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Good game 8/10


Very interesting horror game. 


Wow this was amazing! Half way through i forgot i was playing a demo! I am yearning for more! Can't wait to play the full release! Best of luck dev!


really good


I really enjoyed this game.  Since I am from Ohio I was excited to play this and I had a lot of fun with it.   I can't wait for the full release! 

A WEREWOLF GAME?!?!?!?! Why is it so rare to find a werewolf game these days holy moly. Great job Jonny, hope to see more of this soon <3


Loved all the extra interactions this game had made it even more fun

w game! 


I can't wait to see what the future chapters will have in store!


Really great demo. Starts off slow and introducing everyone and builds up to a great scare and atmosphere. Looking forward to the rest of the chapters.


It's so creapy


Pretty cool game! Looking forward to more!

i cant believe youre an actual cat


Keren.. tapi emang banyak banget sih obrolannya bikin cape, atau emang buat mengisi cerita aja. yah intinya kasihan ama yang lagi mojok tau-taunya jadi korban. 


Hi, I played this game and had an amazing time! Excellent work :)

That was cool can wait to see the rest of the serie.


good game


I thought this was absolutely fantastic the dialog, the cut scenes and foreshadowing and the retro cheesy movie style was absolutely brilliant, really enjoyed this alot and i honestly cant wait to play the full game!


This game was really good I enjoyed it a lot the graphics were really good and the story was well written good job and I cant wait to see what other creations you come with! and the other chapters too this game!

ansioso por ver la version final del juego, tiene muy buena pinta


Really good! The story telling is really interesting and I can’t wait for the next chapters! 


interesting game found a few glitches(not shown but I got stuck in the car unable to get out and the chair same deal), but really got me for sure


Sorry to hear that. ty for letting me know.


not a problem, it was odd but understandable that you won't get every bug n.n


great game, can't wait for more of this game ;) good work, i wish i could make games ;( 


Never too late to start!


dont know how to code i know u can make games without code but idk what software to use and im not good idk what should do




Full Horror Demo


Hey friends! hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed the game! 

Ohio camping trip goes HORRIBLY WRONG - FEAR THE MOON
(1 edit) (+2)

I very much enjoyed your game! Looking forward to more =) 



Good horror game.


Hands down one of the best horror experiences I've ever had!!

10/10 :)


Really awesome short horror game with some great scares and atmosphere! Can't wait for the future chapters! Good job!


This is a great game, I can't wait to play the full release of the game.


really enjoyed this game, solid start for a game, story was enjoyable and gameplay was great, looking forward to what comes next!

For being only the first chapter this was not bad at all! Really loved the story so far. Made a video on it.


Teen campers get more than they bargained for when they decide to set up camp in a forest somewhere in Ohio. 

Really enjoyed the premise of this, and eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the series. Will we find out about the spooky house that we saw from the cliff-face? Is James hiding something from the rest of the group? Will we see the racoon again!?!? Too many questions to contemplate. 

There's an eerie build-up straight from the beginning when the teenagers set up camp. Sound design and ambient soundtrack immerse the player and set them on edge. Was under a constant feeling of being watched...

Dialogue between the characters seems real and authentic - does James have the hots for Melissa and is he hiding something? He wanted to sleep in the car and was missing when everything seemed to be going wrong...

Cute racoon is cute - is it possible to feed the hotdogs to him? I realised after my playthrough that I didn't equip the hot dogs in my 'hands' so to speak, so was wondering...

Hopefully future episodes will have more puzzle solving and we learn more about the mysterious house from the cliff-side. Enjoyed this one immensely!


I really enjoyed this. I was on edge the whole time and I am very excited for the next chapters. Good job!


Really enjoyed the game. Looking forward to the next chapters.


yarqım kimin olMus la Qardeşşşş


Very good game


Can't even go camping in Ohio these days 😭 wishlisted on Steam!

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