  33. Victoria

    This is a great list! If you are considering a 2020 list, please check out it is written from my cat Archer’s perspective about being on a diet.

  34. Dan

    Hey, thanks for the article. Just wanted to add my blog as well, in case you decide to make another list of sites about cats I would love to be included:

    All the best!

  35. Bill Whitaker

    Somebody Please help me. I have two inside cats and about two weeks ago one of them started acting strange like she was very scared of something on the floor. Within two days she would not get on the floor unless it was absolutely necessary, she has gotten to the point where she wont even get on the floor to eat until she extremely hungry. I thought maybe fleas at first so I sprayed the carpet but no difference. Then I found a lizard in the house and figured that’s the problem and I removed it, that was not the problem. ( Around the same time, we had a small dog that was very sick and we had to have her put down), For an example, for the last two weeks while in my bedroom, she would be on my bed and go to my desk and then my dresser and then to the entertainment center then another dresser then back to my bed and finally back to my desk, (all without touching the floor) where she would rub on me and lay down on her back for a moment then more head rubs to the point that I don’t want any more, its almost like she hasn’t seen me for a day or two. My other cat is the same way but not quite as bad. Can you give me some suggestions on what to try or can you forward this to someone that might be able to help.
    Thank you for your time,

  36. Yvonne

    Hi Mallory,

    You really have a nice blog ?
    Would be great if you can add our blog as well :

    Kind regards and keep up the good work,

    Stay Safe!

  37. Veronika

    Lots of great new blogs to discover! I also blog about cats, would love to be featured in a future follow-up if possible!

  38. Holly

    Hi Mallory! What an incredible list all in one place. I am bookmarking your site and this blog post so that I can show some love to each of you! I love discovering new (to me) blogs that share our love of felines!

    I’d love for you to stop by my blog at some time! It makes my day when others share their experiences and stories with us! If you enjoy your stay, I’d be honored to be considered for one of your top kitty blogs

    Sending blessings to you and yours. I hope each of you are happy, well and blessed!

  39. Layla Morgan Wilde

    Please do a proper update. The description from my website Cat Wisdom 101 hasn’t been updated since 2016. I’m a cat expert and author not professor. I no longer do product reviews but my blog has entertained, educated and enlightened cat lovers since 2011.

  40. Hayley

    Thanks for compiling all the 38 websites, it will be very handy for those cat owners. I wonder will you be updating this post next year, to re-compile or increase the no of cat blogs listed? I hope you can consider topcatbreeds . com as well. Thanks and hope we have the chance to collaborate in the future.

  41. Ethan Connor

    Wow, so amazing post of cat and please keep posting such wonderful facts. I was searching a pet cat and I hope your post will be more helpful for me. I have also ordered some toys, soft beds from Nandog Pet Gear for my new pet.

  42. rach molar

    This cat grooming kit is a good helper when your pet have a grooming, various tools make it easy to meet your different needs for cat care, such as bathing, massaging, grooming the hair, nail trimming or other grooming needs.

  43. cher

    I just want to share what i think is a SUPER food for almost All
    cats!! I buy cans of wild salmon at Walmart ( i like the 14 oz sizes)
    i rinse the salmon and mush it up for my 5 rescues….they all
    love it….its a good value compared to small cans of friskies…and
    i also eat the salmon!!

  44. Eva Lawrence

    That’s a pretty comprehensive list. I used to rely on PetMD, PetCareRx, and Petco for any pet-related info, but thanks to this blog, I have so many more references. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
