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A cat is a small creature, kept as pets and sometimes seen living freely in the wasteland.


Found in Carbon, the Commonwealth, Appalachia, and Broken Hills.[1] Utilized as food during times of famine, some towns no longer have cats.[2] Mr. House believes them to be extinct.[3]

Wastelanders encountered across the former United States either own cats, talk about their past pets, or make references to cats as slang and cliches.[4][5][6][7] Similar to before the war, cats are usually found near human habitation.[8][9]


Image Name Games
Fo4 Ashes.png Ashes FO4, FOS
FO76SD Bonkers.png Bonkers FO76
FO4 House Cat.png Cat FO4
FO4 House Cat.png Cat FO76
Fo76 cheswick grave Wastelanders.png Cheswick FO76
FO76 Cheswick II.png Cheswick II FO76
Infobox.webp Cuddles FO2
Dora Fo4.png Dora FO4
Emmett.png Emmett FO4
Katana-NukaWorld.jpg Katana FO4NW
FO76 Lucy rando enc 202211.png Lucy FO76
Luna-NukaWorld.jpg Luna FO4NW, FOS
Maisie.png Maisie FO4
FO76 Character Marty cat.jpg Marty FO76
Infobox.webp Missy I none
Infobox.webp Missy II none
Infobox.webp Missy IV none
Fo4 Mr Pebbles Poster.jpg Mr. Pebbles FO4,FO76
Infobox.webp Mr. Purrs none
FOBOS Creature Mr Pussy.jpg Mr. Pussy FOBOS
FO76 Murgle (1).jpg Murgle FO76
Infobox.webp Pepper none
Infobox.webp Pepper II none
Infobox.webp Sir Cattington none
FO76SD Sunny.jpg Sunny FO76
Fo4FH Tink.jpg Tink FO4FH
FO4 School Cat Diamond City.jpg Toro FO4
FO76 Tutti Frutti.png Tutti Frutti FO76

Fallout Shelter pets

Image Breed Breed description Legendary name(s) Legendary description Bonus Common Bonus Rare Bonus Legendary Bonus
Abyssinian.png Abyssinian The epitome of the sleek, slim, feline form. Zula Intelligence, elegance... excellence. Damage resistance +20-24% +36-40% +46-50%
American Shorthair.png American Shorthair Cats? Extinct? Just try getting rid of these babies. Sterling A shining example of American breeding. Wasteland caps +6-15% +21-30% +46-50%
Bombay.png Bombay That bad luck myth is ssooooIn-game spelling blown out of proportion. Shadow Who stole your sweet roll? One guess. Health +25-33% +58-66% +91-100%
British Shorthair.png British Shorthair All knowing, all seeing. Just ask Alice. Ashes The Florence Nightingale of cats. Healing speed x2 x3 x4
FoS Burmilla.png Burmilla This pretty kitty cheers up even the gloomiest Vault Dweller. Cloudy He scratches you because he loves you. Honest. Crafting cost N/A -6-10% -16-20%
Diamond Little miss purr-fect. -36-45%
FoS Havana.png Havana Brown Get used to saying "How did you get up there?" Merlin Curls up on your lap and casts a sleeping spell on you. Crafting time N/A -6-10% -36-45%

FoS LaPerm.png LaPerm Loves keeping humans as pets. Luna A fancy coat, and the attitude to match. Wasteland junk N/A N/A +58-66%
Pouncer Thinks mice were created for his own personal amusement. +91-100%
Static Looks like he's fresh out of the dryer. +25-33%
FoS Lykoi.png Lykoi Those ears can hear you serving cat food from a mile away. Calypso Strikes silently... at least where your toes are concerned. Damage +2 +4 +6
Maine Coon.png Maine Coon Only looks like a wild child. He's as calm and cuddly as they come. Bangor He misses the great outdoors. But not much. Training time +6-10% +16-20% +26-30% Uninterrupted Training
FoS Manx.png Manx Your best friend, as long as you have tuna. Genius Runs in circles endlessly. Chasing what? Exactly. Twins chance N/A N/A +25%
Shakespeare To nap, or not to nap: that is the question. +75%
Stubbs Don't mention his tail, don't mention his tail... +50%
Ocicat.png Ocicat The closest you'll get to an ocelot. Revolver not included. Speckle He's got more spots than sense, but you'll love him all the same. Wasteland weapons & outfits +6-10% +16-20% +26-30%
FoS Manul.png Pallas's Cat Rumor has it there's a cat somewhere under all that fur. Cinder Frequently mistaken for a feather duster. Wasteland junk +25-33% +58-66% +91-100%
Persian.png Persian Long hair, round face, maximum cuddle factor. Mr. Pebbles The first cat to enter space. The last to leave your heart. Happiness +25-33% N/A +91-100%
Pugsley Uninterrupted Training +26-30%
Scottish Fold.png Scottish Fold Look, sometimes my ears fold back. Let's not make it a thing. Ginger A happy-go-lucky little gal, but a tad sensitive about her ears. XP +6-15% +21-30% +36-45%
Siamese.png Siamese Not stuck up... just better than you. Goblet The prettiest, most patient princess on the planet. Rad healing speed x2 x3 x4
FoS Somali.png Somali Wants to be outside when in, and come inside when out. Saffron Your own little four-legged starlet. Crafting time N/A -6-15% -36-45%
Sphynx.png Sphynx Because who wouldn't want a hairless cat?! Right?! Bastet Thinks she's a goddess. May not be wrong. Wasteland return speed x1.25 x2 x4
FoS Toyger.png Toyger A lot safer than the full-sized version. Kato Not nearly as fierce as he looks. Stranger chance x2.5 x5 x7.5
FoS Turkish van.png Turkish Van Thinks every day is Caturday. Duchess A true aristocrat. Child SPECIALs N/A +1 +3
Pumpkin Struggling with a catnip addiction, but still adorable. +2


  • A resident of the Den named Stacy will share information about a cat she used to have as a child named Cuddles and remarks there are no more cats in the Den.[2] Listening to her story is a quest one can complete while learning about her pet.
  • A man in Broken Hills mentions his pet cat and a Shark Club comedian makes a joke about a super mutant trying to get a cat out of a tree.
  • In Fallout Shelter, one can enlist the help of several breeds of cat for exploring the wasteland. That cats will assist dwellers by protecting them and helping them return to the vault with valuable items.


Cats appear in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and Fallout Shelter. They are mentioned in Fallout 2, and Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes

  • The canceled Van Buren planned to include cats, including friendly domestic cats and enemies in the wasteland such as bobcats and panthers.[Doc 1]
  • The description of the Ocicat from Fallout Shelter ("The closest you'll get to an ocelot. Revolver not included.") is a reference to Metal Gear Solid character Revolver Ocelot.



  1. Broken Hills citizen: "{261}{}{My cat's breath smells like cat food.}"
    (HcMALE.msg and HcFEMALE.msg)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Chosen One: "{120}{}{Why the glum face?}"
    Stacy: "{134}{}{Oh, nothing really. Just sometimes I get thinking about my mom and cat. I miss them so very much.}"
    Chosen One: "{135}{}{Cat?}"
    Stacy: "{137}{}{Yeah, Cuddles. She was such a sweet cat. I really don't feel like talking about it... Well, unless you'd like to buy me a drink. That might help.}"
    Chosen One: "{139}{}{Of course I will. I'd love to hear about it.}"
    Stacy: "{146}{}{I hear there used to be ones that were as big as you and me. They used to eat animals as big as a brahmin. Now that's scary stuff.}"
    Chosen One: "{148}{}{Yeah, it is.}"
    Stacy: "{149}{}{The kind I'm talking about is a small cute animal, bigger than a rat but smaller than a dog. Some are fluffy, like my Cuddles, but others have short hair.}"
    Chosen One: "{150}{}{Really?}"
    Stacy: "{151}{}{They like to be pet like a dog does, but cats make this wonderful relaxing sound when you pet them.}"
    Chosen One: "{152}{}{Strange.}"
    Stacy: "{153}{}{Cuddles always used to help me go to sleep at night. I think of her every night when I try to go to sleep.}"
    Chosen One: "{155}{}{Go on.}"
    Stacy: "{156}{}{I had her when I was a kid, but she disappeared. I didn't know then what happened to her, I was too young.}"
    Chosen One: "{157}{}{Why?}"
    Stacy: "{158}{}{Well, food was awfully scarce back then and people had to eat. It's quite sad really...}"
    Chosen One: "{159}{}{What?}"
    Stacy: "{160}{}{People would hunt them because they were such easy prey. None of them are around anymore because of it.}"
    Chosen One: "{162}{}{I can understand that.}"
    Stacy: "{163}{}{Those were the wild ones, but I'm sure that's what happened to mine. Now I know why Mom always kept a close eye on her.}"
  3. Courier: "I had to wipe out their leadership."
    Mr. House: "There's more than one way to skin a cat, as the saying goes. Or Went, that is - cats being extinct. I don't promote political assassination as a first option, but it has a long and storied history. I'll consider the Boomers neutralized."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  4. Courier: "I'd like to, but I can't take you with me right now."
    Veronica: "Aw, you really know how to make a girl feel like a stray cat. But okay. My offer stands, if we run into each other again."
    (Veronica's dialogue)
  5. Sandy: "{103}{}{Meow... meow... I am a cat. And I have special powers that only cats have. What are you?}"
  6. Vegeir: "{102}{}{A tall, stately man. His movements remind you of a cat stalking its prey.}"
  7. Moira Brown: "Well, you're alive... That's the good news. But there was a little side effect. A teeny, tiny, um, mutation. But it seems to be benign, at least. Here, take a few radiation Chems, as my little way of saying, "I'm sorry I twisted your DNA like a kitten with a ball of yarn.""
    (Moira Brown's dialogue)
  8. Shark Club comedian: "{8003}{}{When was the last time you saw a super mutant...}"
    Shark Club comedian: "{8004}{}{Get a cat out of a tree?}"
    Shark Club comedian: "{8005}{}{Never! Know why?}"
    Shark Club comedian: "{8007}{}{Uhhh... because super mutants don't rescue cats...}"
    Shark Club comedian: "{8008}{}{They kill mercilessly!}"
    (Shark Club comedian's dialogue)
  9. Earl Marion: "{145}{}{While the cat's away…}"
    (Earl Marion's dialogue)
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