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An Urban Fantasy visual novel that explores romance within a dangerous paranormal community · By Steamberry Studio

Loved it!

A topic by sheid created Nov 03, 2023 Views: 132 Replies: 1
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Thanks for making this fantastic game. I loved reading the fae mythology, and seeing your take on werewolves and vampires in a 'real world' setting. I was really drawn in by your writing and characters, and I'd seriously put up with the frequent risk of apocalypses to be friends with the paranormal mysteries club!

I've played through most of the endings, and I really appreciated the differing reactivity and inner monologue depending on how you're playing through.

Thanks for all your hard work on this one!


Thanks for leaving a sweet comment! I'm happy to hear you enjoy the game. It's been a while but comments like these make me feel a bit of nostalgia for the Paranormal Mysteries gang. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)