Bringing senior executives together to encourage the exchange of best practices and expertise, along with insights from world-class experts and FT editors. This holistic programme equips leaders with a strategic roadmap to accelerate the advancement of their careers and their organisations.


Membership benefits



Powered by FT editors, our events provide a space for business executives to develop a wider strategic outlook. Our tailored training programmes are designed to help develop key leadership skills for the most pressing business challenges.


Attend exclusive breakfast briefings moderated by a senior FT editor and conducted under the Chatham House Rule. Members can connect with peers whilst acquiring first-hand knowledge on business issues and share their expertise across different sectors.


This programme of hybrid events, breakfast briefings and specialist content, will equip senior executives with a higher strategic outlook, industry intelligence and business contacts to move to the highest levels of leadership.


"The topics reflect the diversity of business and leadership we face today. Combined with high-quality speakers, this provides attendees with thought-provoking insights relevant to our organisations and individuals' careers."
Member of the FT Future Forum

"Effective and time efficient way to step outside of your day to day working habits and look at things from a different angle”
Member of the FT Future Forum


members include


“A great place to meet other like-minded professionals, and engage on the topics that will impact us in all industries”


event schedule


The UK votes: what will the election result mean for British business?

The next UK general election will take place on July 4 and after 14 years of Conservative government, Labour is on course for a landslide victory with a 20-point lead predicted by opinion polls. This event will explore the factors that will shape the outcome of the upcoming general election and what business can expect. Is a Labour victory over the Conservatives inevitable? If Labour are elected, what will the new government’s priorities be? What might this bring for business and the economy? And is there a chance that the Conservatives could make a comeback and avoid defeat?

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Recent virtual event

Why personal conduct is a growing risk for business

Reputational risk has become as important as financial risk for business. The behaviour of business leaders can have profound repercussions on brand reputation, employee morale and shareholder trust. What are the organisational consequences of CEO and executive misconduct? How should businesses get ahead of the curve to discourage and detect poor misconduct by their employees? And what role does the board play in the scrutiny of its executives and creating an ethical business culture?

Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Recent virtual event

Inner mastery, outer impact: learning leadership from the inside out

At this event, Hitendra Wadhwa, professor at Columbia Business School and founder of the Mentora Institute, will explain how forming a dual connection with the inner core and outer world can lead to success. He will explain the five core energies that can help cultivate inner mastery - purpose, wisdom, growth, love and self-realisation - and how we can use simple actions to create impact and pursue success from the inside out.

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Recent virtual event

How can companies navigate geopolitical risk?

Rarely has the geopolitical outlook been so uncertain. To navigate this unpredictability, companies must understand and mitigate the potential impact of these ever-growing geopolitical events. From cybersecurity and technology risks to the Israel-Hamas war, worsening US-China relations and the climate crisis, business leaders face effects on everything from their supply chains and operational resilience to their people and performance.

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Recent virtual event


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