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A member registered Feb 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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This was really fun!  It was frustrating AF for all the right reasons.  The challenge is brutal at times, but the controls and collision detection are on point.

I have no idea how I beat the game without using it lol.  I'll have to give it another playthrough and see if I can replicate it

It' s used a few times, but at the very start of the game's dialogue ("wtf").  That song isn't used anywhere in the game - I ended up over on The Cutting Room Floor and there are actually three unused tracks hidden in the game's data! 

I grew up with Shadwogate and Deja Vu - they're both fantastic.  I wish I could afford a copy of Uninvited, though.  That game is also great.

Just got to finishing up the story.  It was so much longer than I expected when I first jumped in.  That was absolutely amazing.  So many references and cameos - I loved it.  I didn't realize there was an unused track in the NES game that you put to use in here a few times - neat!

Also - you probably know, but Zophar's over on Twitch these days as Zophar1.  He's a really awesome dude.

It's giving me deja vu for some reason... 👀 🤣

Somebody that knows how Pico-8 works, and realizes that the game's code is embedded in the png, which pic-8 expects you to load into it?   Most people would probably just play it in their browser though...

[hears music]

Ah, a man of culture!

Ohh  this is a good one!  These puzzles are deceptively tricky.  I love it!

Took a couple tries, but I got it!  This is a fun little game.

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I don't think this is how it's supposed  to work 🤣  That green push-block got stuck to my green block lol.  This game has been a blast so far.  I'm glad I procrastinated on the PC version for so long

LOL I just wanted to share my really unique solution to this puzzle...

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I'm mostly just a dirty script writer lol.  Game development seems like a lot of work - I always wear myself out just thinking about the endless branches of logic and things to consider... but I really want to make a game in the style of Shadowgate etc. for the NES, and every year I get somewhat closer to actually trying.  I have no experience with ASM, but I do have just enough autism to hyperfocus like a beast on things that interest me.

I bought NESMaker a few years ago, it doesn't quite seem to do what I'm after,  but I'm thinking may be I can make something small with that as a starting point, then kinda work backwards to see how it does what it does under the hood and move over to 8bitworkshop when I'm really ready to make my game.

Oh snap, I didn't even realize the full version of this dropped :O  I'll have to grab it next time I get paid.  The demo was really fun

I have no idea how to do it, games can be tagged as "NES ROM" and they'll show up here:

I peruse that list and filter "most recent" a lot to find new stuff.

Needs some work, but that song goes hard haha

LOL this was great.  Got stuck in the cherry loop, but I saw the comment you left somebody else about getting past it.

This is a really cool mashup of platforming + rhythm.  It was quite enjoyable all around.


That's awesome!  I've been wanting to get into NES dev myself.  It seems like it could be fun.

Anything new with the release that just dropped, or was it just minor bugfixes?

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Ohh!  I remember playing the original Miroh a while ago.  Miroh Jr looks so vibrant for an NES game.  I love it!

Oh!  And I see M-Tee is behind the Gruniozerca games!  Aw man, I gotta drop you all follows - this is one of those small NES powerhouse groups haha

Fun little game.  The character kind of reminds me of Apollo from Xexyz.  I wish there was more to the game, but being a game jam release, I get it.  Fun easter egg, too. I played Fire + Rescue a few games before this one haha

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In the Smithmore Mines, the game kind of leads you on to think that the ground/ceiling are safe to touch, however in the areas where it pinches a bit, the ceiling/ground tiles actually become deadly.  Took me a bit of messing around to figure out that's what was randomly killing me.

I've tested a few sections where the ceiling/floor change in height and the problem is consistent.  Doesn't matter if you hit them from the side or top/bottom - they seem deadly all around.

[EDIT] Happens in the Cat Bug Hive as well.  Probably safe to say it happens anywhere that the floor/ceiling changes.

Hey, no worries at all!  I know it's a bit of a big ask, and I'm never going to expect anybody to just bend over and translate something to English just because.  If it can't be translated, it's all good!  That puzzle game looks great too!  I just dropped you a follow so hopefully it shows up in my feed when it's done, and even if it doesn't I'm always searching Itch for new NES stuff to check out so I'll come across it then.

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Existe alguma maneira de isso ser traduzido para o inglês? O jogo parece muito divertido.  (Eu traduzi este comentário do inglês usando o ChatGPT)

If you enter a blurb. it should be bundled into the export without any further work on your part.  If that's not the case, let me know and I can see if I can figure out what's happening.

It's the same for bundles.  It was the "Racial Justice and Equality" bundle that dove me to make this thing in the first place.  You should find the button once you reach the true bottom of the page.  It might not hurt to scroll all the way up (with the scroll bar) and then all the way back down to the bottom (with the scroll bar) again just to make sure it's all loaded in and ready to export.

I had to make it with the button at the bottom to make sure that the full collection was loaded.  Because it uses "lazy loading" to pull in the contents, anything that hasn't been pulled through to the browser won't be exported in the CSV.

If Itch ever offers this feature natively, they'd have the back-end access to actually export them without having to load the full set into memory first.

All good.  It was a really enjoyable and well made game all around - especially for a first project!

That's totally fair.  Thanks for the reply.  I really hope that The Prying Eye sees a resurrection one day because it's absolutely the kind of game that I would play the crap out of haha.  I honestly didn't even realize that NESMaker was capable of making games like this...  I bought it a few years ago with hopes of making something along the lines of Shadowgate, so seeing your project has given me new hope that maybe one day I can actually pull it off!

Sounds good man, I've been lurking in that discord since like day 1.  Hopefully I catch the update when it comes.

LOL that's fair 🤣

Is this canceled, and if it is is there any chance it could be open sourced?  I really want to learn NESMaker to make a game along the lines of Shadowgate if it's even possible, and being able to see how this wizardry was pulled off could be really helpful to those of us who want to learn.

I know you're busy with a billion other things and this one's pretty minor, but if you use EXAMINE on either of the Genie's options, it will give you the descriptor text and then send you off to the choice you looked at.  I'm not sure if this was intentional?

Has this game progressed beyond what I think was once a playable demo?  I remember playing it and reviewing it earlier this year/late last year and I think it was mainly a work-in-progress back then?

What's the best way to get notified when the secret game is un-secreted? 

Aw man, jebaited by Itch haha.  This is totally the kind of game I would play

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Aw man, no way to continue when you lose?  I misunderstood the dice rule and thought flipping them would convert value + colour.  RIP

Started playing through this tonight - I love the tongue-in-cheek references throughout, and the amount of flavour text in there.  So many background objects have text, and the NPCs mostly say at least 2 lines of dialogue each which changes during each segment.

There's a lot packed into this ROM and it's great!  Works like a charm on the NES using an N8 Pro Everdrive, too.

No prob!  I didn't get totally through the demo, but so far everything else that I saw looked good :)

that looks cool.  I'm not sure how much would be involved in it, but what if the doors aren't revealed until they've been used?  That would require some extra logic on each door, though.

Email works - just sent one your way.

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Please don't take this comment as being pedantic - I'm playing through the latest demo and just wanted to make sure that the text is grammatically correct.

On the difficulty screen at the start, the Super and Easy difficulty text would be more grammatically correct if it read "Player takes and deals more damage" and "player takes less damage" 

English is stupid like that... "player takes" if there's one player, or "players take" if there are multiple players.  I know it's super minor, and again I'm not trying to be the spelling police lol.  I'll comment anything else I find as I play through.

[EDIT] "platform" should be "platforms"

"each others" should be "each other"

"certain wall" should be "certain walls"

"projectile" should be "projectiles":

If you want me to do some bug testing, let me know!  I don't even mind buying an early copy of the game (as long as I can get the finished version when it's done lol).  I use an Everdrive on an NES, so I would primarily be testing on original hardware.

I can stream some bug testing on Twitch, too if that's cool.  I generally only draw a crowd of like 4 or 5 people.  Quality over quantity lol

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Finally had a chance to give this a go.  I had to use a USB card reader to get my Everdrive pushed down enough to read, but not enough that it blocked the USB port 🤣

I couldn't for the life of me get it to detect my Keyrig49, though.  The keyboard tested fine in other programs.

Tried again tonight and got the keyboard working.  Would be cool if there was a way to "lock" notes on a channel so I can have an arp going on one channel and switch to the next to get something going there.