Anantarupa Studios

Anantarupa Studios

Penyedia Jasa Hiburan

Indonesian Game Developer focusing on E-sports, IP development and latest trend in gaming industry.

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Anantarupa Studios, established in 2011 in Indonesia, is a pioneering game development company. Driven by our dedicated and passionate team, we specialize in crafting innovative gaming experiences rooted in thorough cultural research. Our flagship product, Lokapala MOBA game, showcases our commitment to creating immersive and culturally rich content. Our vision is to emerge as the foremost developer and publisher of intellectual properties (IPs) in Southeast Asia.

Penyedia Jasa Hiburan
Ukuran perusahaan
51-200 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Tahun Pendirian
esports game, moba game, game developer, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, IP Development


Karyawan di Anantarupa Studios


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    Empowering Indonesia's Youth: Ksatriya Mahardhika For the Future of Content Industry Indonesia is facing significant challenges on the global stage, both economically and culturally. As we approach the era of "Indonesia Emas," with a greater proportion of the population in productive age, it is crucial for the nation to identify new economic sources. One promising avenue is the content industry. Despite its potential for the next 25 years, Indonesia still needs to enhance both the quality and quantity of its human resources in the content sector. Currently, Indonesian youth consume more foreign-made content than local creations, primarily due to a lack of high-quality, locally produced content. To address this issue, the Ksatriya Mahardhika initiative has emerged as a solution. This program is designed to support cultural diplomacy through new media and prepare Indonesia's young generation for careers in the content industry. Ksatriya Mahardhika combines various creative competitions that are both engaging and educational, aiming to strengthen the local content ecosystem and foster a love for domestic products. The Ksatriya Mahardhika program includes several key competitions focused on local culture and technology: 1. Lokapala Game Tournament: Lokapala, Southeast Asia's only MOBA game, is the centerpiece of this event. The tournament invites esports players to compete and showcase their skills on a national level, enhancing the diversity and revenue potential of the esports content industry. 2. Dance Competition: This event encourages young people to explore and express Indonesian culture through dance, blending traditional and modern elements. Besides generating content, it also helps preserve Indonesia's rich cultural heritage. 3. Content Creator Competition with a Cultural Theme: Participants are invited to create creative content themed around Indonesian culture, enhancing appreciation and knowledge of the nation's cultural wealth, and inspiring patriotism through their creations. 4. Regional Language Shoutcaster Competition: This competition invites students to become game commentators in their local languages, promoting the preservation of regional languages in the digital era and preventing their extinction. 5. Lokapala Theme Song Cover Competition: Participants reinterpret the Lokapala theme song, adding their creative touch. This competition demonstrates the power of intellectual property (IP) to generate compelling content. Through Ksatriya Mahardhika, they will learn how to become esports players, practical insights into content creation and monetization, professional networking, and understanding the dynamics of the content industry. Allowing them to choose career paths that align with their interests and talents. And to inspire Indonesian youth to love and support local products, motivating them to excel in the increasingly competitive global content industry. #MajuBersamaLokapala #KsatriyaMahardhika

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    Happy Eid al-Adha! Wishing you a joyous and blessed celebration. This special day honors the spirit of sacrifice and reminds us of the values of selflessness, devotion, and generosity. May these principles guide us and bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to you and your loved ones.

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    On June 6th 2024, our CEO, Ivan Chen, was one of the speakers at the International Tourism Investment Forum (ITIF) in Jakarta. ITIF is a platform and a forum organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, where global industries, investors, and stakeholders come together to explore leading investment opportunities in the tourism and creative economy sectors. This event will serve as a stage for discussing and deliberating on investment issues, innovation, growth strategies, and is expected to foster strategic partnerships that will drive investments. #InternationalTourismInvestmentForum #ITIF2024 #ContentIndustry #GameIndustry #MajuBersamaLokapala #LokapalaUntukIndonesia

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    Game Could Also Save the Planet: How the Youth Can Become Environmental Heroes! Environmental degradation is becoming increasingly evident and urgent. From rising sea levels due to global warming to piles of waste harming ecosystems, this situation demands collective action from all layers of society, including the younger generation. They hold a key role in environmental preservation. But how can we best communicate this crucial message to those with short attention spans? One promising solution is through games as an interactive and engaging medium. Today's youth grow up in the digital era, where games are not just entertainment but also effective educational tools. Games captivate attention and inspire action through deep narratives and interactive experiences. By leveraging games, we can convey essential environmental messages in a more engaging and memorable way. We at Anantarupa Studios has a significant opportunity to use our game, Lokapala, as a medium for environmental education. With a large player base and rich narratives, Lokapala can serve as a platform to emphasize the importance of protecting the environment. Integrating stories that highlight environmental issues in Lokapala is an effective way to raise awareness. Characters in the game can face situations that depict the impacts of environmental damage and their efforts to restore it. Such narratives can inspire players to be more concerned about environmental issues in real life. Furthermore, Lokapala can mobilize its player community to participate in environmental actions, both online and offline. Digital campaigns on recycling, character design contests with environmental themes, and volunteer activities for cleaning up the environment can be part of these initiatives. Involvement in real-world activities provides a profound experience and strengthens the commitment to environmental protection. Using games as a tool for environmental education is not just about adding relevant story elements or challenges. It's about building a culture of environmental awareness among players. Digital campaigns aimed at raising awareness about the importance of recycling and reducing plastic waste can be run by encouraging players to undertake in-game tasks related to environmental care. Real-world actions such as beach or community clean-ups can also be organized by the Lokapala player community. With the right approach, Lokapala can be a powerful medium to inspire young people to take action and make positive changes for the environment. With compelling narratives, active communities, and creative campaigns, games can effectively foster awareness and real action in environmental conservation. The youth can become not only the successors but also the pioneers in environmental preservation efforts. Through interactive media like games, we can deliver crucial messages about environmental protection more effectively and with long-lasting impact. Happy World Oceans Day! #WorldOceansDay

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    Lokapala Selected for World Cyber Games 2024! We are thrilled to announce that Lokapala, Indonesia's first MOBA game, has been selected as one of the official game at the World Cyber Games (WCG) 2024. This is a monumental achievement not only for the team behind Lokapala but also for the entire Indonesian gaming industry. For the first time, Indonesia will host the grand finale of WCG, the world’s largest multi-game festival. This event will take place from August 31 to September 1, 2024, bringing together top gamers, influencers, and stakeholders from Southeast Asia, Japan, and South Korea. This recognition underscores the potential of Indonesian games to compete globally, supported by the Presidential Regulation No. 19/2024, which aims to accelerate the growth of our national gaming industry. Let’s celebrate this milestone and support Lokapala as it represents our nation on the global stage. The future of Indonesian esports is brighter than ever! #Lokapala #WorldCyberGames #WCG2024 #MajuBersamaLokapala #LokapalaUntukIndonesia #IndonesianGaming #Esports #GamingIndustry #ProudlyIndonesian #GameDevelopment #EsportsIndonesia #GlobalStage

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    Teaching Pancasila Values through Astabratha in IP Lokapala Today, on June 1st, we celebrate Pancasila Day, a moment to reflect on the noble values that form the foundation of our nation. In this fast-paced digital era, how can we instill Pancasila values in the younger generation? One creative approach is through the media they love, such as games. Currently, Pancasila education is often seen as monotonous and less relevant by the younger generation. The lack of creative approaches makes it difficult for Pancasila values to be absorbed and applied in daily life. However, these values can actually be found in various elements of popular culture, including the world of gaming. One example is IP Lokapala, a game that not only offers entertainment but also conveys stories of warriors reflecting the leadership values of Astabratha. The Astabratha tale teaches us eight noble leadership traits that align with Pancasila principles. Leaders should be just and able to provide welfare for all, flexible and adaptable to changes, brave and decisive in making decisions, and firm in upholding law and justice. Additionally, leaders should bring tranquility and peace to their people, wisely manage the nation’s wealth, be broad-minded and able to face various challenges, and provide enlightenment and inspiration to others. Games like Lokapala are not just for entertainment but can also be effective educational tools. Through this game, the younger generation can learn and internalize the noble values of our nation in a fun and relevant way. They can recognize and embrace Pancasila principles through engaging characters and stories. For instance, the characters in Lokapala, inspired by the Astabratha tale, can demonstrate how these leadership traits are applied in different situations. This offers real examples that the younger generation can emulate in their daily lives. With this approach, we hope the younger generation can more easily accept and practice Pancasila values. They will develop traits of wise leaders, as taught by the Astabratha tale in IP Lokapala. Let us work together to create a generation of leaders who are not only intellectually smart but also possess strong character based on Pancasila values. Happy Pancasila Day! Let’s reaffirm our commitment to teaching and practicing the noble values of our nation to the younger generation in creative and relevant ways. #PancasilaDay #Pancasila #Astabratha #Leadership #YoungerGeneration #Education #Lokapala #GameBasedLearning #majubersamaLokapala

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    Teaching Pancasila Values through Astabratha in IP Lokapala Today, on June 1st, we celebrate Pancasila Day, a moment to reflect on the noble values that form the foundation of our nation. In this fast-paced digital era, how can we instill Pancasila values in the younger generation? One creative approach is through the media they love, such as games. Currently, Pancasila education is often seen as monotonous and less relevant by the younger generation. The lack of creative approaches makes it difficult for Pancasila values to be absorbed and applied in daily life. However, these values can actually be found in various elements of popular culture, including the world of gaming. One example is IP Lokapala, a game that not only offers entertainment but also conveys stories of warriors reflecting the leadership values of Astabratha. The Astabratha tale teaches us eight noble leadership traits that align with Pancasila principles. Leaders should be just and able to provide welfare for all, flexible and adaptable to changes, brave and decisive in making decisions, and firm in upholding law and justice. Additionally, leaders should bring tranquility and peace to their people, wisely manage the nation’s wealth, be broad-minded and able to face various challenges, and provide enlightenment and inspiration to others. Games like Lokapala are not just for entertainment but can also be effective educational tools. Through this game, the younger generation can learn and internalize the noble values of our nation in a fun and relevant way. They can recognize and embrace Pancasila principles through engaging characters and stories. For instance, the characters in Lokapala, inspired by the Astabratha tale, can demonstrate how these leadership traits are applied in different situations. This offers real examples that the younger generation can emulate in their daily lives. With this approach, we hope the younger generation can more easily accept and practice Pancasila values. They will develop traits of wise leaders, as taught by the Astabratha tale in IP Lokapala. Let us work together to create a generation of leaders who are not only intellectually smart but also possess strong character based on Pancasila values. Happy Pancasila Day! Let’s reaffirm our commitment to teaching and practicing the noble values of our nation to the younger generation in creative and relevant ways. #PancasilaDay #Pancasila #Astabratha #Leadership #YoungerGeneration #Education #Lokapala #GameBasedLearning #majubersamaLokapala

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    Ksatriya Mahardhika 2024 as a Platform for Preserving Vernacular Languages In this era of globalization, our vernacular languages are on the brink of extinction. According to data from, Indonesia has 425 endangered vernacular languages, making it the country with the highest number of endangered languages worldwide. This is due to the decreasing number of people using these languages in daily life. However, amidst these challenges, new hope emerges through innovation and technology. One commendable initiative is Ksatriya Mahardhika 2024, a series of events aimed at cultural diplomacy through new media. This event leverages the strength of local IP, specifically the game Lokapala, the only MOBA game from Southeast Asia, as a platform to preserve and promote vernacular languages. Ksatriya Mahardhika 2024 features various exciting competitions, such as the Lokapala game tournament, traditional dance competitions, content creator competitions with cultural themes, vernacular language shoutcaster competitions, and Lokapala theme song cover competitions. One of the highlights is the shoutcaster competition using vernacular languages. This initiative is part of Anantarupa’s Content Creator Program to support the preservation of endangered vernacular languages. By leveraging the power of influencer marketing, this program aims to attract the attention of young people and raise their awareness of the importance of preserving vernacular languages. Influencers and content creators have a significant impact on education and building interest among the younger generation. They can be effective agents of change, reviving vernacular languages through digital platforms. Ksatriya Mahardhika 2024 is not just a competition but a movement to preserve our cultural heritage. Let’s support and participate in this event to ensure our vernacular languages remain alive and known by future generations. Through creativity and innovation, we can maintain Indonesia’s cultural richness and bring it to the global stage. #KsatriyaMahardhika2024 #Lokapala #vernacularLanguagePreservation #IndonesianCulture #Anantarupa #InfluencerMarketing #CulturalPreservation #majubersamaLokapala

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    This morning, Ivan Chen, representing CAKRA as an association focused on various aspects of intellectual property development in Indonesia, attended an event at the Aryaduta Hotel in Jakarta, invited by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. The event was related to the expiration of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Directorate General of National Export Development (Ditjen PEN) and associations within Indonesia's creative industries, such as CAKRA, the Indonesian Animation and Creative Industry Association (AINAKI), the Indonesian Comics Association (AKSI), the Indonesian Game Association (AGI), and the Indonesian Licensing Merchandising Association (ALMI). The MoU's content focuses on the Development of Creative Service Exports: Sub-sectors of Animation, Comics, Games, and Licensing-Merchandising. On this occasion, representatives from each of these associations, along with Ditjen PEN, signed a new Joint Agreement. Simultaneously, Ditjen PEN, which is the implementing element of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia under and responsible to the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, also signed an MoU with PT. Astra International, whose CSR program supports MSME products to become export-worthy products. With this MoU, it is hoped that Indonesia's creative industry can penetrate international markets and become a new economic source for Indonesia. #CreativeIndustry #IntellectualProperty #Indonesia #ExportDevelopment #Animation #Comics #Games #Licensing #MSME #EconomicGrowth #CAKRA #AINAKI #AKSI #AGI #ALMI #MinistryOfTrade #Astra

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