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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was chilling and hard to play. I cut some of the recording until I found the true ending (Route C). Really weird one.

huuu this voice acting. How am I supposed to melt.... More, please!

I mean, can't you let them figure things on their own? Why do I have to be their caddie?! They can move, they can talk, they can go get their photo in the cave. Naaaa.

Do I even have the words...? I miss you.

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I'm glad this VN appeared in my feed or else I would have missed it! Coming from a religious family where being of that religion is not even questioned and leaving would bring shame to the family, I... understand. So much was said in less than 1,000 words! New-to-me game dev, I'll check more of your work! That was really good. 

It's pretty much 2048 but in pixel art and with trees. The animations were a light bit too bouncy for my eyes and the icons are not distinct enough to make it enjoyable for a long period of time, but it's a neat concept!

I will play every single game this creator has / will ever make. Resonates too closely. Pure art. Impure art. Just yes.

This was raw. This was good. It made me want to make art.


TW: jerking off (mentioned, not described or seen) This was really good. About anger. Summer heat. Jerking off. Tomorrow.

I really loved the pencil art style, the animations, and the feeling of nostalgia in this game. I hope someday they will come back and clean this up, it's not good to let all these tires rot away in nature... PS: If you want the translation, let me know in the comments :)

I want to play and record more queer and anti-fascists games. This one is amazing! PS: if you are interested in an English translation, let me know!

The animations were SOOOOO good! And the music! And the diversity! And the real talks about being more inclusive (disability, intersex...)! This was amazing! And I LOVE that I was able to throw glitter at everything and everyone haha! PS: You can play the game in French or English ;)

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I played Giving Yourself Away. Twice. Then I checked the creator's page and played this one. They're French. They know le minitel. I stroke gold.

This was incredible. The first time (when I recorded it and all the dialogues were glitchy), and the second time when I re-recorded it (and the letters don't move away and fly from the box). This feel like home. Growing up in a place where there are few jobs, and most jobs are like that, it felt real. It is how it happens. The mono syllables. The Sport. The humor. The weirdness and never safe-ness. Impressive.

Omg I feel like a fan getting super excited every time you release new content huhuhu. This is such a good feeling haha! Excited for it! 

Did you see this cute squishy bun on the thumbnail? How could I NOT click and play this game! I was directly set in the mood by the good soundtrack and loved this little adventure. 

4 stars! (minus 1 star for promoting bird shops and using birds for your own business). I love the brain of this creator (nonetheless) and will check more of their work! That was fun!

Do I understand what I just played? Not at all. Sarcastic? Weird? Uncomfortable? Yep, yep, yep! PS: I did try the route with the teacher and this was... not what I expected (nor recorded here).

The art from the thumbnail was so good I had to try this game. No idea it was a horror game. No idea baguettes could taste so good in a video game. Loved it! Very intrigued by what else you can make!

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I’ve started a new habit of playing a printed TTRPG every morning after breakfast. (it’s been two days!). I printed Into the Forest yesterday and it was my immediate pick this morning! I loved it! 5 stars! (Even better when I discovered I’m supporting our queer community!!)

Why do I like it so much: great setup, clear instructions, great prompts, including map and reference sheet at the end. It allows you to do multiplayer (cooperative or PvP) or solo mode, and offers several scenarios to pick why you go into the forest. And I was able to make it back home safely, which is nice 🙂 

I loved it so much that I decided to transcribe my notes to Miro, so you can all have a feel of the game! It was fun!

How to describe this game? A walking simulator with a few handles to find to open the final room? A world of birds and cage? The acute realization when the game ends of what you've done? See for yourself:

Amazingly evocative story made under 500 words for the Neo-Twiny Jam. What's a synonym for evocative? So expressive, moving, haunting. It makes me want to play every game this dev has ever made and play all of their favorites. There is something about the mind of this creator... Truly amazing!

I crashed the game in the first few minutes, so if you want to a see a more linear exploration of the game, start at [02:23] haha! Very beautiful art and concepts. Exactly what I wanted to do this morning :).

This is one of the best games I've played in years. period. I'm speechless by how good it was! PS: As a player, you control when the text appears.

The game was so short I played it twice in under a minute. I think it is meant to be played more slowly. I really enjoyed the arrangement of the text and imagery combined with the soundtrack of the rain. It was very lovely :)

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OMG I've been there and this game was so realistic! I really felt like I was pitching this tent under that tree, while forgetting what poles and pegs are haha. Loved it!

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A super cool game about blocking fascists from being elected! And the ending track is amazing!! Loved it!

This is a poetic recollection of a four-year marriage that ended. I liked it a lot and it made me want to play more bitsy games! 

Very, very nice art and animations on this one! New kind of game that made me think in a new way (I love spatial puzzles!). Fun!

I used the game randomizer on and this was the first result! I could legit spend hours listening to this song. I love it so much!

I played this game back in March 2021 and I remember I was SOOO impressed by it (art, story, design, sound effects....) that I decided to pause the recording and continue playing it with my friends... which never happened. The game is now complete -- yaaaay!!! So I'll try to go back to it some day!

This was SO MUCH FUN! Wow! I jumped into the game without knowing anything about it (no idea it was about cars, money or stealing --I clicked too fast haha) and I had a BLAST! The writing is so good, the characters so annoyingly believable, and there's a lot of options to choose from for each crucial crossroad. I'll definitively be playing part 4 when it's out! Love it! Keep it up!

Another great recommendation from lnmmnl's playlist!

I played and recorded this game back in July 2020 and completely forgot to upload it! A poetic story about a crow exchanging different items with the people in the city. Rewatching my recording makes me want to play every game the Mojiken Studio has ever made!

Wow, I played and recorded this game 4 years ago (July 2020) and for some reasons I completely forgot to release it! So here it is! I think I was too impatient for this game haha. Side scrolling Shoot 'Em Up. 

I made it to the first boss! And died... haha!

I have no idea why I couldn't get the game to display full screen, so you get some the UI on the right side corner haha. Very neat game, love the art style, the design, and the sound effects. Very pleasant. I'd play it again! 

Tenalatro is a tetris-like puzzle where you can place pieces anywhere on the board to complete lines. I decided to check what was the latest published puzzle on and that was the game! I liked it, but the sound effect of a completed line really throws me off and I wish it could be changed. Other than that, cool game! 

This was not what I expected, but I liked it!

I discovered this game thanks to lnmmnl's playlist "IFs that I hold dearly" and I'm glad I did! 

PS: Discovered this game thanks to lnmmnl's playlist "IFs that I hold dearly".