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A member registered Oct 14, 2017 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

Hey, I could add a Polish translation if that's something that you'd be interested in!

cute and fun

I love this artstyle. The take on the story also seems really interesting. Good job! Can't wait for more.

it was really  really cute, good jobbb

Loved it.

A really nice game! Loved the art style and cute gameplay!

I'd have a suggestion tho,  could you please add the controls menu in case one of the buttons (like in my case rmb) didn't work? 

Well... interesting!

Found a bug. While playing Ben and trying to enter one of the rooms, it switches to Wesley's route.

coot m8

What are the controls? I kept on pushing every single button and nothing happpened.

Short, but nice! I wish we got the princess tho

Short, but nice! I wish we got the princess tho

Oh man I love this

I think that the part where boys are sitting in the room is pretty boring, like a sprite could be added or something else, translation has mistakes, I also have a little problem with the aesthetic. But the rest is absolutely fine. I liked the story, the characters and music. And endings. So keep up the good work!