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A member registered Feb 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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i need a pdf/website walkthrough :3

i need a walkthrough website, not vid pls :3

Right when i got the kick-ass music collection, you just HAD to end it!!! So rude! Wait till my lawyer hears about this!!

nnooooooooo I'm nawt short!!  D:

be a good-ish friend and pretend im not short

Me and Ezra are going to get married with Gage as the faithful third wheel.

I know want to get with him and make him feel better </3...... I STILL LOVE YOU RANDOM NPC

I cant get past the bridge bc of this stinky bird

I prefer gay man, I dislike women bc their scary and I'm not little! 5 foot tall is perfectly normal!!!

I will stay tuned actually, ur bickering like old men(or women, idk) has made my day

bred is my favorite cat so far ngl, I have a drawing of a cat with bread stuck on its head and its name it bred, istg I've never played this game lmao

noooo its ended, I cant believe this. me and xelef were destined to be together and now the image is ruined! I'm going to cry myself to sleep thinking about my beloved xelef

I have a feeling these comments to this game r gonna go on forever lol

your welcome :3

that's so real, I didn't get so far into the game before I used the guide, 4 hours and 37 minutes :3

I finished (def not with the help of a cheat sheet) but tbh atp Idec abt winning truthfully, I just wanna feel smart :3

I made a better percentage on that game than I did on my science grade

that was the most proper argument I've ever seen in my life

I made it a personal goal of mine to add everything item that was available into the room, it might look horrible but it looks like home in too many ways.

no matter what I dress him in he looks like me :3

that was a lovely learning experience, I never knew how to make tea until I played this game. now I know, I'm going to go ask someone if they would like some of my tea now

"while thanking God for making you this cute." I've never thanked him for it, I just know I'm adorable and take all the credit for myself <3

also you should totally follow me back for no reason at all <3

I love you too <3 and yes I meant that in the most gay way possible. 

me kinda person right here, I AM STARTING AN ARMY!!!!

cousin? is that u???!?!?!?!?!!!?

im going to take that robot thing and keep it hostage and make it give me flowers and never let it leave <3

maybe ur brother is my cousin, does that make us cousins!?!?!?!

this is the most famous and loved ive felt since before i was born

that phone died faster than mine does, which is saying something

no no no you all have it wrong, its Xelef

(1 edit)

its offically been decided that ur my new bsf

now delete that link before anyone gets any ideas, i wanna be the only one smart enoguh

war will be started if you dont lemme clean up the murder scene

(1 edit)

oh-          if you cld just gimme a full on cheat sheet thatd be nice, i dont wanna finish it truthfully, i jst wanna feel smart

better be >:/

i have no idea how you ppl r finishing this "without too much frustration" as one of the comments read, I HAVE A FUCKING LIGHTBULB AND AM STUCK IN THE FIRST ROOM WITH NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING!!!! im clicking everything i can find with this stupid lightbuld but its not doing anything

my passage, "pls send help, im in a cell fighting off dragons with drew carry and donald trump, snoop dogg keeps making more dragons, and the fbi are trying to find me for federal crime, they havent found my swiss bank acc yet, but im running away to vietnam, send help (and maybe a few grenades) if possible"

if your dying can you at least take a video?? <3

holy shit the lady in the closet in the laundry room scared me

BLOOD RITUAL ROOM??!?!?!?!??! WHERE!??!?!?!??

i might be secretly developing a thing for sean