Guilty Gear Wiki

The following is a list of entries in the Lore sub-menu of Guilty Gear 2 -Overture-.

Sol Badguy's Profile[]

  • Name: Sol Badguy
  • Height: 182 cm
  • Blood Type: Unknown
  • Weight: 74 kg
  • Nationality: U.S.A.
  • Birth Date: Unknown
  • Hobbies: ∙ Listening to Queen
  • Things that are Important: ∙ A record of Queen's Sheer Heart Attack
  • Dislikes: ∙ Making effort / ∙ Trying hard

Sol Badguy's Profile II[]

  • Personality: He's rough around the edges and hates to work hard. A man of few words, he only speaks when it's absolutely necessary. His personality reflects his fighting style: his attacks are unrefined, but are so powerful that he finishes his enemies with a single blow. He may appear to be cold, but he isn't a bad guy.
  • History: A former scientist who was restructured into a Gear by That Man over one hundred years ago. He used to be called Frederick, but he currently calls himself Sol Badguy and journeys with Sin.

Sin's Profile[]

  • Name: Sin
  • Height: 181 cm
  • Blood Type: Unknown
  • Weight: 73 kg
  • Nationality: Unknown
  • Birth Date: May 31st
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green
  • Hobbies: ∙ Searching for novel adjectives / ∙ Overcoming his dislikes one at a time
  • Things that are Important: ∙ His raging appetite / ∙ The rest is secret
  • Dislikes: ∙ Those who aren't willing to overcome their dislikes / ∙ Being treated like a child / ∙ The United Kingdom of Illyria

Sin's Profile II[]

  • Personality: Since Sol raised him, he lacks in sensitivity and does not think things over. He's easy to get along with since he isn't shy, but he can be annoying to some people. He genuinely believes in love and justice. His overconfidence and short temper stand out, but his personality that doesn't look back and keeps on fighting can be taken as a very positive thing.
  • History: His background is unknown, but he is currently traveling with Sol and enjoying the wandering journey.

Valentine's Profile[]

  • Name: Valentine
  • Height: 165 cm
  • Blood Type: O
  • Weight: 45 kg
  • Nationality: Unknown
  • Birth Date: Unknown
  • Eye Color: Red-brown
  • Hobbies: None
  • Things that are Important: None
  • Dislikes: None
  • Things in Her Sight: ∙ Things that need to be eliminated / ∙ Things that need to be collected

Valentine's Profile II[]

  • Personality: Maybe it's because she doesn't have any emotions, but she shows no signs of a personality. All we know is that the way she interacts with people is much like a machine. If you compare her with someone who shows affection toward people, animals, and plants, you can see how much she lacks.
  • History: There is absolutely no information about her past. There are no records that she existed in the past either. All we know is that she is running an "errand for her mother" and is attacking Illyria for that reason.

Izuna's Profile[]

  • Name: Izuna
  • Height: 182 cm (204 cm including ears)
  • Blood Type: Unknown
  • Weight: 68 kg
  • Nationality: Unknown
  • Birth Date: August 3rd
  • Eye Color: Red if you take a picture of him, but generally black.
  • Hobbies: ∙ Eating fried tofu from each local city and comparing the taste. / ∙ Enka, traditional-style Japanese songs
  • Things that are Important: ∙ The sense of "we'll figure something out" / ∙ Friends / ∙ Love
  • Dislikes: ∙ Thoughts that lack in charm / ∙ People who don't take care of their things / ∙ Reference

Izuna's Profile II[]

  • Personality: His motto is "Whatever works," and rather than truth or reality, he wishes for everything to work out in the end. During that time, he hopes that he can say, "It's all good" with as many people as possible. He may seem frivolous to most, but for those with good observation will be overwhelmed by his smile. Although he values his own amusement, he has a strong, cooperative personality and will help those in need even if it is troublesome.
  • History: A non-human that claims to be a resident of the Backyard. Gears are entirely different beings in terms of biological categories. Izuna himself glorifies life without having a special sense of purpose, but he lives every day getting excited over conversations that don't make any sense with Dr. Paradigm. Maybe because he grew up in a world of information, but he speaks with a hybrid accent from all over the world.

Dr. Paradigm's Profile[]

  • Name: Paradigm
  • Height: 115 cm (142 cm with his wings spread)
  • Blood Type: Unknown
  • Weight: 32 kg
  • Nationality: U.S.A (Ohio)
  • Birth Date: Unknown
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Hobbies: ∙ Studying ways to make an organization correlation diagram beatiful. / ∙ Converting all phenomena into provisional information units and figuring out his brain's processing speed and memory capacity
  • Things that are Important: ∙ Getting a concrete view on any kind of philosophy. / ∙ Gentleman attire
  • Dislikes: ∙ People who don't plan things / ∙ People who glare / ∙ Mosquitoes

Dr. Paradigm's Profile II[]

  • Personality: Although he's a Gear, he's very diligent and rational. He's also very stubborn, so once he comes to a conclusion, it's very hard to change his view. He isn't foolish to the point that he doesn't correct his own mistakes, but he does not have the elasticity to honestly apologize for his errors. He has an IQ of a genius, but is very sentimental. He thinks lowly of human beings and frankly doesn't care if mankind goes extinct. He would normally dislike a frivolous person like Izuna, but for some reason, they get along very well.
  • History: He's a super-intelligent Gear that lead his compatriots and built a colony after being released from Justice's spell. He plays the role of the leader of the colony and maintains peace by avoiding contact with humans as much as possible. With his superior intelligence, he studied magic and its origins, doing research on his own.

Ky Kiske's Profile[]

  • Name: Ky Kiske
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Blood Type: AB
  • Weight: 58 kg
  • Nationality: France
  • Birth Date: November 20th
  • Eye Color: Blue-green
  • Hobbies: Collecting tea cups
  • Things that are Important: A smile on everybody's face
  • Dislikes: Sol

Ky Kiske's Profile II[]

  • Personality: He is honest about everything, including his work, people, and to his morals. His personality is nothing but serious. He loves the idea of justice and is dedicated to protecting the weak. However, he is easily disgusted by those who disturb the peace. Although he has lost some zeal since he took crown, he gained a new perspective over things in its place.
  • History: He was gifted even as a child. He was chosen to lead the army to protect the people from Gears and fought many wars along with Sol. He is currently the King of Illyria. He blindly believes in justice and has the determination to live life according to what he believes in. He is shunned by some people because of that, but as a public character, he gains the people's trust due to his upright attitude and ability to make impartial judgments. Ever since he took throne, he had to act as an adult and lost the old shine he had as a youth. However, his foundation on justice has never faded.

Raven's Profile[]

  • Name: Raven
  • Age: (He himself doesn't remember)
  • Birth Date: March 28th
  • Blood Type: A
  • Height: 181 cm
  • Nationality: France
  • Things that are Important: ∙ People that make him want to kill them / ∙ People that discover or create new things
  • Dislikes: ∙ Himself for not being able to love anything
  • What He Wants: ∙ Proof that he existed

Raven's Profile II[]

  • Personality: He may not be a gentleman, but he has a mature personality that you can calmly communicate with because he isn't swayed by emotions. He may seem gentle at first, but you can see a glimpse of his silent perversion because he finds pleasure in being in agony and pain. He has a virtuous mind like an average person, but you cannot change his view of life with incidents that involved innocent people in order to achieve his goals. You need something big to jolt his emotions.
  • History: He's one of the three people that is associated with That Man, who made the world tremble with fear a while back. For some reason, he does not have a lifespan. He has an immortal body that regenerates no matter how bad his body is damaged. No one knows what his real motives are, but he agrees with That Man's actions and is loyal to his cause.

That Man's Profile[]

  • Name: Unknown
  • Age: Unknown
  • Birth Date: Unknown
  • Blood Type: Unknown
  • Height: 181 cm
  • Things that are Important: Unknown
  • Dislikes: Unknown

That Man's Profile II[]

  • Personality: Unknown.
  • History: He's a mysterious person who continues to pull the strings behind history since the Gear Project was put into operation. He created the Gears as living weapons and triggered the start of the Crusades. He single-handedly took control of a few people's hatred and interests, but his intentions are still not clear. As an old friend of Sol, they have a long, intertwined history.


She was feared as a god of destruction during the Crusades and is known as the most horrendous Gear in history. She's the first complete Gear created as an independent battle-type Gear that used Sol as a prototype. At first, Gears could not independently think without a command, so Justice was the first edition that was made to be able to grasp the war situation and command combat with her own judgment. However, the original intention of this type was the flexibility of controlling Gears, not to have a mind of its own. As a result, the first edition realized that it had a mind of its own, called itself "Justice," and used the ability to control Gears to start exterminating humanity. With that, the Crusades began. Humanity was eventually able to temporarily seal her body, though the reason why Justice went berserk is still a mystery. In addition, a human-type Gear called Testament revived Justice a few years ago, but Sol completely destroyed it during that time.

The Crusades[]

The name given to the war that lasted one hundread years (from the creation of Justice to the time of her sealing), wagering the existence of Gears and humanity.

The war against the Gears started after Japan and other Asian countries were destroyed. The Gears were essentially living beings, completely obedient to mankind, that were used as weapons. But Justice, a Gear that had a mind of its own, controlled the Gears to fight against mankind.

Since the control of Gears was taken by Justice, it is said that That Man was the one pulling the strings behind the scenes since he was the one that created Justice.

Magic/Magic Spell[]

Magic is a transcendental energy that is grounded on magical-science theory. It's a perpetual motion that was developed one century ago and immediately resolved limited resources like oil.

At the same time magic was discovered, the power of the United Nations grew, and they declared a suspension of environmental destruction due to science. This movement went into effect world wide, and mankind—who gained an inexhaustible supple of energy—was expected to be relieved from the disparity problem.

A magic spell is the practical application of the theory behind the magic in the present world. It not only summons pure energy, but is an output form of that incarnation method. An easy example is fire burning downward. A complicated application is controlling the elements as if you were knitting them together. It is possible to do deeds that are similar to alchemy, without needing any sources to begin with.

The Gear Project[]

A century ago, humanity overcame the energy crisis and launched a "Life Enhancement Program" (i.e. The Gear Project) in order to take a new step to a better tomorrow. The energy crises were caused by humanity's mistakes, so this project was proposed in order to prevent crises in the future. The plan was to directly restructure the human body, so it can adapt to rigorous environments. The project's existance was known only by a few leaders and was kept from the general public. Frederick and That Man were central figures for this project.


Gears use life-forms such as humans as a prime field. This living weapon is completed by cultivating the seeds of Gear cells. The prime fields that were transformed into Gears gained impressive combat abilities, backed with a tenacious physique. However, they lost the ability to have a mind of their own.

The Backyard I[]

Another world that defines the whole creation of present life. However, it does not mean that a higher world is controlling the present life. Let's assume that the Backyard is a world composed with just "words." There are infinite numbers of that "word," and it fluctuates and drifts about irregularly. When the "words" are specifically aligned due to the fluctuation, it forms a "sentence" with regularity. That is when this world, or even another world, forms a dimension or matter with a meaning. In other words, the world we exist in is the result of those words coincidentally lining up to form a sentence. It is not from the will of a specific being. For this world, the possibility of the Earth turning into a breeding ground for creatures starts from the "sea". Everything coincidentally took form from it. That manner can be called an epitome.

The Backyard II[]

Many times, the Backyard was said to be hypothetically based on religious points of view, but there is nothing to verify it as fact. Scientifically, it is viewed as something natural, whose territory wasn't necessarily off limits. However, if a human is thrown into the Backyard without any preparation, their consciousness-which has very little informational mass as "words"-will vanish as if they melted. Essentially, the magic is a mass that does not exist in the world we live in. If you try to use it by force, it may cause a big bang. However, divine magic" is a format that allows everything to come into reality, but as a safety precaution, it is not given authority to do anything more than that. If someone can control this world of information in any way they want, one can conclude that that individual can be become the lord of this world.

Maiden of the Grove[]

A human-type Gear that is under protection in the United Kingdom of Illyria. She was formerly considered a dangerous being for having a mind of her own, so a bounty was placed on her. Ky saved her when she was attacked by the Vizuel. Prior to that, she underwent sublimation, but Ky froze her in time, stopping her disassembly. She is still currently frozen.


A ghost is a "shell" of semi-incidental consciousness coming from the Backyard. Simply put, they are souls that have no consciousness. Most of the time, ghosts appear when masterghost information which is supposed to remain in the Backyard-is forcefully incarnated by soul sinkers. An individual's consciousness will start to erode the atmosphere then.


Masterghosts are individual souls that essentially are not supposed to appear in the current world. A soul sinker—mentioned by Sol—forcefully summons information from the Backyard to this world. Thus it makes it possible to put them in states where they are able to come in contact. Before this incident, it was considered to be an empty theory. In the process of incarnation into this world, the ghosts' information are down-converted, and they become a very unstable information substance. For that reason, you need an interface if you want to interact with a masterghost. Most magic spells will not allow it the authority to exist.


They are an embodiment of the magic you are endowed with. Their appearance is the reflection of the individual. They are fundamentally not beings of this world: It is difficult for an ordinary person to interact with them, but servants are able to cross over to the present world. In addition, they have less friction between the masterghosts and ghosts, so when you try to interfere with other masterghosts, servants can be used as a helpful interface.

Capture Units[]

Basically, their essence are not too different from that of a servant. However, capture units unconsciously take form by the master. This means that they personally encroach others or are a non-governing consciousness that their selfless instincts create when they want to assimilate.

Basically, their essence are not too different from that of a servant. However, capture units unconsciously take form by the master. This means that they personally encroach others or are a non-governing consciousness that their selfless instincts create when they want to assimilate.

The United Kingdom of Illyria[]

With Europe as its center, it is a union made up of more then twenty non-independently-ruled organizations. It was given the name United Kingdom due to the joint reign of Kings from the three major kingdoms. Ky Kiske rules over Illyria, the capital of the United Kingdom. The unified kingdoms take pride in having a vast area of territory after their unification and have developed an administration similar to that of the United States. However, the history of the United Kingdom of Illyria is still very new. They were declared a nation four years prior to the beginning of this story. Further, because various cultures are assembled in this kingdom after the Crusades, the United Nations are essentially governing this kingdom.

The Underworld Hill[]

A pseudo-residential space built within the Backyard. It has a long history and is said to have existed for a couple of centuries. It has no physical orientation—even time is transcendental—and has the ability to alter its phase (though not almighty). But for some odd reason, the space that exists in the Backyard was not created naturally, but rather, is an artificial space created by an unknown person. Furthermore, this space was created with the five fundamental elements. There is no doubt that this space was created for the use of mankind. No one knows how this space was created, but a wise individual like Dr. Paradigm should be able to figure out its secrets.

Divine Steps[]

A magic spell won't manifest itself unless it's constructed under the proper procedures. The basics of mainstream magic spells are established by twelve perceivable words, referred to as the twelve divine steps.

It is pointless to randomly group the wording of the twelve divine steps. The effect and strength of magic is determined by how many words you line up, how many words you recite simultaneously, and how it is arranged. The practitioner must also memorize the various ordering of these twelve types of words and recite them accordingly. The twelve words are complicated, but are easier to create due to this moderate restriction, so in reality, there are infinite possibilities of wordings. In the opening of the game, Sol had trouble distinguishing the chords since there were many divine steps that he did not recognize.
