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The Spiral Abyss is a special type of Domain unlocked at Adventure Rank 20 located in Musk Reef, which can be accessed through the wormhole in the sky at the edge of Cape Oath.

The Spiral Abyss consists of two main parts: the Abyss Corridor (Floors 1–8) and the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 9–12). The Corridor's rewards can only be collected once, and completing all floors unlocks the Spire. The Spire's rewards reset on the 16th day of the month during the Moment of Syzygy. Prior to June 16th, 2024, the period beginning on the 1st of every month is called the Waxing Phase while the period beginning on the 16th of every month is called the Waning Phase.

Players can view their current progress on their map, next to their resin count. If no Spiral Abyss challenge exists, it will say "This round's challenge has not yet begun."

Abyssal Stars, Chambers, and Floors[]

The Spiral Abyss is divided into 12 floors, with each floor containing 3 chambers. In the Abyss Corridor, all enemies across each floor share the same level. In the Abyssal Moon Spire, the enemies in each chamber gradually increase in level.

For Floors 1 to 4, each chamber must be cleared in 300 seconds. From Floor 5 onwards, each chamber must be cleared in 600 seconds - in floors where the Ley Line Monolith must be protected, it must be kept intact, or the player will fail. In floors where 2 teams are required, the second half of the chamber starts with the time remaining from the first half.

All chambers have challenges that can be completed in order to obtain additional rewards outside of first-time clears. Currently, there are only two types of challenges - one in which the player needs to clear the chamber in a set amount of time, and another in which a Ley Line Monolith must have a specific amount of health. Entering the next floor requires you to have earned at least six Abyssal Stars from the previous floor, as well as having cleared all three of the previous floor's chambers.

Total stars earned are retroactive. In other words, it is not necessary to clear the entire floor to get more stars. If the player had obtained 3 stars from the second and final chambers of a floor, but none from the first on their first try, they may try the first chamber as much as they would like, with any stars gained during these attempts being saved even after leaving and restarting the floor.

The Abyss Corridor has various time requirements that are generally inconsistent across floors. However, the Ley Line Monolith defense is the same across both the Corridor and Moon Spire.

In the Abyssal Moon Spire, the time requirements are more consistent, with the first two chambers of floors 9, 10 and 11 requiring a clear time of 60/180/300 seconds (1/3/5 minutes remaining) for their stars. In the third chamber of floors 9, 10 and 11, and all of floor 12, the clear time required for their stars is reduced to 180/300/420 seconds (3/5/7 minutes remaining)

After completing a chamber, the character's health and energy will be halted at whatever levels they are at the time; if the chamber was cleared but the character is applying healing over time afterwards or energy particles/orbs were heading to them, they will be nulled.

Abyss Corridor and the Abyssal Moon Spire[]

Abyss Corridor

Abyss Corridor

Abyssal moon spire

Abyssal Moon Spire

The Spiral Abyss is composed of two parts: The "Abyss Corridor" and the "Abyssal Moon Spire." Clear all 8 floors of the Abyss Corridor to permanently unlock the Abyssal Moon Spire.

Seemingly following the lunar cycle of another world, the Abyssal Moon Spire will reset itself twice a month, occurring on the first and sixteenth days of the month, which may also cause a new period of Blessing of the Abyssal Moon to begin. However, the generous treasures found in the Abyss Corridor which connects the world to the Abyssal Spire will not change or reset over time. It should also be noted the moon visible in the abyssal moon spire is clearly distinct from the moon over Teyvat.

Enemies in the Abyss Corridor will always be the same, while enemies in the Abyssal Moon Spire will be varied. Floors 9 and 10 are generally updated once with every new region, whereas Floors 11 and 12 are changed around once every update.

Combat Bonuses and Restrictions[]

Restrictions and Ley Line Disorders[]

Ley Line Disorder

Example Ley Line Disorder that benefits Electro characters

There are several restrictions in the Spiral Abyss. When challenging each floor, the player cannot:

In addition, each floor in the Spiral Abyss has different Ley Line Disorders, which could give buffs or debuffs to characters, enemies, or both. In order to complete the challenge more easily, consider the enemies in each chamber and the Ley Line Disorder in effect.




Starting at Floor 5, the Spiral Abyss will diverge into two paths. To dive deeper, the player must arrange two teams of up to four characters to challenge each half a chamber. The player cannot use the same character in both teams.

Enemy HP[]

On certain floors of the Spiral Abyss, enemies have increased HP values compared to those of their counterparts encountered in the open world:

  • Increased by 50%: Floors 3 – 7
  • Increased by 100%: Floors 8 – 11
  • Increased by 150%: Floor 12

Benediction of the Abyss[]

Benediction of the Abyss

Example Benedictions of the Abyss

The everlasting whisper of the Spiral Abyss encourages you to go deeper. Choose your Benediction of the Abyss...

Challengers will receive recognition from the depths of the Spiral Abyss. This recognition comes in the form of a buff that assists the player in battle.

At the start of each chamber, the player can choose to receive one Benediction of the Abyss. Different benedictions have different effects and durations:

  • Effective this floor: Effect lasts until entering the next floor.
  • Effective this chamber: Effect lasts until entering the next chamber.
  • Effective immediately: Effect starts immediately.

Choosing the right Benediction according to the party composition will help complete the challenge more easily.

The Benedictions list for each Chamber is updated every Daily Reset.

Blessing of the Abyssal Moon[]

Blessing of the Abyssal Moon

Blessing of the Abyssal Moon

The blessing in the Spiral Abyss varies each month and provides a range of buffs.

Current Blessing

Duration: June 16, 2024 04:00:00 AM – July 16, 2024 03:59:59 AM

(Asia) Ends in: 2d 21h 47m 59s (Update)
(EU) Ends in: 3d 4h 47m 59s (Update)
(NA) Ends in: 3d 10h 47m 59s (Update)
Thrusting Moon
Spiral Abyss Blessing 85
  • For 10s after the active character uses their Elemental Skill, DMG dealt by their Normal Attacks is increased by 20%, and a tally will be kept when this character's Normal Attacks hit opponents. The tally can increase by 1 up to once every 0.1s, and once it reaches 3, a shockwave is unleashed at the opponent's location that deals True DMG to nearby opponents, and the tally will be reset. Up to 1 shockwave can be unleashed this way every 1.5s, and the effect and tally are cleared when the character leaves the field.
Upcoming Blessing

Duration: July 16, 2024 04:00:00 AM – August 16, 2024 03:59:59 AM

(Asia) Starts in: 2d 21h 48m 0s (Update)
(EU) Starts in: 3d 4h 48m 0s (Update)
(NA) Starts in: 3d 10h 48m 0s (Update)
Transfusing Moon
  • After this character receives healing, their Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 20%. Lasts for 8s, up to 3 stacks. Each stack duration is calculated independently.


Chamber's Bounty

Chamber's Bounty

Star's Bounty

Star's Bounty

Spiral Abyss - Lost Items

"Spiral Abyss - Lost Item" mail

Clearing the Spiral Abyss gives players generous rewards. Clearing each chamber for the first time allows players to receive the "Chamber's Bounty." Earn enough Abyssal Stars in each chamber to collect the "Star's Bounty." It's possible to check the rewards in the Rewards Preview.

On the first and sixteenth day of each month, the Abyssal Moon Spire's rewards will be reset. On the first day of each month, a new period of Blessing of the Abyssal Moon will begin. Abyss Corridor rewards do not reset.

If there is not enough inventory space for Spiral Abyss bounty, the items will be sent via mail under the title "Spiral Abyss - Lost Items," with one mail per chamber. However, this does not apply to rewards who were not claimed before the reset, such as primogems.

Chamber's Bounty[]

Star's Bounty[]

Star's Bounty rewards for the Abyss Corridor (1-8) are one time only. The rewards for the Abyssal Moon Spire are reset once a month.

Stars Abyssal Corridor Abyssal Moon Spire
Primogem 100
Mora 15,000
Primogem 50
Mora 15,000
Primogem 100
Mora 20,000
Primogem 50
Mora 20,000
Primogem 100
Mora 25,000
Primogem 100
Mora 25,000

Permanent Events[]

There are permanent events that reward characters for clearing specific chambers. These rewards can only be acquired once.

Event Chamber Character
People's Choice Floor 3, Chamber 3
XianglingPyro Xiangling
Curtain of Leaves Floor 4, Chamber 3
ColleiDendro Collei

If a character was already obtained, Stella Fortuna and Masterless Starglitter will be given as if acquired from a Wish.

Total Rewards[]

The above rewards combined.

One-Time Rewards

From the Abyssal Corridor, Floors 1 to 8.

Mora 660,000
Primogem 2,400
Wanderer's Advice 168
Adventurer's Experience 126
Mystic Enhancement Ore 108
Domain Reliquary: Tier III 15
Domain Reliquary: Tier II (2020-09-28) 5
Domain Reliquary: Tier I (2020-09-28) 3
Northlander Polearm Billet 1
XianglingPyro Xiangling
ColleiDendro Collei
Moment of Syzygy

From the Abyssal Moon Spire, Floor 9 to 12. Refreshes on the 16th of each month.

Mora 585,000
Primogem 800
Adventurer's Experience 42
Hero's Wit 24
Mystic Enhancement Ore 72
Domain Reliquary: Tier II 8
Domain Reliquary: Tier I 4


A list of past Spiral Abyss floors. Note that the Abyss Corridor does not change; only the Abyssal Moon Spire does.

Period Starting
Changed Floors
June 16, 2024 – TBA 4.7 11 12
May 1, 2024 – June 15, 2024 4.6 11 12
March 16, 2024 – April 30, 2024 4.5 11 12
February 1, 2024 – March 15, 2024 4.4 11 12
January 1, 2024 – January 31, 2024 4.3 11 12
November 16, 2023 – December 31, 2023 4.2 11 12
October 1, 2023 – November 15, 2023 4.1 11 12
September 1, 2023 – September 30, 2023 4.0 9 10 11 12
July 16, 2023 – August 31, 2023 3.8 11 12
June 1, 2023 – July 15, 2023 3.7 �� 11 12
April 16, 2023 – May 31, 2023 3.6 11 12
March 16, 2023 – April 15, 2023 3.5 11 12
February 1, 2023 – March 15, 2023 3.4 11 12
December 16, 2022 – February 1, 2023 3.3 11 12
November 16, 2022 – December 16, 2022 3.2 11 12
October 1, 2022 – November 15, 2022 3.1 11 12
September 1, 2022 – October 1, 2022 3.0 9 10 11 12
July 16, 2022 – September 1, 2022 2.8 11 12
June 1, 2022 – July 16, 2022 2.7 11 12
April 1, 2022 – June 1, 2022 2.6 11 12
March 1, 2022 – April 1, 2022 2.5 11 12
January 16, 2022 – March 1, 2022 2.4 11 12
December 1, 2021 – January 16, 2022 2.3 11 12
October 16, 2021 – December 1, 2021 2.2 11 12
September 16, 2021 – October 16, 2021 2.1 11 12
August 1, 2021 – September 16, 2021 2.0 9 10 11 12
June 16, 2021 – August 1, 2021 1.6 9 10 11 12
May 1, 2021 – June 16, 2021 1.5 11 12
February 16, 2021 – May 1, 2021 1.3 12
January 1, 2021 – February 16, 2021 1.2 9 10 11 12
September 28, 2020 – January 1, 2021 1.0


Spiral Abyss
A massive underground city constructed by an ancient civilization long gone. To this day, the purpose of this underground city remains unknown. Its structure is divided into the "Abyss Corridor," which connects worlds, and the "Abyssal Moon Spire," which leads to the unknown. It is now collectively called the "Spiral Abyss"... It is said that many secrets and treasures that have been long forgotten by this world lay buried within...
Monsters and humans alike flock to the tower in search of the secrets and treasures it contains. Challenge different floors of the tower and defeat the opponents within to win Abyssal Stars. Do this, and the Spiral Abyss may yet look upon your hard work and bestow rewards upon you.

Abyssal Stars, Chambers, and Floors
The Spiral Abyss is divided into floors with each floor containing 3 chambers. Each chamber has 3 challenges with increasing difficulty.
Abyssal Stars will be rewarded upon completing the challenges. The 3 chambers of each floor must be cleared with a minimum of 6 Abyssal Stars in order to proceed to the next floor.

Abyss Corridor and the Abyssal Moon Spire
The Spiral Abyss is composed of two parts: the "Abyss Corridor" and the "Abyssal Moon Spire."
Clear all 8 floors of the Abyss Corridor to unlock the Abyssal Moon Spire.
Seemingly following the Lunar Cycle of another world, the Abyssal Moon Spire will reset itself twice a month, with a new Lunar Phase occurring on the first and sixteenth days, respectively.
However, the generous treasures found in the Abyss Corridor which connects the world to the Abyssal Spire will not change or reset over time.

Restrictions and Ley Line Disorders
There are several restrictions in the Spiral Abyss. When challenging 3 chambers consecutively, you cannot:
· Consume food or other such items
· Change party members
· Change artifacts or weapons
· Level up or ascend characters.

In addition, each floor in the Spiral Abyss has different Ley Line Disorders. It can give buffs or debuffs to characters, opponents, or both. In order to complete the challenge more easily, you should always take the Ley Line Disorders into consideration.

Blessings and Benedictions
Challengers will receive recognition from the depths of the Spiral Abyss. This recognition comes in the form of a buff that assists you in battle.
The blessing in the Spiral Abyss changes every two weeks and provides a range of buffs. You can check the current buff in "Blessing of the Abyssal Moon."

In addition, at the start of each chamber, you can choose to receive one Benediction of the Abyss. Different benedictions have different effects and durations:
· Effective this floor: Effect lasts until entering the next floor.
· Effective this chamber: Effect lasts until entering the next chamber.
· Effective immediately: Effect starts immediately.
Choosing the right benediction according to your party composition will help you complete the challenge more easily.

It is said that some floors in the Spiral Abyss will diverge into two paths. To dive deeper, you must split your party into two groups...
Certain chambers will be divided into first and second halves. To clear the chamber, you need to split your party into two groups and clear each half separately. You cannot have the same characters in both groups.

Rewards and Reset
Clearing the Spiral Abyss gives you generous rewards. Clearing each chamber for the first time allows you to receive the "Chamber Bounty." Earn enough Abyssal Stars in each chamber to collect the "Star's Bounty." You can check the rewards in the Reward Preview.

With the start of a new Lunar Phase on the first and sixteenth day of each month, the Abyssal Moon Spire's rewards will reset, which may also cause a new period of Blessing of the Abyssal Moon to begin.
Abyss Corridor rewards will not be reset over time.

Rumor has it that people who've ascended to Celestia have also witnessed the same helix-shaped divine ladder that can be seen within Visions. Venturing out into the universe and down into the abyss are the same in that both are braving the dark unknown.

Adventurer Handbook and Map description
The cycles of the moon elucidate the turning points of fate, and as the gears turn at the beginning and middle of the month, the treasures hidden at the end of the spire shows itself.

Complete Floor 8 Chamber 3 of the Abyss Corridor and challenge the Abyssal Moon Spire to win the treasure of the depths.

Moment of Syzygy
A grand underground corridor which leads to an unknown spiral constructed by a great empire that has long gone.

What treasures await deep in the palace, and what monsters lurk in the shadow...

Surrounded by mysteries, the inverse tower is now known as- Spiral Abyss

First Entry Text


There are 8 Achievements in the category Domains and Spiral Abyss: Series I Achievements:

Achievement Description Requirements Primogem
Down We Go Clear Floor 4 of the Spiral Abyss. 5
Down We Go Clear Floor 8 of the Spiral Abyss. 10
Down We Go Clear Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss. 20
Down to Dodge Complete Spiral Abyss 2-3 without taking any DMG. 5
Down to Dodge Complete Spiral Abyss 5-3 without taking any DMG. 10
Down to Dodge Complete Spiral Abyss 8-3 without taking any DMG. 20
My Precious Complete Spiral Abyss 2–2 with an undamaged Ley Line Monolith. 10
Abyssal Crusader Obtain all Abyssal Stars in the Spiral Abyss. Requires only the 72 Abyssal Stars from the Abyss Corridor; it does not include stars from the Abyssal Moon Spire. 20


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
59Against All OddsCity of Winds and IdyllsBehind Enemy Lines, Call of the Abyss, Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern, Domain of Guyun, Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula, Midsummer Courtyard, Of Mysteries and Salt, Retrieve the Holy Lyre der Himmel, Ridge Watch, Spiral Abyss, The Reward for Courage is Flight, Valley of Remembrance, Ascend: Clear the Ruins
Event Gameplay


  • Players can view statistics from their runs in the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 9 through 12) from the last 24 Phases.
  • In astronomy, "syzygy" is the configuration of three celestial bodies in a straight line. One commonly-known type of syzygy is an eclipse.
    • In the Valentinianism system of Gnosticism, "syzygy" refers to the duo male and female emanations of God.
  • The Spiral Abyss appears to take inspiration from Honkai Impact 3rd's Q-Singularis challenge.


Video Guides[]

How to Reach the Spiral Abyss Domain

Other Languages[]

Spiral Abyss

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSpiral Abyss
Shēnjìng Luóxuán
Spiral Depths
Shēnjìng Luóxuán
Shinkei Rasen
Spiral Depths
Korean나선 비경
Naseon Bigyeong
Spiral Abyss
SpanishEspiral del AbismoSpiral of the Abyss
FrenchProfondeurs spiraléesSpiral Depths
RussianВитая Бездна
Vitaya Bezdna
Spiral Abyss
ThaiSpiral Abyss
VietnameseLa HoànLa Hoàn Thâm CảnhThâm CảnhSpiral Depths‍[※][※]
GermanGewundener AbgrundWinding Abyss
IndonesianSpiral Abyss
PortugueseAbismo do EspiralSpiral Abyss
TurkishHiçlik SarmalıSpiral of Nothingness
ItalianAbisso a spiraleSpiral Abyss

Moment of Syzygy

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMoment of Syzygy
Héshuò zhī Kè
Moment of New Moon
Héshuò zhī Kè
Sakubou no Koku
Time of the New and Full Moon[• 1]
Hapsag-ui Ttae
Moment of Dark of the Moon
SpanishAlineación astralAstral Alignment
FrenchAlignement astralAstral Alignment
RussianМомент сопряжения
Moment sopryazheniya
Moment of Junction
Muea Dao Banchop
When the Star Cycle Ends
VietnameseThời KhắcThời Khắc Sao Đổi Ngôi
GermanNeuordnung der GestirneReorganization of the Heavenly Bodies
IndonesianSaat Bintang BerjajarWhen Stars Align
PortugueseQuando as Estrelas se AlinhamWhen the Stars Align
TurkishSüper Ay DöngüsüSupermoon Cycle
ItalianAllineamento astraleAstral Alignment
  1. Japanese: 朔望 sakubou refers to the first and fifteenth days of the lunar month (corresponding to the new moon and full moon, respectively).

Change History[]

Version 4.8
  • 2024-07-17
    • Optimized Party Setup screen with dragging avatars to change characters' position in different parties.
    • Added "Astral Mark Status" filter option.

Version 4.7

  • 2024-06-05
    • Added the "View Character" button on the Select Character interface.
    • Replaced the pop-up window when exit a challenge with a pause interface.
    • Added buttons for abandoning challenge progress for the current floor and re-configuring party composition to the "Challenge Failed" and pause interfaces.
    • Optimized the logic of clearing filters after using the filter function on the Select Character interface.
    • Updated Description with the refresh rules for Benediction of the Abyss.
  • 2024-06-16
    • Updated Abyssal Moon Spire schedule from resetting on 1st and 16th of each month to 16th of each month.
    • Updated Abyssal Moon Spire Star's Bounty rewards from 600 to 800 Primogems by increasing rewards for earning 9 Abyssal Stars from 50 to 100.

Version 4.6

Version 4.3

Version 4.0

Version 3.8

  • 2023-07-05
    • Adjusted the collision size of the Spiral Abyss's floor.
  • 2023-07-16
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11–12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 3.7

  • 2023-06-01
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11–12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 3.6

Version 3.5

  • 2023-03-16:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11–12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 3.4

  • 2023-02-01:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11–12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 3.3

Version 3.2

  • 2022-11-16:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11–12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 3.1

  • 2022-09-28:
  • 2022-10-01:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11–12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 3.0

Version 2.8

  • 2022-07-16:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11 and 12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 2.7

  • 2022-06-01:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11 and 12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 2.6

Version 2.5

  • 2022-03-01:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11 and 12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 2.4

  • 2022-01-05:
    • Added real-time completion progress for challenge targets.
    • Added ability to view monster details in the next floor and combined chamber screens into tabs.
    • Adjusted the height of the central stage disc in all levels on Floors 9–12 of the Spiral Abyss.
  • 2022-01-16:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11 and 12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 2.3

  • 2021-12-01:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11 and 12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 2.2

  • 2021-10-16:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 11 and 12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 2.1

Version 2.0

  • 2021-08-01:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 9–12) were altered. (Old Floors, New Floors)

Version 1.6

Version 1.5

Version 1.3

  • 2021-02-16:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within Floor 12 of the Abyssal Moon Spire were changed to include the new enemy, the Geovishap (Old Floors, New Floors).

Version 1.2

  • 2021-01-01:
    • The enemies and Ley Line Disorders within the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 9–12) were changed to include the new enemies and Sheer Cold from Dragonspine (Old Floors, New Floors).

Version 1.0

  • Spiral Abyss was released.

