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A member registered Jul 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

with the icon too that's so sick and twisted you're so fucked up

Hey, I was wondering how you did the player character with 4 colors and transparency? Just sprite stacking?

I think anybody with a love or respect for RPGmaker as the sub-genre that it is should play this. I think it would be hard not to get something out of it.

Undertale 2 is so genuinely, consistently good its fucking unreal. The pacing is super tight throughout and it was a LONG playthrough for me, like 18 hours (with a lot of dawdling admittedly) and keeping things entertaining for so long in an RPGmaker game is something I consistently see games struggle with if they decides to go much longer than 3 or 4 hours.

The game oozes charm from every possible angle. You might bounce off of the comedy at times but I found it funny throughout, and I don't think you could deny the amount of effort that went into every part of the game. Almost every enemy has multiple things to talk about, there's so much side content to do, and the title screen will randomly display items and keep track of a combo meter incase it displays the same item again in a row. That's all to say theres a psychotic amount of love put into this.

The combat is pretty good too, character gimmicks, Tag-Team move combos and just... so many unexplained status effects keep things interesting. Being able to stack like 6 or 7 buffs on one character and destroy a boss always feels good, and it never feels like just mashing attack 4 times is the best thing you could be doing like in some older stuff I've played. 

This also probably has one of the best fishing minigames I've played, like the tangible rewards from it coming in handing with the games superboss is more than I can give most typical rewards, but its actually fun to play which is ALSO more than I can give typical fishing minigames.

I genuinely think this game has the chops to be considered an RPGmaker great but sadly I haven't seen many people talk about it. The game is a joke front and center and jokes aren't going to be taken seriously, and that's a shame when the joke is one of the better things I've played this year.

---Some Spoilers--------

Sticking the landing from Ultra Parody to a story that is actually going somewhere and came from somewhere is so impressive after all the bits and gags the game is built on, there's so much game here. I wish and hope that Cai Digamma could stand next to the Brads or Phillips or Batters of the RPGmaker world but it's almost sad that I don't think the game CAN eclipse being "Undertale 2", but maybe that's okay. It's meta on multiple levels even within the game, it is what it is. Maybe the real Undertale 2 was the friends we made along the way.

Thanks Zizou make more cool stuff because I'm here for it.

(4 edits)

Very nice game, reminded me of old side-scrolling adventure games while being decently modernized, cute and fun. 

I couldn't find a nice map online anywhere, so I made one myself. This is probably more elaborate than it needed to be because I was going to put together a guide on Steam, but I need to own the game on Steam to do that, lol. Spoilers!