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Trouvez le groupe de joueurs qui vous ressemble pour vivre pleinement
vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !

Utilisation de la recherche d'aventuriers

  • Étape 1

    Chercher un groupe

  • Étape 2

    Prendre contact via la page de recrutement

  • Étape 3

    Faire connaissance et rejoindre

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une compagnie libre ?

    Les compagnies libres sont des groupes que les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent rejoindre.

    Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.

    Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !

  • Que sont les linkshells et les linkshells inter-Monde ?

    Les linkshells sont des canaux de discussion privés destinés aux joueurs qui partagent le même objectif.

    On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.

    Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !

    Linkshells (LS) : seuls les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent les rejoindre.
    Linkshells inter-Monde (LSIM) : tous les joueurs d'un même centre de traitement de données peuvent les rejoindre, peu importe leur Monde d'origine.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe JcJ ?

    Les équipes JcJ (Joueur contre Joueur) sont des équipes spécialement formées pour des affrontements entre joueurs.

    Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !

    Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.
Linkshell inter-Monde

Recrutement - Bee Hive RP



Heures d'activité
En semaine
17:00 22:00
17:00 22:00
Membres actifs


Centre de données


Places à pourvoir


#Amateurs de jeu de rôle
#Débutants bienvenus
#Jeu détendu
(Inspired by Letter Bee)

Interested in being a postman and travelling far and wide?
Join the Bee Hive Delivery Agency today!

Its a bit of RP fun with some gil on the side. Together we fulfil and deliver gathering orders for clients with a smile and with our trusty chocobos by our side. You can look for your own orders and/or we can share! (Especially the beefy ones)

There is an optional, simple uniform for the RP side of things, which we can aquire for you, if you don't have. There are no level restrictions!

Only interested in the RP side? You can still make deliveries, without worrying about gathering classes!

When requested at the agency Headquarters (an RP space in game), or in the field, you will be given a 'delivery' to make, and you will be assigned a randomly generated location in Eorzea with a story. You can journey with other Bees, let your Chocobos rest at stables you find along the way, and sightsee! There are plenty of other little fun RP tidbits which we have to build immersion. (Please note, there is no gil involved in RP Deliveries)

Become a Delivery Bee today, by commenting below!


If you leave your Discord, you'll be contacted by Yuni101 or an admin of the group. Thank you!

Profil du groupe








Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !

Profil du recruteur

Membre du groupe

Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

I wish to build a friendly community where there is no pressure to RP, and no pressure to worry about gathering! Choose how you want to be invovled, and please just enjoy yourselves! Thank you!



Membre du groupe Leena Vendas Lich [Light]

Hello! Im kind of interested in this because I love gathering and crafting but im not that high levels yet and i am about to finish HW so if that is not an issue than ill be glad to try this out :D

My Discord is DauntedCube#7606

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Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

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Ikeda Faerstathe Twintania [Light]

This sounds like a ton of fun! xD
My Disc is Ike#4905 ^^


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Yu Lux Raiden [Light]

This looks so wholesome and fun!!
My discord is Sanir#0118


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for your interest! I've contacted you on Discord and we hope to have you on board!

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Farodin Nemiril Shiva [Light]

This is an very good idea, i like it and i would be happy if I could join this project.

My discord is Faroin/Patrick#9096


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

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Makna Velscra Lich [Light]

I am interested in this.
my discord is tristics#9765


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Vant Surlaint Shiva [Light]

This seems quite fun. I would gladly join aswell, but english is not my first language and I´m fairly new to RP. Would that be an issue? If not feel free to contact me at my Discord: Flotschi#9812 ^^


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Gerben Firesprout Twintania [Light]

This looks promising i am interested in joining :D


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

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A'tonia Lyon Zodiark [Light]

This looks fun! And would give me something to do with all the things I gather when I'm trying to level and my market board slots are full...


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

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-- -- ----

good morning I returned to ff14 recently, i be interested in joining both in game and as a art project. If thats ok with your group. My discord is Sonja Yascaret#8289


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for your interest! I've contacted you on Discord and we hope to have you on board!


Membre du groupe Alys Eleri Zodiark [Light]

Hihi, took a small break from the game but looking to return back to the Bee Hive if possible!



Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for re-joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Raven Ark Phoenix [Light]

I have a question, do you have activities only on time listed in info? I would like to try and step in to RP side of game and this sounds like a good and interesting choice, but 5pm ST is 10pm of my time and i probably won't be able to do it so often. And yet... Anyhow, for discussion can add me on discord - Arkanit#3278

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Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Tolgar Alegia Lich [Light]

That sounds very cool and interesting! I would love to get involved but am still not entirely sure how that works. If you like please add me on disc:
Yukiro Phelps#8226 please have a pleasant night :)


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for your interest! I've contacted you on Discord and we hope to have you on board!


Albin Barron Phoenix [Light]

Looks pretty worthwhile to get involved! I'd be happy to give it a go. My Discord is:


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Blake Steelclaw Phoenix [Light]

This looks like a lot of fun! my discord is IamNegan#9707


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

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Moriya Medea Raiden [Light]

This project sounds interesting! I'm new to RP though. My Discord is Dekrion#4399


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

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-- -- ----

I've never RP before, but it looks fun to me, I would like to give it a try


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for your interest! I'll try and contact you in game and we hope to have you on board!


Eliloria Darzyn Twintania [Light]

I just saw the party finder thingy and was curious about the whole delivery thing o.o
my discord is Eliloria#7910

Cette réponse a été supprimée par son auteur.

Membre du groupe Aurelija Rey Lich [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Crowe Carbine Twintania [Light]



Membre du groupe Aurelija Rey Lich [Light]

Thank you for your interest! We will contact you on Discord and we hope to have you on board!


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


E- Boy Sargatanas [Aether]

Heyy, This looks fun I'd love to join :] StayyH#6969


Membre du groupe Aurelija Rey Lich [Light]

Thank you for your interest! We will contact you on Discord and we hope to have you on board!


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Vyreia Sun Alpha [Light]

This looks fun and wholesome!

Vyreia#8046 <3


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Axel Londor Shiva [Light]

Hey I want to join your linkshell :)


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for your interest! I'll try and contact you in game and we hope to have you on board!


Jean Auelle Phoenix [Light]

Hi! I'm interested in joining your gathering venture :D
My discord is Jean Auelle#6537


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Sinon Fluffypaw Raiden [Light]

Hey! Im interested in joining your agency :3

Discord: Sinon Fluffypaw#7775


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Manon Travers Phoenix [Light]

This sounds like a lot of fun, both RP and gathering! Would you be willing to invite me? My Discord is: RandomITMan#6937


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Khuma Neeko Twintania [Light]

Hey! I am so interested in this! It looks like ton of fun :3 please send me a discord ! Khuma Neeko#6638 ♥


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Membre du groupe Glorious Pancake Raiden [Light]

Oh this sounds really fun! I'd love to join, you can contact me on LunarEclip5e#7365


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Cordy Blacktea Alpha [Light]

I think this sounds like a lot of fun and I'd like to join. My Discord is Cheesette#1936


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Membre du groupe Gwenhwyfar Artemith Zodiark [Light]

This sounds so cool! I'd love to join ^^

My discord is Saethzuma #3696

(modifié)  -

Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Sinann Nymph Alpha [Light]

Hello, I would like to join if possible :D
My discord: Sinann#0446


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Sayoko Kinme Omega [Chaos]

I would be interested to join in the gathering fun!



Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Elyssia Varona Lich [Light]

Hey, this sounds really interesting! I'd like to join if possible ^^



Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Elincia Chaunollet Alpha [Light]

Thats sounds like a lot of fun you caught my interest! I'll be glad to have a chance to join your ranks! c:
My Discord: Sups#8998


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Caelum Hye Zodiark [Light]



Membre du groupe Peanut Elmsprout Twintania [Light]

Hey! This seems like a ton of fun! Please contact me if you're still recruiting, my tag is Maveina#9082


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Celeste Rathian Twintania [Light]

Hey there, Not really done a lot of RP but I do enjoy gathering and I'd like to do at the very least that Aspect of it with a small group (these bigger Free Companies freak me out xD).

Discord: UltraFRS#1337


Membre du groupe Allantir Firewind Phoenix [Light]

Hello, this sounds very intriguing! I would love to join: Allantir#8563


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Raeleigh Lukei Lich [Light]

Hello! I'm really interested in this as I love gathering and crafting! I'd love to join :) discord: Nickyy#1884


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Refia Farron Malboro [Crystal]

this seems like fun! my discord is Mega#9009


Membre du groupe Aurelija Rey Lich [Light]

Hello Refia,
we are currently operating from Light, and I can see you commented from Crystal.
I have sent you a Request via Discord maybe we can talk there a bit about it all.

Best Aurelija ♥


Membre du groupe Lala Fae Omega [Chaos]

Hey, I'd love to join. I'm unsure what it entails but I'm max on crafter's and gatherers if that helps any. This sounds super fun ❤️


Membre du groupe Aurelija Rey Lich [Light]

Hello Lala Fae!
We will try and contact you in the game :3 We would love to provide some details for you!


Membre du groupe Aurelija Rey Lich [Light]

Welcome to the Hive! ❤️


Membre du groupe Lala Fae Omega [Chaos]

❤️❤️ thank you for having me


Membre du groupe Bruhm Narius Lich [Light]

Sounds very fun ! May I be contacted on discord ? Bruhm#1738


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Lark Fervor Raiden [Light]

Hi I'm interested in joining - discord is larkpi#1772


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Kinna Treburn Zodiark [Light]

I am interested in further details! :)

Kinna Treburn#1957


Membre du groupe M'kelso Faye Odin [Light]

This sounds really fun. I would like to learn more. MichaelvD#8008


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par son auteur.

Annie Kotatsu Lich [Light]

I'd love to join if you're still recruiting people <3



Membre du groupe Bo Tetstu Lich [Light]

This is sounds like a lot of fun! I would like to learn more about it if you guys are still recruiting c:


Membre du groupe Aurelija Rey Lich [Light]

Thank you for joining ♥


Robo Fortune Lich [Light]

Sounds amazing.
Robo Fortune is awaiting futher action commands.


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Hiori Yushima Twintania [Light]

Adore the sound of this its very cute. ^^ Would love to join!


Lux Fair Phoenix [Light]

This sounds like a lot of fun . As a big fan of RP, I would be highly interested in learning more. I am a returning player and might be a bit underleveled.

My discord is DasMetu96#9567


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Fabilous Hunter Lich [Light]

Hy! :x
I'm not that experienced in crafting/gathering but i can craft/gather everything.
I would like to join, i saw someone gathering in coerthas with an advertisement in his/her discription for the Bee Hive :x

Uhm and i'm an ambivert, i hope that's okay :c


Fabilous Hunter Lich [Light]

Fabilous Hunter [L]#7294


Haxra Meian Zodiark [Light]

hello i would like to join your communitie , i always whanted to rp and i try to go to weekly rp event but most of the time i back out since im shy in nature, i never done gathering so it can be the opportunity to learn how it work and make me more at ease when i rp whit auther
i short i whant to join in hope to help me becaume a better role player , here my discord Haxra#4628
thx for reading me


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Gato Chonker Odin [Light]

yo its ur boi gato
never done any rp before but this sounds like fun!! lemme try plz, ill be a good lil bee :)
my disc is konizumi#5859
buzzz buzzz


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!

(modifié)  -

Social Anxieties Twintania [Light]

Hi, i would be intrested in joining, my discord is SocialAnxiety__ :)


Membre du groupe Raven Ark Phoenix [Light]

Hey there! If you still interested, please accept my friend request on discord, so we can talk! My discord is arkanit.


Madi Hoppleton Shiva [Light]

Hey :D My Discord name is pinkiepiemadi :)


Membre du groupe Fane Apollo Phoenix [Light]

Thanks for joining us :D Glad to have you!

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Biscoff Cookie Raiden [Light]

I would like to join! My discord is Katti_


Membre du groupe Raven Ark Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Chappy Ten-shi Lich [Light]

Hello, I'd like to join too.
My discord is Totenprinz


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Reeslya Valory Zodiark [Light]

I would love to be a part of ur group! *-* Could u please contact me on discord? My Username is reeslya! Thank u so much!


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Lulupo Lupo Twintania [Light]

This is such a cute idea! I'd like to join if you're still taking people. My discord is artificialdevil :)


Membre du groupe Raven Ark Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Dana Dania Leviathan [Primal]

Sounds like fun... Interested in joining. My discord is dana_lynn :)


Membre du groupe Raven Ark Phoenix [Light]

Hi, sorry for late reply but unfortunately we operate only EU DCs


Dana Dania Leviathan [Primal]

Np, and awwww. But ty for replying.


Nojra Tswarra Shiva [Light]

Hey. i would gladly join for some rp and treasure hunts and what not. robo-ky#8157


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Mous Periwinkle Twintania [Light]

Hello, I would love to join for the rp side!
My discord is chiplet. :3


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Lilo Stitch Odin [Light]

Hej, is recruitment still available? Disc: .arabxd.


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Unfortunately we can't seem to get ahold of you in Discord with that username. We will try contacting you in game, or you can contact me directly on my Discord yuni101. Thank you!

(modifié)  -

Lilo Stitch Odin [Light]

Hej, is recruitment still available? Disc: .arabxd.


Mjrn Crescent Zodiark [Light]

Would like to join your linkshell :D


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Do you happen to have a Discord? If not, we can try and contact you in game.


Membre du groupe Berthiol Eiderdrake Twintania [Light]

sounds interesting, hopefully still recruiting?

discord: mrburke.


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Letmii Elpew Phoenix [Light]

Hi hi!
I'm Letmii, professional mistake of a gatherer and crafter. Do we get protective carry pouches? I tend to fall a lot... and get attacked by random birds a lot too...
I just hope i can make it to the agency without a bruise this time...
Discord shape_me


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Iola Lucasta Seraph [Dynamis]

Hello! Are you guys still recruiting? I'd like to join on the non-RP side (and maybe ease myself into RP as it goes. I'm really shy ^^;). Discord mirukimary


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Bertilak Hautdesert Lich [Light]

Hello! I'd really like to get into ffxiv RP and also love gathering in the game, so this sounds pretty perfect for me :) My discord is lamreii. Thank you!


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Lohengrin Pendragon Raiden [Light]

Hello, if you still recruiting, I can deliver by bike or whale :)
My discord is svalnirsvalnirsson


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Tsuki Sakurai Phoenix [Light]

Hey! I am interested in joining to do delivery if you are recruiting :)
Discord: jpreme


Asher Loin Twintania [Light]

Not sure if you're still recruiting new members but i would love to join!
Discord is flashyninja


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Bhee Polaali Alpha [Light]

Hello! I’m very much interested! My discord is doremys !


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Lamia Saab Shiva [Light]

Hello! I love your vibe a lot and I'm starting roleplaying in MMO and in FFXIV in general. If you are still recruiting I would love to try and join! My discord is naminethewitchy. Thank you so much in advance!


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Hello! Unfortunately I can't seem to friend you on Discord, and can't get ahold of you. I will try and get ahold of you in game.


Membre du groupe Lamia Saab Shiva [Light]

Hello! sorry, i think i touched some settings on my discord. I haved changed them now but today i will enter to check it! sorry for the inconvinience and thank you!


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Rabitsuka Hisoka Raiden [Light]

Hi, will there be someone from Poland here?


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Possibly! I'm half-polish myself if that helps?


Exze Rehw-bidit Phantom [Chaos]

Hey this seems like a lot of fun! I enjoy gathering when I've got a goal in mind, and it sounds like a nice opportunity to be part of a community in the process!
Discord is: Exze


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Vera Lunaris Odin [Light]

Heeeey, I would be interest to join if you are still recruiting and active :D !
Discord is: paelori


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Faris Argyle Phoenix [Light]

Hey, this sounds pretty interesting and I would be interested in joining if you are still looking!

My discord is: unicornoverlord


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Lotus Lynn Twintania [Light]

I'm pretty interrested, if you're still recruiting! my discord is: yaecee


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Yuki Nishino Odin [Light]

I heard from Vera that you have a wonderful and welcoming community at the Bee Hive, and I would love to join and be a part of it too!

I apologize for any confusion caused by Vera's excitement. In her enthusiasm, she kindly invited me before checking with you first. I didn’t realize there were specific procedures to follow until after I had already joined, and I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

I hope to become a member of your amazing community!

Discord: Channi14


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Moronaka Tachikake Shiva [Light]

I am pretty new to RP, but this sounds like a lot of fun if you are still recruiting I would be happy to hear back from you.
Discord: toto599


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Dante Vanthorn Twintania [Light]

Hi, I'd be interested in enlisting, I like RP and this sounds like a great idea. My Discord is: ThatRobbo


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Thank you for joining the Bee Hive Delivery Agency!


Membre du groupe Rombli Mea Odin [Light]

Hello, its interesting for first RP times and its seem fun wanna join please


Membre du groupe Yuni Ryuu Phoenix [Light]

Please tell me your Discord, otherwise we will try and contact you when we can in game. We have seen your message in our message book! ^ ^

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Membre du groupe Rombli Mea Odin [Light]

sorry for late replay discord : rombli


Blondeeh Blond Zodiark [Light]

Hi, this sounds like a lot of fun! Would like to join and give it a try. Discord: blondeehdahuii


Membre du groupe Era Kusakari Raiden [Light]

Hello ! This looks like a cool and "cute" idea ^^ I would like to give it a try if you're willing to :)
My Discord is : coeur2gamer


-- -- ----

Hello! I would absolutely love to join this. My discord is: anark05! I look forward to hearing from you!! :)


Em Lole Omega [Chaos]

Hey, I would love to join this but I am in Chaos. Is that a problem? my discord is emlole.

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Taira Ruthenia Raiden [Light]

Interested in joining! Sound so fun! ? My Discord is normacenva.


Kael Darkstar Alpha [Light]

Hello there, im not rly into RPing but im a happy crafter and gatherer. Id like to join if you still looking for members.
my discord is:



Prez Chatterfang Raiden [Light]

Good afternoon I would be interested in joining if you are still after people.
My discord is prezchatterfang


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