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Back to work!



I've been playing some Frontline when I've had the time. I'd say that FL is still a boring mess most of the time.

My current complaints are:

1. The new shatter map seemed to be an improvement early on but it's probably the worst map they've ever made at this point. Big Ice has too much HP (requires the whole Grand Company to take down fast). The map access to Big Ice is highly restrictive and punishes one team for contesting it leading to players ignoring Big Ice or focusing on it when they shouldn't. Small Ice spawns too frequently. I think this map is a downgrade compared to the old Shatter regardless of the irony of that statement.

2. Too many premades playing their own game with certain jobs. You have premades running around with 1 job that interrupts and 3 jobs that deal high damage. It can be DRK and DPS jobs, it can be WHM and DPS jobs, it can be WAR and DPS jobs. There are also certain jobs that completely shutdown players and will obviously be abused. Let me say this however, I don't mind premades at all but I do mind them when they start doing a lot annoying actions like going a full premade against a whole team isolated from their team to inflate their damage and "try" to get kills instead of actually fighting the leading team with their Grand Company. This happens too often and it most often leads to them losing and the team being attacked winning.

3. I just miss the old FL and old PvP system. The emphasis on teamplay was priority and players made it worked. Nowadays I'm just frustrated by the meme-premades and annoying solo-players (looking at you SAM) who try to distrupt a full team regardless of tactical rating. It's just tiring and this whole system promotes messing around rather than teamplay.

4. Secure is still disabled and I'd say that looking at the new Shatter, my expectations are low.

Oh well, have my win rate as a solo player. It keeps increasing even though the match quality goes down. I do play for objectives and play to win.
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