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A member registered Nov 22, 2021

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A bit counterintuitive that you needed to drag all the way to the edge of the screen. Cute idea, cute game.

Great game, but I don't love the gimmick of rerolling. You might get a perfect roll, only to be forced to discard it almost immediately because you need to change your purchases, class, skills, etc. And then spend an unknown amount of time rerolling over and over until you get close enough to the desired stats. Repeat for nearly every objective. I think it would be much less annoying if the player was given more adjustment points to play with.

I really like the story element. It's reminiscent of a lot of other fantasy stories, like dragonlance or legend of dragoon (not related to dragons afaik, that's a coincidence). But even though it is familiar, it's well-written, and it's nice to have actual characters and dialog etc., which is becoming more rare these days.

You can skip much of the dialog, but it is important to at least scan for important information so you know what you're supposed to be doing, or how you're intended to accomplish a task.

Fun game. I look forward to to the rogue-lite elements.

There's an odd behavior I noticed in the "Assasin's Path" effect - the armor penetration had very little effect until I got close to 100%. I went from doing ~80 dmg to ~300 from 60-100%. I'm guessing the armor damage reduction doesn't scale linearly, but it's frustrating to have that effect do almost nothing until you can stack enough armor pen.

Also, once you do get that effect near 100%, that makes Shredding Flames useless. Since Assassin's Path has the additional effect of executing enemies on low life, I'd suggest maybe adding a different secondary effect to Shredding Flames as well so it will still do something even if you have both effects. IMO Shredding Flames is stronger especially at lower levels, so if there is some secondary effect it shouldn't be too strong.

I also ran into some situations where the turrets "lowest only" option caused them to cease shooting altogether. I'm not sure if it was because these meteors were merging too fast, or what. It may have been a graphical issue only, I really don't know. It happened around lvl 50 and again around lvl 70. But this had little to no impact on gameplay.

Without an autoclicker it was very hard to upgrade the standard objects ingame. You included an x10 x100 option, but I'd advise discluding the "prestige" upgrades from that class as it prevents you from upgrading there, unless you switch back to x1.  Prestige upgrades should only allow x1. As it is, it was easier to just use the autoclicker at x1 to upgrade things, so I wouldn't have to switch back and forth.

Similarly, it would be nice if the game remembered whether I was in "constructor" or "turret" mode last. It would be a lot faster / less annoying if I didn't have to click the turret button every time I prestiged in order to build DP.

Rather than having to hide the lower value meteors, it would be nice if all the upgrades were in-line in such a way that it would always be graphically pleasing (i.e. you would hide the fast-spawning meteors by upgrading out of having to see them, rather than hiding them thru the menu)

I might have more ideas as they come up.

Disclaimer: hiding lower level meteors means you may need to spray around blindly to get enough DM points.

This is a really great game - simple, and visually pleasing without being graphically complex. Well done!

Once you get to higher levels, it may seem like the game is constantly splattering you with paint - never fear! The developer included a setting to hide the lowest level meteors. Take note - this value is from the "base" that you have set from prestige - not the meteors' actual level. I find a value of 4-5 is perfect for absolute hypnotism. It's like watching galaxies collide!

Another note - this game is highly iterative from lvl ~50 onwards to the lvl cap of 99. But this is typical of "progress" games. Especially ones not designed to bleed you for microtransactions. It's almost a shame that it ended, though, as I liked watching the balls fly and orbit around each other. 

That's about all the negative things I can say, though. I only wish it was a 400 hr game and not a 4 hr one. 

great update! there's lots of great graphics settings. It becomes a mess towards the end if you don't hide the bottom 4-5 meteors.

99 is max. I don't know what the above trolling is. Still a great game though :)