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I just love Suguru being a dad okay- I can't help it. The Gojo Idea sounds interesting, would it be kind of like a thing where we're training his technique and helping him while he's how he usually acts... teasing and slightly lazy?

You're fine, you have a lot to do and everything with the game. Plus have stuff you have outside of it. Also, my insta account looks dead as hell I know- I can message you if you need btw if you don't find it

I followed you on Insta today by the way- because of the writing stuff and all, if you're cool to talk of course 

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You're fine, I love sub men too so I'm not complaining. Just surprised me so early on is all. I wish Doc luck on the whole "don't fall for Boothil" thing (she's 100% going to probably fail on it)

The droid is so cute- But anyway besides the point, the animation you have for Boothil and art is so good. The, "I'll be a good boy." Jump scared me. And his reactions are so cute during the test and recording his data bit and how quickly it escalates. You can tell after how disappointed he is that the rest has to wait for the next day. The fact is he still says Fudge is a fun detail. And in the writing you can imagine certain moments and how reluctant the player is to let anything further happen.

Ps- I have an Instagram account I don't really use, but if you wanted to talk more on there we could if you wanted if it's easier 

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Suguru 100% would have him talking about his daughters to you. But as a main thing, he'll be missing Gojo and that general idea. He'll have a moment where he'll say he hasn't felt this way in a while. Yes, because I love Satoru x Suguru and have to give a bit of angst. You could maybe have it as you being one of his followers that stands out to him, when he's at work you even take care of his daughters and stuff. I can't really help with Gojo's writing- He's pretty but I'm not really big on him  (Nanami and Sukuna are favorites to me) 

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Well, I'm full of ideas, and it's nice of you to possibly put my name in the credits. You really don't have to, I like sharing thoughts that can possibly be helpful with creative stuff. And if you'd like, I can make it a habit if you wish. I like writing usually, I just don't have motivation to write a full story, but I can give a base or general idea to the story. You just might not want to listen to ideas I have about whenever you do a Suguru game, that's just going to be angst

Listen I got ideas alright- Plus, him getting a relaxed life would make the Nanami fans (me)happy considering the anime. So, it's good for advertisement. With Sukuna you could have another enemies to lovers if you really wanted, you'd have to fully think about it- but having the general idea that he's trying to kill you makes sense. You could also do the heian era and have a thing for that. Sorry, when people say an idea I have is good, I kind of just go on

Nanami's going to be the househusband he was always meant to be /j

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I really enjoyed the game, can't wait for Boothill ❤  (Btw if you did Sukuna too it would be amazing)