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A member registered Jun 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Cute ghost, and super fun game!! I wanna give them a kiss on the cheek <333 I genuinely started crying when we got stuck in the elevator bc I'm claustrophobic lmao, but the sweetheart ghostie calmed me down right away 🥹

I got one ending, and I am a bit too scared to try and get any of the others because mine is a happy one. I really like Crow, he and I have similar vibes and styles lol. This game is perfect <3 I cried a bit while playing, but at least Fio and Crow are okay

Ahh, this game made me cry so much. The final ending hit really close to home for me, but not in a bad way! In fact I think it healed me just a bit :') This was a terrifying and interesting game to play, I had a lot of fun getting all the endings <3 Thank you for creating such a wonderful game.

simple and cute!!

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I realized just now that I've never left a review on this game which is a horrible error on my part. Anyways!!

I bought both the Derek and the Baxter dlc's, and I intend to buy all of the other dlc's too because I always need more Cove in my life <3 If anyone is feeling unsure about buying any of the dlc's, please do! The content is amazing as expected and there's so much more story waiting for you, not only with Cove but with other characters we didn't get to see a lot of in the main game!

This game... Where to start?? It made me cry more than once, both tears of joy and of sadness lol. I especially enjoyed the ways in which we interacted with our family and friends. Growing up with Cove and my sister, getting to know Cove's mom and dad, getting up to crazy shenanigans with our friends, all of it was and is enjoyable for me. Paired with the beautiful art and the different routes you can take in developing your relationship with Cove, it's an AMAZING game. One of my most favorite visual novels out there currently.

I truly cannot praise this game enough.

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I have to admit, i really love this game. I had so much fun getting all the (GOOD) endings. I didn't think I'd care much for Quest, but I was proven very very wrong! He's lovely <3 I couldn't even bring myself to try to get any of the bad endings though, uekafh my heart couldn't take it.

Of course, I don't think I have a favorite. I love all the characters so much, maybe too much.

I'd definitely pay for dlc's of the rest of the characters too (excluding our communal grandfather Salo ofc). Particularly Onion, if only because the little we did find out about him got my curiosity piqued lol.

All in all, A+ game. The art, the music, the wonderful and endearing characters, all of it made this game an enjoyable experience.

4 days later! I AM STILL CRYING. I love games where you get so attached to a character in such a short time, and the ending I got absolutely shattered me. I really recommend this game to anyone who may feel iffy about playing it! Just be sure to heed any trigger warnings and take care of yourself :]

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that ending made me start crying. oh my god. I really would like a good ending. A+ game

Hi!! I got a bit confused at your comment. Are you just stuck on the thank you end screen?? Like you can't replay the demo?

THE LONG AWAITED UPDATE IS HERE! I've been very busy this week so this was such a lovely surprise to see today. ❤️ keep up the wonderful work GBPatch team!!!

Very excited for the update! Much love to you GB Patch <3

this is so beautiful and it made me CRY

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wonderful work yet again! keeping this lovely demo downloaded because I can't stop replaying it! I love Qiu and Tamarack so very much, I'm so excited for when the game fully releases. The art is gorgeous and the writing and plot so far are AMAZING. Keep up the great work, GBPatch team <3

absolutely horrifying in the best ways possible. i have a new fear of basements now!

I think this game captures a certain type of feeling that a lot of us have experienced at different points in time. Something about this game is just so universal

I would just like to say that this game introduced me to slumbertale so thank you 💚 your IF's are a genuine treasure to me