Author: Jeff Ortloff

Custom Mech Wars Review

HIGH I built a mech with a lion’s head and a tail! Lots of stuff to blow up.

LOW Excessive grinding. Repetitive mission structure.

WTF Why is the trailer so fascinated with phallic drills?  Why did I build a mech with one?

Tekken 8 Review

HIGH Amazing visuals. Top-notch controls.

LOW Occasional stuttering. Some weird translations here and there.

WTF Kuma hitting enemies with a giant trout is just… perfection.

Axis Football 2024

HIGH More options on offense with greatly improved blocking AI and animations.

LOW “Appropriately challenging play experience” steers too close to “rubber banding”

WTF Why is my beloved Philadelphia Express ALWAYS terrible?

Jagged Alliance 3 Review

HIGH N-Night is the Greatest. Mission. Ever. Recruiting the Coffee Beans is amazing. 

LOW Important mechanics are not well-explained to new players. A few glitches.

WTF Where did my plot critical items go?  I don’t remember selling them!

Aliens: Dark Descent Review

HIGH So. Incredibly. Tense. Luring enemies into a killbox is so satisfying!

LOW Game-stopping bugs. Punishingly difficult. Repetitive commentary from my marines.

WTF How do Face Huggers see my squad SO QUICKLY if they’re in eggs?

Blood Bowl 3 Review

HIGH Great atmosphere. Good-looking stadiums & players. Translates the boardgame rules well.

LOW Myriad glitches and bugs, frustrating multiplayer, repetitive announcing, microtransactions.

WTF Why can’t I consistently execute actions I know I should be able to execute?