Seattle’s First Cat Cafe Opens, Take 2

Hello to everyone here at Katzenworld! Thank you to Marc-Andre for adding me as a contributor; I am thrilled that I’m going to be able to share my cat photography on here with all you cat lovers. We already had one great post by Meandering with Misha about the cat cafe but because everyone here is so excited about this new place, here’s my take (as modified from my blog post).

I can’t tell you how happy I am that my city of Seattle just got its first cat cafe, Seattle Meowtropolitan, having opened its doors just recently on Boxing Day (that’s 12.26.15). I first met the savvy entrepreneurs behind it, Matt and Andrew, about a year ago now, over coffee (of course) to simply talk cats. And finally the cafe is open!!

Because we have been in touch ever since, to talk about rescue cats, my photography, and well, cats in general, I was lucky enough to get an early invite to check out the new cafe. I hope you can get a good idea as to how fabulous it is from my images…

20151218 Seattle Meowtropolitan Soft Opening Blog Board 1

There are several cities in the U.S. that have cat cafes (the closest to us is Portland) and I know that Seattle has been waiting with baited breath for this for a while now. London has long been envied, having Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium. No more waiting! I say bring it on…

You must make paid reservations, so that the the main room with the cats isn’t overloaded with people, and the cats aren’t overwhelmed (the only waiting people may still have to do). The main area is fantastic: spacious, lots of light (perfect for photos!), with the glorious center play column for the cats, with woodwork that I so wish I could have in my own home for my cats. The carved-out silhouettes of cats and all the runways would have Jackson Galaxy so impressed. It’s absolutely beautiful carpentry. Even the flooring is beautiful, complete with a few painted swirling cats and the cafe logo. All I think they need now is some stunning cat imagery on the walls (ahem!).

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The adoptable cats come from Regional Animal Services of King County, and there were 3 kitties that were really busy when I was there (including the tuxedo model kitty you see here, Penguin), and they are all free to move about as they please. Within reason… The front coffee ordering area and the main cat/play area is separated by double doors, so the old ‘I don’t want cat hair in my coffee’ is a moot point. I honestly don’t think you’d be coming there in the first place if that is your concern anyway. At this point in my life, who knows how much cat hair I’ve inadvertently swallowed!

My cat macaron was delish, my iced Americano with caramel (I drink iced drinks all year round!) tasted ‘Herkimer’ good, but all I was left wanting was a wish that the cafe was closer to me so I can come more often. I’ll be back, and I hope all you Seattle cat fans get to go, as well as those who visit from afar. I also hope it means some kitties get adopted through the cafe; the ones that I met that day were definitely working it. The business model presents a double-edged sword though: they want great cats acclimated enough to host the coffee guests, but with the concept of it being a great way to show off why they should be adopted, there will be a turnover of kitties.

I don’t think you need to feel guilty about going to have your coffee and hang out with the cats; it may seem a luxury, but this is the perfect place especially for those who can’t have a cat where they live at present, or who are missing a feline friend who is far away or who has passed away. Cats are the most honest coffee date you will ever have, they are endlessly entertaining, and pretty quiet. And funny, and well, you know the rest. Drop me a line if you make it in there!

The location in Wallingford is 1225 N. 45th St.; just off Stone Way. 

Open: 11 am – 3 pm, 4 pm – 9 pm  Closed Mondays 

**If you’d like to see more of my cat photography, come and visit me over at K.A.Moore Photography. I’m a transplanted Brit living in Seattle, and I’m primarily a pet photographer, specializing in cat photography. I photograph a ton of rescue kitties to get them their new homes, and love the never-ending challenge. I hope to see you!!

“Time spent with cats is never wasted.” ~ Sigmund Freud

62 thoughts on “Seattle’s First Cat Cafe Opens, Take 2

    • kamoorephoto says:

      You can always have your coffee and bakery item in the cafe side before going in to see the cats, if you’re really worried about that. But honestly? This place is spotless so unless you’re brushing kitty next to your coffee, you’ll be fine.

      • BunKaryudo says:

        Nah, I was just kidding. I live in an apartment that doesn’t allow pets, but I had cats, dogs, and all sorts of other things when I was a child. I never quite got to the point of sharing my ice cream cone with any of them, but a little bit of hair doesn’t bother me. The cafe genuinely does sound great for people like me who love animals but have little chance to be around them in daily life. 😀

        • kamoorephoto says:

          Definitely! I spoke to an older couple there and asked them what brought them in, and they said it was because their own cat had passed away some time back, and didn’t feel right getting another yet, what with doing a lot of traveling (this is the same with my own mom). I would feel the same way if I couldn’t have my own animals at home… I think it’s a great way to have a little hang out time with a cat or two.

  1. kim881 says:

    I hope this idea will catch on in the UK. I once went to a pub where the cat, who they said was always unfriendly to customers, sat on my lap and purred the whole time I was there!

  2. threechattycats says:

    So wish I lived closer so I could see this in person! Perhaps I will make a special visit to Seattle just to see it! 🙂 Wonderful photography as well. I will definitely be checking out your kitty photos.

    • kamoorephoto says:

      Thank you!! Please do. You will find a huge amount of adorable cats on my site…
      And Seattle is definitely worth a visit for many reasons; now you just got one more 🙂
      Hope to chat with you more!

  3. Pan says:

    Awesome idea.. Wonder if anyone will think to ask Ted Nugent to play Cat Scratch Fever at one of the cafes.. bad pun, but I bet it would be great publicity..

    • kamoorephoto says:

      These kitties were too well behaved for any scratching! And you probably wouldn’t get a Seattle cafe to play Ted Nugent. Maybe Sonic Youth’s ‘Purr’ is more like it?

      • terrepruitt says:

        San Jose, CA. Yes. All of the cats at the cafe were up for adoption. I think in the short time they were opened they adopted out 50 cats. The place was really cute, but it was meant to be a temporary location so they didn’t do a lot with the property. And we ended up with two SUPER SWEET cats! (Sisters.)

        And, it looks as if a lot of work went into the one in Seattle.

        The one in San Jose was really a big hit so they are working on getting another one.

        • kamoorephoto says:

          Oh, it was only a temporary thing? Sounds like it was a success at least. I’m so glad you ended up with two amazing kitties!
          Yes, a lot of work went into Seattle Meowtropolitan; it actually started as a Kickstarter campaign and they did a lot of research into what would work well for the rescue cats. They also did a ‘pop-up’ event, which I did a post on (
          to test out how popular it would be.
          I hope it stays a great success!!!

          • terrepruitt says:

            It was just temporary. Ya know, I never really asked WHY that was the plan all along because every time I talked to the creators I was always so focused on how to keep it going. They are still helping to adopt out the cats that they had when it closed. I think they are up to 52 adoptions now. And, yes, I did get two amazing girls. They are sooooo sweet!

            Seattle Meowtropolitan – hilarious. The cat cafes always have such cute names!
            I do remember the women that started the cafe here didn’t want to do any “funding” type of deal. It was all their own funds. I think they did learn through this little pop-up that it was a great success, but last I heard they were looking at how to make it even MORE successful so that it could be permanent.

            I hope Seattle Meowtropolitan stays successful. I am sure you writing/posting about it helps a lot!

            Super cute pictures of the cats in the first post!

            Oh, I must go, someone beckons!

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  5. tokyo5 says:

    Oh! America has ???? (cat cafes)? The idea started here in Japan, I believe.
    Japan has cat cafes, dog cafes, owl cafes, snake cafe (and others, such as maid cafes), etc.

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