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Charming, novel, and fun in a short little package. And a really interesting combination of genres!

Its like a metroidvainia with its different abilities and getting to use more at a time once you get more gems, but also more open world because you can choose any combination of items, way more directions to go in and ways to do things. Its mostly a puzzle game but for some challenges/encounters (like boss fights) its more real time.

I love the combinations and how it was all tied together. The map and layout of things is also very comprehensible, it was rare that I completely forgot where something was or how to get somewhere.

I found this in an old bundle I had gotten ages ago, I probably wouldn't have bought it if I found it otherwise but I'm glad I ended up playing it by finding it some years later! And now I'm super excited to play Elephantasy Flipside, which looks like the same sorta formula/idea expanded a ton into an isometric 3D game with more platforming!