Tag: Xbox

Forza Motorsport (2023) Review

HIGH It’s a super serious Forza Motorsport game with an emphasis on realism!

LOW It’s a super serious Forza Motorsport game with an emphasis on realism!

WTF Excitement from the narrator about shaving a tenth of a second off a lap. Calm down, buddy!

Preview: The Anacrusis

I’ve spent several hours playing through the Early Access version of The Anacrusis and there is a hint of something that I think people might be able to latch on to.

NHL 22 Review

A Sign Of Silliness To Come?

HIGH Next-gen polish brings new life to a tried-and-true formula.

LOW X-Factors feel meaningless in the heat of gameplay.

WTF The single-Be a Pro mode has become a complete afterthought

Neon Abyss Review

Neon Gods

HIGH Blasting through gods like they’re nothing.

LOW The game has more content than playtime.

WTF Nothing for something is too often an outcome.