Tag: Shooting

PREVIEW Starship Troopers: Extermination

After a few matches of Starship Troopers: Extermination, players are bound to hear “I’m doing my part!” or “Come on you apes, you want to live forever?” over comms as fans fervently belt out their favorite quote from the ’90s sci-fi action blockbuster.

Brigador Review

Mechs. Warriors. Mercenaries.


HIGH The frosty-cool cyberpunk mood and glorious synth soundtrack

LOW Tougher than a cyborg’s titanium codpiece, and not always for the right reasons

WTF Am I wrong for wanting a mission or two during daytime?

Superhot Review

Super Not … gonna forget this game any time soon


HIGH Splitting an incoming bullet in two with a swift katana slice.

LOW Some challenge modes are lame.

WTF I wonder how much money Microsoft ponied up to keep this exclusive on XBO

Enter The Gungeon Review

And don't stop dodge-rolling once you enter.

Enter the Gungeon Review Screenshot

HIGH Clearing an entire floor without taking a hit is incredibly satisfying.

LOW The randomness can make some playthroughs impossible to complete.

WTF Pop culture references, like the Nintendo zapper from Duck Hunt.

Assault Android Cactus Review

Doesn't the title say it all?

Assault Android Cactus Review Screenshot

HIGH Barely surviving each level has never felt so good.

LOW The bosses are massive difficulty spikes on an already balls-hard game.

WTF An unlockable that changes the genre of the game. I love it!