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Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XLVII at the Las Vegas Fan Festival

The forty-seventh installment of the Letter from the Producer LIVE will be broadcasting straight from the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival in Las Vegas and includes the first part of our sneak peek at the new content in Patch 4.5!

Later in the show, we will be joined by Tsuyoshi Yokozawa, Lead Battle System Designer, who will no doubt have some interesting insights to share!

Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XLVII

Date & Time

Saturday, 17 November, 2018 at 23:30 (GMT)
* Starting time is subject to change.


* Includes live interpretation from Japanese to English.
* This broadcast is free to view.

Show Details

  • Patch 4.5 Preview Part 1
  • Miscellaneous announcements

Learn more about the Las Vegas Fan Festival.

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