Fallout Wiki

. . Rich in history & hospitality . .— Entryway signage

Sutton is a town in the Forest region of Appalachia.


Established in 1824, the town of Sutton was known for its role in the timber industry before the war as well as its transportation network.[1][Pub 1] The network was comprised of the nearby train station, railroad and I-59.[Pub 2]

After the war, Sutton was claimed as a stronghold by the Pleasant Valley raiders, who fortified the downtown, establishing a stronghold using existing buildings and makeshift fortifications. A raider led a cult in Sutton's church. Its membership was comprised of the desperate surviving residents. He convinced them to give up their worldly possessions before killing the followers in a mass poisoning at the church.[2] Now the city is a ghost town, with the raiders wiped out.


Sutton is a small town located east of Flatwoods. It is the second stop in the Personal Matters quest, in which the childhood home of the Overseer is discovered. There are three roads that run through Sutton, including 3rd Street, Main Street, and one unnamed street. 3rd Street has a boarded-up house with a garage, and a Red Rocket gas station with a tinker's workbench and a stash box. There is a tripwire trap next to the tinker's workbench at the Red Rocket.

The downtown is blocked off by a raider wall that encloses several of the storefronts. Inside the downtown, accessible through the adjacent buildings, are numerous loot spawn points, a weapons workbench and armor workbench, a steamer trunk, and a Vault-Tec Bobblehead and a Magazine spawn point in the liquor and clothes store respectively.

Main Street has a mix of homes and businesses including a farm and feed store, bookstore, pharmacy, church, barbershop, liquor store, clothing store, and delicatessen. Part of Main Street is blockaded, but can be accessed through several buildings, and has a weapons workbench and an armor workbench next to the barbershop. Up the hill, there is a raider camp which has been overrun by Scorched and a railroad station. The unnamed street runs parallel with the hill.

There is a chemistry station in the mobile home, a second tinker's workbench in the overseer's old home, and a cooking stove outside the liquor store. There are four safes in Sutton including a level 0 safe in the overseer's old house, a level 1 safe on the roof of the pharmacy and another in the mobile home, and a level 2 safe on the second floor of the liquor store.


Holotapes and notes

  • Overseer's journal, entry 2 - Holotape, in the overseer's family home to the north, on the second floor.
  • Leader's journal - Note, in the back of the church at the south end of Sutton.
  • End of the world party flier - Note, on the porch of a house at the very southern end of Sutton, before reaching Sutton Station, on the left.
  • Clara's note to mom - Note, in a red doghouse in the backyard of the red house opposite the overseer's old home.
  • Shopping List - Note, sitting in a red lawn chair to the left of the trailer home, under the parasol.
  • Body shop note - Note, in a garage with a destroyed off-road vehicle at the entrance, beside a white house near the Red Rocket stop. The note will be sitting on top of the yellow drum.
  • List of parts - Note, in the small hangar with the blue biplane, sitting on top of the left cabinet at the back of the shop.
  • Live-fire training exercise - Holotape, inside the liquor store on the second-floor table. It is only available while Final Departure is active and has not yet been completed.


  • Three potential Vault-Tec Bobbleheads:
    • In the overseer's family home to the north, on the second floor.
    • On the north side of town, inside the Overseer’s childhood home, in the basement, on a bottom shelf near the "You've got Vim!" poster.
    • On the roof of the liquor store, behind two barrels.
  • Two potential magazines:
    • Due north of the church, on the roof of the pharmacy building with the tree-trunk bridge, under the faded blue-and-white-striped tent tarp, on the console.
    • On the north side of town, inside the overseer’s childhood home, in the basement, wedged halfway under the baseboard between the sink and toilet.

Other loot

  • Nuka-Cola locker key - In a wooden crate inside a doghouse. The crate is opened with key to Clara's box. Opens a locker lying on the floor at the end of the hall in "Snackability Research and Development" in the Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant. The locker contains the TNT dome key 3.
  • VTU baseball cap - Inside the overseer's childhood home to the north, on the second floor. It will be floating in mid-air due to a placing error.
  • Plan: Tinker's workbench - In the basement of the overseer's family home, on a metal shelf.
  • Two potential plans:
    • In a cubby to the left of the cash register behind the counter of the liquor store. (Armor plan)
    • On top of a cabinet inside the same building as a wingless biplane.
  • Potential armor mod - On machinery to the left of the armor workbench.
  • Potential weapon mod - On some metal shelves next to the weapons workbench.
  • Two potential recipes:
    • On a bookcase outside a trailer next to the liquor store.
    • In the kitchen of the overseer's family home at the northern end of Main Street.


Sutton appears only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes

  • Sutton is based on the real world location of Sutton, West Virginia.
  • Prior to the release of Wastelanders, inside of the church steeple was the GPU benchmark activator, which could be seen and possibly interacted with via glitching or careful angling. It displayed a menu showing four options that could be toggled as part of a developer tool. However, they did not have any effect on the game world and could not be used in any way.



  1. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide/Atlas of Appalachia p. 320, Sutton:
    "The town of Sutton was once a major hub for the timber industry, with an excellent transportation network (the I-59 and railroad) and nearby train station."
  2. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide/Atlas of Appalachia p. 320, Sutton Station:
    "To the south of Sutton, along the road and on higher ground, is the town's train station. The main station structure is in relatively good shape, offering a place to stash your belongings and purchase more from the Vendor Bot.."