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FO76 publicteam xpd.pngFor the enemies in the Fallout 76, see Trog (Fallout 76).
For an overview on the topic, see Trog.

And the worst... well... just hope you never have to see 'em. They turn into animals. They forget who they are. They just eat, sleep, fuck, and kill.Wernher

Trogs are creatures in the Pitt in Fallout 3.


Sandra Kundanika states that Troglodyte Degeneration Contagion or TDC causes humans to transform into Trogs.[1] The disease is the result of intensively concentrated ambient radiation exposure combined with the unique industrial toxins and pollutants in the region.[2] It is not contracted via contact with the infected.[3] Approximately 20% of the populace have transformed into Trogs, attacking anything on sight.[1] Children born in the Pitt have a 100% degeneration rate and become feral within weeks of birth.[1] Trogs kill former friends and loved ones.[4] They say lines like "Kill it!", "Meat!", "Hungry!", and "Food!" when attacking, and "Hurts!", "Pain!", and "Why?" upon being injured. They mutter "...peace..." or "Thank you..." before they die.[5]


Trogs are fast-moving, hug the ground as they scamper, and inflict massive hemorrhaging damage at close quarters. Naturally, ranged weaponry is an excellent choice; in fact, any weapon you’ve used against Ghouls in the past works just as well against Trogs. If a Trog manages to reach you, the Auto Axe is an excellent choice for chopping them into sinewy chunks. The V.A.T.S. also usually allows you to kill them before they damage you.Fallout 3 Official Game Guide/Faction profiles


Image Name Level Health Points (HP) Damage Threshold (DT) Energy Damage Radiation Damage Drops Game





The Pitt


Trog Brute




The Pitt


Trog Savage




The Pitt





Trogs appear in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.


Xbox 360Xbox 360 Headshots do the same amount of damage as a shot anywhere else on its body.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Haven terminal entries; research terminal, Trog Studies
  2. Lone Wanderer: "Wait, slow down. Cure for what?"
    Wernher: "The Pitt is a mess. Nearly everyone who lives there is either sick, dying, or... worse. It's the water. And the air. You can't escape it. You stay there a few years, and no matter what, it'll get you. But the bastards who have my people, they've found a way to a cure it. And once they have that cure perfected, we don't stand a chance. So, we need the cure to bargain for our freedom."
    (Wernher's dialogue)
  3. Lone Wanderer: "A cure? You're sick? Agh! Get away!"
    Wernher: "It's not like that. You can't catch it from me. The Pitt... it gets to you. It's the water, and the air. You can't escape it. You stay there a few years, and no matter what, it'll get to you. But the bastards who have my people, they've found a way to fight it off. And once they have it perfected, we don't stand a chance. So, I need you to come with me and help me get the cure. With it, we can turn the tables on them. Once we control the cure, Ashur will have no choice but to free the slaves."
    (Wernher's dialogue)
  4. John-John: "Billy."
    Billy: "<Growl>"
    John-John: "Billy, it's me, your brother John-John. You remember me. Don't you, Billy?"
    Billy: "<Growl>"
    John-John: "Billy?"
    Billy: "<Growl> <Ferocious growl>"
    John-John: "Help me!"
    (Billy and John-John's dialogue)
  5. Lone Wanderer: "What happens to people who get sick?"
    Wernher: "It's hard to describe. It's nasty. And it affects everyone a little differently. But the longer you're there, the more it gets you. Some just get sick and die. Others go crazy, completely psycho. They live out in the city. We call 'em 'Wildmen'. And the worst... well... just hope you never have to see 'em. They turn into animals. They forget who they are. They just eat, sleep, fuck, and kill. But this cure, maybe it can stop all that."
    (Wernher's dialogue)