Fallout Wiki

The Mutant Blob is a creature in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.


The Mutant Blob is a mutated creature resulting from Attis using the Corporate Vault's research on himself in an attempt to cure Super Mutant's sterility.[1] After being killed by the Initiate, Attis explodes and his body parts transform into the Blob and begins absorbing everything it touches. The Mutant Blob planned to absorb everything in order to create a perfect world, but the Initiate primed a nuclear device and destroyed it before its plan comes to fruition.


Mutant Blob appears in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.


  1. Attis: "No... their experiments failed. I have administered the treatments to myself. The only result is this - a greater level of mutation, like a terrible cancer. I can feel it... in my cells... multiplying... changing..."
    (Attis' dialogue)