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A member registered 89 days ago

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One Ear Jerio is everything, One Ear Jerio is love, One Ear Jerio is life

Please make episode 2 please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please 

why the monster.. kinda.. hot?



I need lobotomy

It was fun

I would cry so much if the main character's gf died.. they should be protected by all cost

I liked the dear ^^

Keep up the good work!

I'll never forget you for creating a game that reminds me how bad of a driver I am haha. I was great, loved it

pls someone reply when the full version comes out

That is so good! Love the game, second level is so so amazing, that I want to be reborn within it I sweaar. However, the saving progress of the game is really bad, one day I hav all of dreams umlocked, and then bam, GONE. Sooo yea, mayby its just me thing but I hope you will find a way to fix it.

I become the spaghet, the ultimate being, now I can feel peace.

bone apple teeth


password is 4167

I killed her first time around

yea me to, but its still fun to watch Markiplier of SuperHorrorBro play it

I'm becoming the biggest fan of Mike Klubnika work, I love the style, this 1984 vibe, soviet architecture.

There is no 'ending' ending, not cutscene, no nothing. I this if there was that would be more fun. Oh and dialogs are to small and one color doesn't do great job at telling who is talking at the moment


This is simple amazing, the first game was also fire!!

How many ending it have?

Ahhh I loved it so much, I even thought of becoming an exorcist haha

Love the style

Love the style

yea I lost hope for another update

(1 edit)

Help me... I've been making tea for 11 days now.. please, somebody, just help me..

This have all the goods and the autor haven't used expensive stuff, just the free or accessible things. You don't have to have huge budget for a game, just time, passion and talent.

Ah so good, so very good. Loved it from start to finish. Made me nostalgic about time I didn't know I missed. 

I got Doki Doki flashbacks from one of the questions. Very nice game

The way I almost shit my pants is amazing and also very fuckin' scary

Ah yess, the perfect atmosphere and scares

OOhh soo goo

Loved it so so much. Art is 10/10, puns on point, music very cute and the whole game is amazing all together. But why so short 😣😭

Short and sweet, only if It had more creepy vibe I would absolutely adored it.