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A member registered Jan 05, 2019

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why is there a bridge to the void?

i beat the apocalypse demon but didn't get any ending. what am i supposed to do?

hey, are you still alive?

(1 edit)

i can't even beat the easiest difficulty, is there something i'm doing wrong?

edit:nevermind just had to become socialist

managed to win with 3 lives left. next time i might try to stay alive

now ferry them on a boat over a river

sad i don't have a friend to play it with

really janky but still a fun romp

i tried

now he's livin the dream eh?

finally got the good ending on easy mode. it was torturous and involved a lot of save scumming as there was a bug where sometimes an input wouldn't register

has anyone actually gotten the good ending? what are the qualifiers for it?

i'm an english speaker so i have no idea what is happening :(

the visual chaos mixed with double handed controls and need to quickly react to appearing and changing notes makes for a stressful experience that had me doubting my competency as a lockpicker. even then,  i was somehow able to get through with the guards being completely oblivious to my presence.

my only question is why are so many people dropping dead in the middle of the street?

the complete change in visual style is sort of jarring. not complaining too much though it is cool to see.

so i'm in the early/mid game and i'm at the point where i'm fighting training dummies. what strategies should i use? should i just go straight to fighting or try to skill up?

so i figured out mocha has sprite changed beyond 5, but do any of the other characters have the same? and if so which ones?


i managed to activate the cheat mode, but how do i actually use it?

i see then. i'll wait patiently for the newer versions!

wait, why did my sentence end at 1 year? i got a 4 out of 10 ending and fucking died at 26. i thought the countdown was until the next year not until the end of my sentence.

another question. what are the effects of every stat? like the effects they have on melee and ranged weapons and action speed, etc.

i'm in the part with the four choices of people to follow. what effect will that have on the story? i'm thinking mr white or suong.

hey, where do i view the more advanced controls like how to sprint? i thought the button was R but when i press it i don't go faster.

i did a (sort of) pacifist run. no babies or chickens killed but i did stomp on some enemies.

tried to press space+r in the ending area thinking it was how to escape, but i just got sent back before the boss.

how do i get the good ending? is there one?

i just figured out. the secret area is a sequel to the bad end!

-drink cup of immortality

-immediately die by spike

-what a ripoff

well those are all well and good, but i have trouble finding any essences in the first place.

could you maybe find a way to directly message me the link? like send me a contact for your personal discord or something.

i mean, what am i even gonna use all those demidollars for?

but that was like the biggest reason to get the keys for gold chests?

i would definitely like a public discord!

does the game have an ending?

it feels like a bit of a pain having to completely eliminate every enemies body part for them to die when you can get into crit from just having low enough hp. i think enemies should be able to go into crit.

why though?

i thought i remember in earlier versions the locked chests giving you other valuable items. did they change that?

really? no matter what dungeon the gold chests only give me demidollars.