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Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Black is a drama CD in the Guilty Gear series. It, along with Side Red, tells the story of an alternate timeline in which Ky Kiske is killed during the Crusades, as well as the consequences of his death.[2]

The drama CD continues the story "Red Battle" in tracks 1-12. It also includes an extra story in which Dizzy writes a letter to Testament, as well as her misadventures while trying to deliver it. It is simply called "Letter" (手紙, Tegami?), and encompasses tracks 13-22.


  1. Opening ~Red Battle~ (開幕~紅い戦い~?) - 2:03
  2. Shelter ~Doctor's Visit~ (シェルター~医師来訪~?) - 4:48
  3. Holy Order Airship ~Mankind's Defeat~ (聖騎士団飛空艇~人類敗北~?) - 1:25
  4. Airship: Deck ~Reunion~ (飛空艇:甲板~再会~?) - 1:22
  5. Airship: Meeting Room ~Order's Leader~ (飛空艇:会議室~騎士団長~?) - 1:16
  6. Gear Plant ~Mother Justice~ (ギアプラント~母なる正義~?) - 1:04
  7. Airship: Meeting Room ~Battle Begins~ (飛空艇:会議室~開戦~?) - 2:06
  8. Jellyfish Fleet ~Revenge Seekers~ (ジェリーフィッシュ艦���~復讐者達~?) - 2:49
  9. Gear Plant: Underground ~Gear Maker~ (ギアプラント・地下~ギアメイカー~?) - 2:29
  10. Final Battle ~Game Over~ (最終決戦~GameOver~?) - 3:18
  11. Battle of Rome ~Take Two~ (ローマ会戦~Take2~?) - 4:56
  12. Reality 2.0 (リアリティ~Ver2.0~?) - 1:58
  13. Opening (オープニング?) - 0:08
  14. Dizzy's Letter (ディズィーの手紙?) - 0:47
  15. Mayship ~Jellyfish Pirates~ (メイシップ~ジェリーフィッシュ快賊団~?) - 1:56
  16. Departure (出発?) - 1:43
  17. Arrival ~Village Rumor~ (到着~村の噂~?) - 4:17
  18. Forest of Demons ~Reunion~ (魔の森~再会~?) - 5:04
  19. Next Morning ~Premonition of Attack~ (翌朝~襲撃の予感~?) - 4:58
  20. Bandit Arrival ~Battle~ (強盗団到着~戦闘~?) - 2:32
  21. Battle Over ~Festival~ (戦いすぎて~祭り~?) - 2:16
  22. Epilogue ~Men~ (エピローグ~男達~?) - 3:13
  23. A Message from Kazue Fujita (ディズィー役、藤田佳寿恵さんのコメント?) - 1:59
  24. Messages from Dizzy to You (ディズィーからあなたへのメッセージ?) - 1:46
Notes: The album includes track titles in both Japanese and English. Words in italics are unofficial translations.



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