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Fishing Log 78: Last Fish of Endwalker

So! It's script farming time and the last fishing trip of the Endwalker expansion. This was not my fishing expansion... here's to Dawntrail!

I started in Limne 3-β of Ultima Thule, my first time really fishing under the stars! I caught new (3) E.B.E. -9318, (2) Wormhole Worm, (2) Triana, (1) Horizon Event, (1) Unbegotten, and (3) Unidentified Flying Biomass. 12 fish, 6 new.

Next, I headed to Limne 3-α, and caught new (3) Argonaut, (2) Echinos, and also (2) Triania. It was such a nice location, looking beyond out to a star I remember forming a long time ago, and the remains of a memory of an ancient city. 7 fish, 2 new.

I stopped by the Abode of the Ea- also to fish at the same-named fishing hole. I caught new (3) Katoptron and, (2) Protoflesh. 5 fish, 1 new.

I went to Limne 18 after, catching new (1) Sophos Deka-okto, (2) Alien Mertone, and also, (2) Unidentified Flying Biomass, and (3) Wormhole Worm. 8 fish, 2 new.

After, I headed to Apohelos 18-α, and caught new (2) Star Eater, (2) Eehs, Forhnesh, and (2) Superstring. 6 fish, 3 new.

Apohelos 18-β was next on my list, and I caught new (1) Glassfish, and also (1) Superstring. 2 fish, 1 new

At Apohelos 18-γ, I caught new (1) Cosmic Noise and (1) Star Eater. 2 fish, 2 new.

Lastly, I discovered The Wellspring of Regret and caught new (3) Aoide, (1) Comet Tail and also (4) Katopron, (4) Protoflesh. 12 fish, 2 new.

I accidentally went to the wrong hole for the script fish, stopping by Apohelos 18-β and catching (1) Star Eater and (2) Glassfish before realizing my error. 3 fish

At Apohelos 18-α, I caught new (6) Ypupiara, (9) Dragonscale, and (15) Superstring, (26) Star Eater, (14) Eehs Forhnesh. 1 new fish and 70 overall

Overall I caught, 21 new fish, and 127 overall! A nice finish.

I'll make an achievement log in 2 days for the end of Endwalker!




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