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Something something PVP...something something PVP

IF you play PVP what is your Favorite job to use for Frontline and why? OR are you tentative about trying PVP?

Little bit of my Story of diving into the PVP

I Haven't been playing for all that long, like so many I had ZERO interest in the Salt and stigma associated with PVP. Then one day I tried it, experienced the Salt, the absolute MURDER of my character and thought...I enjoy this. You're most likely thinking, you Stupid F&*# how can you enjoy getting stomped on repeatedly, and willingly? Well, first off I'm a glutton for punishment and hardheaded as hell. SO I chose violence and decided I'd focus on healing first to learn. And YES, healers are THE PRIMARY focus( of good teams anyhow,) but I figured what better way to learn than to try and be useful.
After learning White mage was very "User friendly" I did a little bit of research, joined a discord PVP focused Group "The Revival" and started to PVP. I got eviscerated over and over again, but slowly started holding my own. Do I suck? Yep. Is it still fun? YES. Have I tried Tanking/Healing/Dps yes! Do I recommend everyone try it? YES!!

-EXP: IF you win, your PVP roulette is on par with LONG ASS Msq ROULETTE! Catch of course being RNG with kind of team you get whether you win or not...so keep that in mind. Other plus side being, you load in on say...Gunbreaker, then quickly switch to Bard because you main Bard. After the match is over your GUNBREAKER receives the experience while you were pew dewing away on bard :D
-Various Hair Styles/ Minions/ a Mount/ using your wolf Marks
Certain Achievements ( after winning a specified amount of wins) mounts and cool titles are unique to PVP and cool
Albeit they haven't changed in quite some time, (hopefully new stuff comes out soon!) some of the glam from the PVP is very nice!
speaking of Glam, if you are working on your Desynth, take the level 50/60 stuff purchased with your wolf marks and desyth it into Desyth EXP :D Excellent way to level up quite a few desyth.
Overall if the rewards are not enough, I'd tell you that just the simple cluster F**$ of many players riding around pretending to do "Objectives" but really waiting to pounce on each other like a big boned child does on a slice of chocolate cake is a quasi adrenaline pumping experience. Either being part of the steam roll group flattening the other alliance like a cluster of locust do a Corn Crop mid-west or somehow escaping the swarm of blood thirsty over confident Battle High Five Hellions diving in for the easy kills.You can't help but to find yourself invested in the outcome, if even in the smallest way. It becomes strangely enticing. It is like watching a horror film, you know there will be horror, you know they will most likely make you jump but you WANT to jump, you want to feel your pulse racing. PVP CAN be like that. OR it can be Infuriating because half your alliance are dancing at the base..or worse feeding the other team because they give zero F*ç*$ and there for the "Experience". Are there other games with better PVP modes? I'm sure there are. Does FFXIV have a perfect PVP selection? Not sure, as this is my personal ONLY PVP experience. I pay for a subscription for this game so this is the only game I can vouch for...it's FUN. Flawed...but FUN!

SO back to my original question, IF you've tried PVP what was your favorite job to use?Why? And if you tried it, did you just get bored because you are one of those computer wizards with amazing reflexes that dominated the field and retired with 5,000 kills in two games and posted how FFXIV PVP sucks...or did it just simply not appeal to you personally? I'm curious is all, as I avoided PVP like the plague for so many years and wish I had experienced it back in 2.0 and the various variants leading to the upcoming variation(s) coming soon™




I think bard or machinist is the best class for pvp unless SE twitched this classes again.

Goddess Hekate

Ultros [Primal]

I loved pvp in wow, it was my primary focus. I don't really care for it in ffxiv, but I will do it. I usually go in as whm as I usually healed as priest in wow so it was similar feeling to me. I dislike the pvp actions, i want my normal skills damn it lol

I didn't know that any the job change exp thing!!! Thank you for that!

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

The brightness, the BRIGHTNESS Man! I'm going blind! :O

WHM man, ALL the way. Kick ass, take names, and stay alive doing it! ;p
Oh, and keep OTHERS alive to kick ass too!

But honestly, it ALL depends on your team mates and if they will actually be an um......team. ;p

If they work together doing what they are good at, they dominate.

If everyone just tries to do their own thing, the company get slaughtered be the teams that DO do team tactics properly.

so in short, it's a crapshoot. LOL

Lolo Menehune

Siren [Aether]

@Yuki: Both of those ranged, especially Mach is reallllly good. Bard for those just starting out is highly recommended.
@Goddess: Never played WOW, almost feel like I missed out sometimes by some of the comments I've read over the years : ( BUT, I love Frontlines for the massive cluster it is, and ironically the simplified buttons are so smooth!! Everything 90 you need as a 30 are available!
@Anna: YOUR teammates are EVERYTHING. Unless you have an awesome shot caller it's a wrap. Loss



Yoon'mae Ri-se

Malboro [Crystal]

First of all, I’m a deep Scorpio ♏️ sometimes vengeance in me get personal. I would even kill you when you’re attempting to hide and use potions. Simply put, I can get vindictive.

Second, my fav job to use in pvp is machinist. Keep them from pushing the Crystal, and not be so helpless I have no disadvantage in the role, and I can prolong any fight to lower my opponent’s defenses and stay objective.

Ren Silverstar

Siren [Aether]

It took 8 years, but I'm FINALLY actually doing PVP for fun, heh. Rival Wings, specifically. I'm not really good enough at fighting other players to enjoy any other modes, but RW has other things you can do. And I'm slowly learning how to kill my fellow WOLs, and how to not die myself, heh.




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