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A member registered Nov 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! The bonus challenge involves clipping out of bounds by reviving a monster while standing on it, which can push you through walls.

Nicely done!

Thanks for playing! Could definitely add some bonus songs sometime. :)

I know Phaser doesn't work too well on some browsers, but then it's usually laggy all throughout. Does it get worse during the song or after you replay the game several times?

Great work! I got quite invested and managed to beat it twice, first at level 20 and then at 12. It has a bit of a slow start (since I missed out on base attack +1) but with the right powerups it felt pretty exciting! Also a huge fan of the powerup screen's ascii background filter.

One thing I felt was missing is being able to see the current level of a powerup and how much the "+1" would do. Perhaps adding a label like "2 -> 3" might help. Although since +1 has diminishing returns, some powerups might benefit from being a multiplier like x1.5 or a hardcoded list of values.

Congratulations!! Super smooth gameplay and really cool concept I haven't seen before. A worthy winner of the Phaser challenge. Thank you for your kind comments as well!

Thanks for playing, and for making Phaser such a great framework! I do like the idea of being given all the cards you need to pull off one big sweep, so I'll consider adding a bonus stage challenge where you have one round to collect them all. Could be fun!

Incredible amount of effort put into this, especially with all the art and variety of minigames! Even got a complete story which is a huge plus. Well done!

I tried again for a high score. Good grief.

Nice! Bit of a thrill once the balls really start stacking up. I did eventually run into the basketball blocking the exit which was a fun touch.

The github link leads to a 404, or perhaps the repo isn't public. Worth fixing so the judges can see it!

Thank you! I spent a lot of time on polish, but most of it boils down to math. You can do the card-fan by setting card.angle = k*card.x to make it tilt, and then add a sprinkle of Math.sin(time + x) to make it bob softly. I use sin for a lot of animations.

The cards are randomly picked from a deck specific to each level, with some requirements like having at least 2 of each kind. Showing your deck sounds like a good idea, or perhaps giving the player a way to customize it. Currently each level more or less introduces a new card.

(1 edit)

Nice work! Moving around in space and preserving momentum is a cool feeling, and the retro sounds add to it. Having all the controls displayed as check boxes is a great choice since you can explore them at your own pace. It's hard to get the controls right though which can make playing it a bit tedious. You asked for some feedback in the Discord so I'll add my thoughts here.

Aiming your shots is hard when they are aligned with the ship's rotation, especially when the ship eases slowly into facing forward. Faster minimum rotation and a visual crosshair could help a lot. Shots also curve when you're moving fast since they don't seem to inherit your ship's velocity, but adding that could probably make it feel tighter. Slight auto-aiming is of course also an option, or rapid fire with somewhat random angles, giving you move of a cone-shaped firing zone.

I couldn't quite figure out why I couldn't fire while moving and why the shield lasted such a short time. The reason was shared power, yet the indicator is a tiny label in the corner. Making a visual power indicator near the center of the screen could help since that's where you're always looking. Shield duration could probably also be increased since you're always low on power while moving and battling, making your shield only last a second.

Wow, that's pretty intricate. Was curious why any stockpiled food kept disappearing, but it makes sense the king would be a glutton. Handing it out to the people would've been the better way to stock up.

It felt very easy to end up in a bad spiral of constant grievance and overworking, especially in the early game where you have no food to spare. Although after a while it finally clicked that the grievance from starving them one turn doesn't really matter. So by always resting on fatigue 4 and rewarding away any 3+ grievance, you can easily handle any amount of citizens without ever looking at their stats.

(2 edits)

This one took me a while to figure out how to play, but once I did I found it pretty interesting! It's really easy to lose early on though. Here are some tips I think I figured out:

  • You need lots of citizens to win
    • Spread out your citizens to 2 per tile (including the king)
  • Citizens leave if their grievance reaches 5
    • Grievance increases by 10% of work fatigue once it reaches 5+
    • No tax reduces grievance by 1, more or less
      • No tax the citizens with high grievance
  • Only use No Work if you have enough food
    • Food is stockpiled if grievance is at 0, but any grievance consumes extra food
    • If you No Work without enough food, grievance increases by 1 per food missing out of the needed 2. This is an easy game over
    • Try to stockpile and No Work whenever work fatigue is at 4

Not sure how fat works, but it sort of doesn't matter since your only focus should be on grievance. Once you have a few villagers it becomes easier. Would love to see some updates.

Edit: Managed to stall the victory screen and reached 45 citizens, awarding me enough food to reach 532 fat.

This one's pretty interesting once you get into it, but it took me nearly an hour of playing it. The biggest problems are the lack of feedback and explanation of the game mechanics. I did manage to win with about 20 farmers, reaching 250 fat after spamming turns. I'll write a comment on the game's page on how I played it.

I think a nice addition would be to either be able to see the status of all of your villagers, perhaps in a list or on the tax screen or small icons next to their circle. Upon reaching 10+ villagers it became tedious clicking on all of them to figure out which were about to rebel. Drag and drop could also use some feedback such as showing that a unit is held or is following the cursor.

Looks great! The abundance of one-ups makes it a near endless game though. Curious what determines your speed because it kept fluctuating. Would be nice to see it go up over time to add to the difficulty.

Very cute! Big fan of the Ocean's Eleven energy music and the machine sounds coming from the little bulldozer. Might be nice with some keyboard controls in the future.

Pretty banger tune! Straightforward game but quite satisfying to play. The sound blast at the end made me crack up.

Fantastic atmosphere! Nice character design and the teleport blade feels great, plus the game page itself is a nice touch.

Though I got stuck for quite some time after accidentally creating Swap cards in early levels before the mechanic was even explained. Perhaps a way to unbind cards would be nice!

Kul! Lyckades maxa ut allt och nå botten i tid.

Hot dang! A pretty simple shooter in the beginning, but the music is really what pulled me in. Juggling more and more spells made me feel like a champ!

Thanks for the detailed feedback! We definitely went all out with polishing the short experience we had for that good first impression, but what we really needed was playtesting and ideas on where to go next. Focusing on the story and adding more dialogue is one alternative, and adding more small things to do and micromanage is another. More content in general is the key!

I've fixed a few issues for a post-jam update. There was a bug with the princess not pausing her timers during dialogues, which led to unintentional game overs. The pride meter has also been adjusted, although it could use some more work in terms of what gameplay it serves. More variety in dialogue might be added, but I believe a short ending might be enough to seal the deal.

Nice work! Gameplay feels smooth and polished, and it's oh so satisfying to take over an enemy right as you're about to get hit.

Wow, great work! Cutscenes are always a big plus. Hook dashing made me feel like a champ.

Absolutely fantastic! Fun puzzle idea that takes a while to figure out since you really have to think backwards.

Wow! Looks great and feels very smooth to control. Got very hectic after a while.

Nice twist! You gotta take care of them humans really quickly or they're stuck in a pile. I can't seem to progress from the first level though.

Nice work! Although in Wordle, if you guess multiple of the same letter and there's only one present in the answer, only one of them gets marked as green or yellow.

Fun idea! I nearly got NIGIRI but the last letter fell through the ground.

Thanks for checking in! I have a few new item chains and generators but I haven't had the time to work on it. If you have any particular suggestions, I'll see what I can do!

(1 edit)

Unfortunately the vending machine generator is the last one you're able to unlock for now. I hope to add more generators and more tasks, allowing you to unlock the entire board. Thanks for playing, I'll add more content when I can!

I'll try to work on it, sorry about the wait! I got stuck on gathering some more assets, but hopefully there will be more pokemon and generators in the next version.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry, hahaha!

I'm working on adding more generators and missions, so at the moment I made the existing missions.. loop. Make sure to take a screenshot!

Thanks! I just updated the game with responsive layout so that you can enjoy it on both desktop and mobile. If mobile isn't working, let me know.

Sure thing! I've added some in-game settings including turning off hints. Thanks for playing.

I'll see what I can do!

I'll try to fix that! As a temporary fix, I added a "recharge" button at the top of the screen.

There are no pokemon in this version, but I'll add them back as soon as I can!

Sure! See @JolteonDude on Twitter.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry you had to spend hours playing it, haha. It did make the game a lot easier (and now there's also a check to prevent dice sums less than 6). Will kick up the difficulty in the next patch!