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Ninja Skills descriptions (Japanese Backgrounds?)

双刃旋 Spinning Edge
双 = twin.
刃 = edge.
旋 = spin.

残影 Shade Shift
残 = left, leave.
影 = shadow, shade.
残影 indicates "move quickly as like leaving shadow".

風断ち Gust Slash
風 = wind
断ち = divide. Often it means cutting or slashing.

かくれる Hide

終撃 Assassinate
終 = end.
撃 = blow.

投刃 Throwing Dagger
Throwing Dagger.

ぶんどる Mug
Mug? Mug mug...

だまし討ち Trick Attack
I can't remember which is Trick attack or Sneak attack.

旋風刃 Aeolian Edge
旋風 = whirlwind.

喉斬り Jugulate
I didn't know the word "Jugulate".
"To cut the throat of a person or an animal."
Oh, it's just 喉斬り.

天の印 Ten
印 = sign.
天 = heaven.
Ninja uses Ninjutsu by forming "sign".
In ff14, it is described as "Ten", "Chi" and "Jin".
In NARUTO, somehow it's complicated, it is described as Zodiac sign, "Ne", "Ushi", "Tora", and so on.

忍術 Ninjutsu
忍 is who endure and have patience.

地の印 Chi
地 = land, earth.

影牙 Shadow Fang
影 = Shadow
牙 = Fang

縮地 Shukuchi
縮 = shrink
地 = land or earth, however, in this case "distance" is preferable.
縮地 is a technique to quick moving, it seems as if the distance is shrunk.

血花五月雨 Death Blossom
血花 is flower of blood.
五月雨 is "rain in May", or early summer rain.
五月雨 also has meaning "on and off", "intermittently".

人の印 Jin
It is said that heaven does not create one man above or below another man.
Jin is between Ten and Chi.

活殺自在 Kassatsu
活殺 = Living and killing
自在 = Freely.
活殺自在 means that "I can kill you anytime".

煙玉 Smoke Screen
Ninja often uses Smoke Screen to run away.

強甲破点突 Armor Crush
強甲 = strong armor
破 = crush
点 = point
突 = thrust

影渡 Shadewalker
渡 = pass
I pass my shadow to you.

一双 Duality

夢幻三段 Dream Within a Dream

口寄せの術:大蝦蟇 Summon big toad
Summon big toad is derived from Ninja Jiraiya自来也, who is a fictional thief / ninja appearing in the latter half of the Edo period..
Jiraiya exterminated the big toad, then he uses the big toad as his summon monster.

六道輪廻 Rikudo Rinne
Rikudo is a world filled with six types of suffering, such as things that are lost in Buddhism circulate.
輪廻 is Reincarnation.
Life(or spirit) will change these six boundaries.

天地人 Ten-chi-jin

風魔手裏剣 Fuma Shuriken
Fuma is one of famous Ninja name, and their Shuriken is 風魔手裏剣.
風魔手裏剣 is very big one (Normal shuriken is handy size)

火遁の術 Katon
雷遁の術 Raiton
氷遁の術 Suiton
風遁の術 Huton
土遁の術 Doton
水遁の術 Suiton
遁 means "run away", so 遁術 is means to run away.
Because ninja is not combatant, but scout.
They have to live and get back to their base with information for battle.
I think "Huton" is to be spelled "Futon", however,
"Futon" in Japanese evokes Futon for bed space 布団.

月遁血祭 Chimatsuri
Moon Blood Festival!




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