Tag: PS2

Pumpkin Jack Review

A Few Tricks, A Few Treats

HIGH Getting the sword and gun.

LOW Muddied visuals on a Switch Lite. The overall feelings of repetition.

WTF This game might have helped me face my fear of crows.

GameCritics.com Podcast Episode 92: Sports Games

In the absence of one Brad Gallaway, the GC crew is finally free to delve into our sports fandom and how it relates to gaming. Join us as we discuss traditional sports and video games, our past memories of the genre, and how it suffers from the same "AAA diesease" as the rest of the industry. Featuring Richard Naik, Chi Kong Lui, Mike Bracken, and Michael Cunningham.

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Consoleation: Irreconcilable differences

Beyond: Two Souls Screenshot

I've learned a few things after reading about what's happened during the DICE Summit and Awards event that's taken place this past week. The industry seems to be crying out desperately for maturity. David Cage (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls) says that games need to grow up. Warren Spector (Epic Mickey) says that games like Lollipop Chainsaw shouldn't be made. The industry wants more Journey and The Walking Dead experiences, as evidenced by these games winning 99.5% of the awards given out. The definition of "fun" is changing.

Consoleation: My Top Five Consoles of All Time

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Screenshot

With this console generation coming to a close, and with the strong likelihood that this will mark the end of buying modern consoles for me, I thought I'd look back and rank my top five consoles of all time. These are my rankings, my criteria, and my words. Your mileage can and will certainly vary.

Gamecritics.com Podcast Episode 82: Thanksgiving Giving and Wreck-It Ralph

It's a special 1/5 British edition of the Gamecritics.com podcast. This week we tackle Wreck-It Ralph, Thanksgiving shout outs, and what we've been playing during our long hibernation. Featuring Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, Mike Bracken, Richard Naik, and special guest host Sinan "Redcoat" Kubba.

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Gamecritics.com Podcast Episode 81: Scary Games and The Walking Dead: Episode 4

This week, we discuss our favorite scary games, and then have a mega discussion of The Walking Dead: Episode 4! With Chi Kong Lui, Brad Gallaway, Richard "Defender Against The Robot Uprising" Naik, Dylan Collins and special guest Jeffrey Matulef.

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State of Play with Brandon Bales: David Jaffe, Part Three

Here's the wrap-up of our fantastic talk with David Jaffe, creative lead on the Twisted Metal series and one of my favorite all-time games, God of War.

Inside, we finish up our talk on the new Twisted Metal, we hear about Mr. Jaffe's future plans, and we hear how he feels about other games and designers aping his style.  If you're a fan of David's, you don't want to miss this one!

State of Play with Brandon Bales: David Jaffe, Part Three

State of Play with Brandon Bales: David Jaffe, Part Two

In this episode, Mr. Jaffe shares with us his thoughts on God of War 4, the troubles of tumultuous development (including two cancelled games, Darkons and Heartland), the failures of Calling All Cars, and the reasons why he left God of War. Finally, we wrap up with thoughts on the process of creating the brand-new Twisted Metal.

State of Play with Brandon Bales: David Jaffe, Part Two