Bienvenue sur la page de recherche d'aventuriers !

Trouvez le groupe de joueurs qui vous ressemble pour vivre pleinement
vos aventures dans FINAL FANTASY XIV !

Utilisation de la recherche d'aventuriers

  • Étape 1

    Chercher un groupe

  • Étape 2

    Prendre contact via la page de recrutement

  • Étape 3

    Faire connaissance et rejoindre

  • Qu'est-ce qu'une compagnie libre ?

    Les compagnies libres sont des groupes que les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent rejoindre.

    Les joueurs qui font partie d'une compagnie libre (CL) peuvent par exemple discuter tous ensemble sur un canal de discussion privé ou acheter une maison de compagnie libre. Ils peuvent aussi utiliser des "bienfaits", des actions spéciales qui leur sont réservées et permettent entre autres d'augmenter l'expérience reçue pour tous les membres pendant un certain temps.

    Les compagnies libres sont chacune aussi différentes que les membres qui la composent. Choisissez celle qui s'aligne le mieux avec votre style de jeu !

  • Que sont les linkshells et les linkshells inter-Monde ?

    Les linkshells sont des canaux de discussion privés destinés aux joueurs qui partagent le même objectif.

    On les appelle plus couramment LS et LSIM. Elles permettent de discuter sur un canal privé avec les autres membres. Contrairement aux compagnies libres, les joueurs peuvent rejoindre plusieurs linkshells. Vous pouvez donc par exemple faire partie d'une linkshell pour les contrats de chasse et d'une autre pour la pêche.

    Rejoignez les linkshells en rapport avec vos activités préférées !

    Linkshells (LS) : seuls les joueurs d'un même Monde peuvent les rejoindre.
    Linkshells inter-Monde (LSIM) : tous les joueurs d'un même centre de traitement de données peuvent les rejoindre, peu importe leur Monde d'origine.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe JcJ ?

    Les équipes JcJ (Joueur contre Joueur) sont des équipes spécialement formées pour des affrontements entre joueurs.

    Trouvez l'équipe la plus adaptée pour vous, entraînez-vous ensemble et visez le haut du classement !

    Mode JcJ : toutes missions où le but est de combattre d'autres joueurs.
Compagnie libre

Recrutement - -Nocturnal Entities-



Heures d'activité
En semaine
9:00 3:00
9:00 4:00
Membres actifs


Centre de données


Monde d'origine


Places à pourvoir


#Débutants bienvenus
#Jeu détendu
#Joueurs sociaux
#Événements joueurs
❀❀❀❀❀ Ohai there! We are - Nocturnal Entities - Nite is our tag ❀❀❀❀❀

New Player friendly FC♥
✨Cosy, fun, social that's what we are, wanting to grow together with you into a fun community
✨We have a comfy FC house (grab a food buff there♥) with a workshop that will be available to those who need it
✨An FC chest filled with goodies such at minions and dyes at your disposal ♥
✨We have chocobo stables ( daily chocobo feeding) and a garden aswell for those who'd like to use them
✨Discord is available (lvl3) and is filled with handy links etc! So you can chat and hang there outside off FF 2! We also have a link available to PvP Discord's for those interested!
✨Running weekly groups / events together ( such as mount farms, treasure maps , glam events , hide and seek , Give aways =D)
✨Help new people (And everyone who needs help!) where we can, please don't be afraid to ask any qeustions

♥We have MGP saturdays, so you can get your 10% extra MGP ♥
~ A question not asked remains a mystery ~

✨✨✨ And let's keep things drama free Remember real life is already stressful enough! ✨✨✨

Have any questions or wish to join? Contact us @:
♥️ Annie Cyane (FC lead) ♥️ (Odds are best here ◕‿◕)
♥️ Ere Cyane (moderator) ♥️
Jova Ivaj<
Zylvia Roselynn<
♥️ Der Hammer ♥️
♥️ Noline Lanverlais♥

or join our discord and ask for an invite there

FC house Medium Plot 1 Ward 9 Mists open to visitors♥ Mist W9 P1♥

♥Wedding Annie and Ere♥

Profil du groupe










Brumée, secteur 9, parcelle 1 [Moyen]

Description du logement

Nocturnal's Rest


Prenez contact avec les membres de ce groupe en vue de le rejoindre !

Profil du recruteur

Membre du groupe

Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

-Nocturnal Entities- (Nite) Is looking for you! Are you interested in growing together with us? We strife to help eachother and have fun, doing events such as Glam contests / treasure maps / mount farms or roulettes together. (even things like cards vs humanity via our discord) Our FC buffs EXP increase and TP cost reduction are up 24/7(lvl 3 EXP increase a few times a week) ♥ Discord : Come check us out there or contact us in game, Or simply look one of us with the Nite tag up and apply to our FC♥ (if you are visiting discord before joining the FC please let me know there♥) Or leave a comment down below and will get back to you ASAP!



Nomad Strife Alpha [Light]

Id like to join please


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

welcome ♥


Membre du groupe Reyu Axita Alpha [Light]

Hi there, just come back to the game after a long absence, looking for a free company to join, can I join?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Throwing you an invite ♥


Shino Bunny Alpha [Light]

Hi ! I was looking for some nocturnal people and finally found you ! Is it still possible to join you?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Shino Hai ! Ofcourse you can join if you are online ill throw you an invite, or you can join our discord and let me know there when you are online ♥


Lilifa Lucis Alpha [Light]

The house do be very cosy :)))


Silly Nuggy Odin [Light]

This FC is absolutely amazing!
From the day I joined the game and the FC, they have been so helpful and really nice!

It's so fun and nice to be a part of this FC.
Can't ask for any better and more helpful than this! ♥


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]



Flownka Blessin Alpha [Light]

Id like to join please


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

I'll send you an invite if i catch you online ♥


Flownka Blessin Alpha [Light]

I'm online now, waiting for your invitation ^^


Luna Lovell Alpha [Light]

Hi, I'd like to join please :)


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

welcome hun ♥


Membre du groupe Hayden Lancaster Alpha [Light]

Hello, Id like to join please


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello if you are on right now i can send an invite♥

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Dero Azure Alpha [Light]

Hi im new to the game looking join a fc :)


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Heya! i'll send you an invite if you are online atm ♥


Chichi Zeni'sh Alpha [Light]

hi,i'd like to join pls


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello! Let me know when you are on, or poke us on discord if you would like to join there♥


Alexandra August Alpha [Light]

Hy, quiq question: Do you guys do end game content on all difficulties ?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

There's a couple of people in the FC that do, we currently don't organise them as an FC ♥


Seimura Disaris Zodiark [Light]

i would like to join im new but played other mmos like wow i joined the discord my discord is silverthesupreme

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Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]



Isuka Shirigokane Alpha [Light]

Hello, am a returning Player fron Germany and i would like to join the FC.


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

welcome ♥


Hoshi Kitsune Alpha [Light]

Hi, I'd like to join if possible :) playing WHM


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

ohh certainly♥


Nao Ralston Alpha [Light]

Hey. I would like to join your fc :) I am new to the game tho


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello hun! ill check if you are onlin and invite you ♥

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Ashen Niernen Alpha [Light]

Hey o/
Just swapped data centre as I wanted a bit of a fresh start, and I'm seriously lacking in friends!
Been playing for nearly 4 years now, and I'd like to think I can help others learn the main fights and mechanics of jobs and the game!

I'm hoping to find a group to help me learn the newer Ex, Unreal and potentially (S) fights - As well as just generally finding people who are looking to do dailies, be helpful, chill and have fun :D


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]


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Membre du groupe Crushing Thighs Alpha [Light]

Hi o/
I'm new to the game and I would love to join your FC if possible '^^


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello there i'll send you an invite when i see you online!


Membre du groupe Muffin Freak Alpha [Light]

Hi there, just come back to the game after a long break, have bin playing with my RL friend but he stoped so i played alone and was not good so i stoped and now i am back...atm joined some random FC to see how it is but there is no activity in it (nobody is doing anything) and its kind a boring its like playing alone again...still learning alot about game classes crafting and all and would love to learn about that and try high end duties and stuff and ofc have fun. Thank you for reading =)


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Heya hun, i can invite you / contact you when i find you in game♥ otherwise feel free to join our discord if you can ♥


Desmond Gnashe Alpha [Light]

I want to join!!!!


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

I'll invite you when i see you on =D else you could join our discord and contact us there ♥


Membre du groupe Azure Light Alpha [Light]

i would love to join your fc


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

I'll send you an inv when i catch you on! if not feel free to join our discord and give us a poke there ♥


Membre du groupe Robert Finch Alpha [Light]

I would like to join your FC. I am new to this but willing to learn and possibly help out wherever I can.


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

I'll try and find you when you are online ♥ othrwise feel free to join our discord server and poke us there!


Michael Scofield Alpha [Light]

I´d love to join with my character Lincoln Burrows in Raiden, could you please ivnite me there? cause for some reason doesn't apper in my char list :( thanks!


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Ahh i'm afraid you can't join with a char from Raiden hun :c As we are on Alpha

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Michael Scofield Alpha [Light]

I will transfer my char then :) as soon as I can I let you know :D


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Sure thing! feel free to join our discord meanwhile if you like♥


Ubi Uzumaki Alpha [Light]

Hi i'd like to join! :)


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hai there =D i'll look for you and if you are online ill throw you an invite, feel free to join the discord if you like aswell♥


Membre du groupe Faezmoen Floeransasyn Alpha [Light]

hi i will like to join (:


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

I'll send you an invite as soon as i see you online =D you can join our discord aswell if you like and make it easier♥


Membre du groupe Faezmoen Floeransasyn Alpha [Light]

ok i will be in limsa


Membre du groupe Faezmoen Floeransasyn Alpha [Light]

or ishgard


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

haha i keep missing when you are on, or maybe you are in an instance, ill keep trying ♥


Membre du groupe Faezmoen Floeransasyn Alpha [Light]

i will be in limsa right now


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Welcome to the fc ♥


Membre du groupe Faezmoen Floeransasyn Alpha [Light]

thx alot for inv me


Dani Graid Alpha [Light]

I'm newbro in this game . Would like to join


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

ive sent you a message in game♥ when you are there ill try later ♥

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Dewi Thornburgh Alpha [Light]

Henlo i'd love to join :)


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hai there ♥ ill throw you an invite when i find you on ♥


Morpheus Ypnos Alpha [Light]

Hi can I join this amazing free companie?

I have 1 friend inside and he is talking really nice about it :) I will be on today if it's needed ❤


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Awww hello there always great that people enjoy it here, ill send you an invite when i catch you on


Clive Karlsson Alpha [Light]

Hiya I'd like an invite if possible


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hai there! will try and find you online and inv you asap, else hit us up on discord ♥


Jowlex Skovfrode Alpha [Light]

hey there im new to the game have only played for 3 days so i hope that i can join :D

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Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Welcome to our home♥


Membre du groupe Ga'zayah Hueron Alpha [Light]

Hello are you still recruiting, currently looking for a free company to join :)


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

And welcome to our FC ♥


Serana Dearborn Alpha [Light]

I would be honoured to join your free company if you will have me? ?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello hun, ill try and find you ingame when you are online! ( or look for me ( annie Cyane)


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Welcome! ♥

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Membre du groupe Ea Valashek Alpha [Light]

Hi. I would like to join if possible


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello hun♥ ill send you an invite when i see you on ( or join our discord♥ )


Nackle Bun Alpha [Light]

Hi, would i be able to join?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello hun, ill invite you when i catch you on! else feel free to join our discord already ♥


Lili Kami Twintania [Light]

Hi, I would like to apply

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Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello there! Feel free to already join our discord and contact me there, otherwise ill try and look for you if you are online ♥ Welcome to the FC both

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Tobana Tiamos Spriggan [Chaos]

hey! Looking to join if you're still recruiting!


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello there, Welcome to the fc♥

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Rush Deepfreeze Alpha [Light]

me pls


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

hai! Join our discord and contact us there or i'll come find you ingame next im on ♥

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Aubery Kisne Alpha [Light]

Hi, i'd love to join!


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Heya hun feel free to join our Discord, or contact us in game, ill try to find you online meanwhile♥

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Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

have not been able to find you online yet hun


Membre du groupe Hatia Tehp Alpha [Light]

Hi can i join please


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

welcome to the FC =D


Membre du groupe Oki Haragin Alpha [Light]

Hi can i join the fc


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

welcome to the FC =D


Nas Sakura Alpha [Light]

I would like to join you community as a newcomer to this unusual world.


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Feel free to join our discord if you like in the meantime, or i'll see when you are online and shoot you an invite =D

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Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Nas, if you like join our discord, i cant seem to find you online =D


Lavender Buttons Odin [Light]

Heya I'm all new to the game, may I join please!


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

welcome to the FC ♥


Glam Lam Alpha [Light]

Hi! Newbie in game, may I join :D?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello Glam Lam ofcourse you can join! I'll try and find you online, if you like you could join our discord it makes for easier inviting♥


Isoda Kendojin Alpha [Light]

Hey , am a newbie player and would like to join with someone else , is this a problem?
Also here is my discord ".doppi." couldn't find the link to your Discord
Kind regards-


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello i just saw you join Discord, its no problem at all, chat to you there =D


Membre du groupe Niji Skittle Alpha [Light]

Hello i was wondering if I could possibly join? I am just getting back into the game from taking a break from it


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello there =D certainly you can join, ill try and find you ingame but it would be easier if you joined our Discord so we can make contact there. Or find one off us in game to apply \o/


Brian Flibergast Shiva [Light]

I'm curently looking for a FC after being away from the game for a while. I have joined the discord and was wondering if there was any more avilability.


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

ahhh sorry you are located in shiva ;-;

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Membre du groupe Yuki Ootsuka Alpha [Light]

awaaah your FC sound cute and me and my partner are looking for active people to play with and help out with BIG fates x

My partners chara is called Elise Boldfur if you need hers to be able to throw a request xx


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

I shall look for you guys in game ♥ if anything you could join Discord if you like to make getting you invited easier ♥ or poke me ingame if you see me =D

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Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Welcome to the FC ☻♥


Membre du groupe Xereus Jeraa Alpha [Light]

Hi, i've joined the discord but I was wondering if I could join as this sounds great!


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Welcome to the FC hun =D

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Membre du groupe Ochy Saintilot Alpha [Light]

Hey, I came back to the game after some time and the FC I was a part of fell apart while I was gone… I’m looking for a new, social FC and I think this is the one I’m looking for :) Can I get an invite?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello =D OFC you can, ill try and look for you, but if you can join our Discord so we can find you easier♥


Membre du groupe Ranma Saotome Alpha [Light]

Hello, complete newbie would like to join your FC :) Thank you in advance and hopefully see you soon!


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

alright ill hit you up with an invite when i seeyou ♥


Membre du groupe Riaan Slabbert Alpha [Light]

Kinda new to the game, anyways are there place for me in the company?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

ofcourse we still have a spot for you, ill find you when i can ♥


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Welcome to you both♥


Membre du groupe Arveia Bragi Alpha [Light]

hey there new player here just lvling through the msq ( just started the shadowbringers 5.1 stuff) and looking for an FC to call home looking to get into doing atleast ex's(not sure if i'll be good enough for ults lol) when i get there and when DT comes around im playing reap atm but also have dancer at a similar lvl and will more than likely lvl a scholar or sage (depending on what one i get on with) and would love to lvl a paly but the tankxiety hits hard lol


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

You are more then welcome here here, ill check if i can find you online =D also feel free to join our discord♥


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

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Membre du groupe Zinata Denini Alpha [Light]


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Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

2? :P


Bladee Jinjahl Alpha [Light]

Hi, I'm a new player returning to ffxiv after a good break and was wondering could i join the FC?

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Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light] so i can find you better♥


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello =D Sure you can hun, i'll try and find you on ingame, or if you'd like join our discord and we meet up there ♥


Membre du groupe Zinata Denini Alpha [Light]

Hi there, please can I join too? Completely new player :D


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

welcome to the fc hun ♥


Membre du groupe Mighty Damnatio Alpha [Light]

Hellooo, I would like to join! ^^


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

ofc =D Feel free to join the discord, or contact anyone in game ♥ else ill do my best to check for you when online ♥


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

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Kura Shirogane Alpha [Light]

Hiya I love love to join! :)


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Then let's get you an invite =D


Membre du groupe Icyn Xor Alpha [Light]

Hello, I'm but a wanderer looking for a FC to call home... and so may I be allowed to join you?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Ofcourse hun, let me find you or feel free to join our Discord for an easier invite♥

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Lazurus Soulborne Alpha [Light]

Hi, I main healers, might I join your company?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

i havent yet been able to catch you online, try joining our discord♥


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

Hello there, ofc you can join hun, ill check for you online, or for faster invite join our discord♥


Membre du groupe Zheno Ashborne Alpha [Light]

Hi, I recently have swapped from Chaos to Light and am wondering if I can join your Free Company, Im am quite a quiet individual but I want to try get into an FF Community again :D.


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

hello there =D feel free to join our discord so i can invite you easier ♥ if you can't ill look for you ingame or find anyone with the 'Nite' tag and ask for an invite♥


Membre du groupe Meadow Dusk Alpha [Light]

Hi, I'd like to join the FC.


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

I see you joined our discord =D ive sent you a DM there ♥

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Membre du groupe Liresh Uriro Alpha [Light]

Hey i would like to join your fc :)


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

welcome to the FC hun ♥


Membre du groupe Aragorn Strife Alpha [Light]

Hi would love to join, if brand new players are welcome?


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

welcome aswell =D


Membre du groupe Azure Light Alpha [Light]

hi,i'd like to join pls


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

ahh ofcourse you can join hun, when i catch you online ill invite you or if you like feel free to join our discord and reach out to us there ♥


Membre du groupe Harthgar Katthgar Alpha [Light]

Hello. Completely new to the game. Have about 5-6 hours played. But feels a bit lonely. So I started to look for a FC. A FC that could guide and entertain. A place with friends. And here I'm am. Hoping to be able to join. Cheers.


Membre du groupe Annie Cyane Alpha [Light]

ohh hello there, ofcourse you can join hun, if you could reach out to use in our discord♥ if not ill try and find you online =D


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