Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

โ€œIt might not look like much, but it's what keeps us Westside locals independent. We started it a few years ago. I admit, we had a lot of trouble at first, but eventually we got some help from Tom Anderson with the Followers. We're finally to the point where the co-op members can start making money from sales instead of just breaking even.โ€โ€” Ettienne

The Westside Cooperative is a farming contingent and leadership group operating within the community of Westside in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.


The residents of the fortified Westside zone have a small, but tight-knit community based around growing crops for themselves. The surplus is sold to travelers and larger factions. New Reno immigrant Clayton Ettienne and the farmers of Westside founded the Cooperative to facilitate the pooling of resources and to better organize their work.

Eventually, with the help of engineer Tom Anderson and the Followers of the Apocalypse, the Westside Cooperative implemented a reliable irrigation system, allowing the settlement to rise from a subsistence farming hamlet up to a stable, self-sufficient community specializing in growing crops, therefore operating independently from the NCR. As a result, the agricultural operation in Westside is successful enough to warrant trade and continue such independence.

The organization has refurbished an old commercial building to house the heart of their farming operation. Complete with basic refrigeration, the local grocery store makes a profit from the sale of surplus fresh produce on the premises, which is managed by Ettiene. The caps earned from sales are shared between the farmers who grow the food stocked in the store.

Currently embroiled in tense negotiations with the NCR regarding the siphoning of their water supplies, the Westside Co-op continues to thrive under the watchful leadership of Ettienne and Anderson, who himself is single-minded in his defense of this operation.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

During the quest The White Wash, the Courier can blackmail the Co-op's owner, Clayton Ettienne, into sharing some of the organizations profits, in exchange for discretion regarding a potentially damning secret of Westside. Each time the player character enters the store, Ettiene will give them a 100-200 cap share of the Co-op's profits.


The Westside Cooperative appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

The farming operation contingent of the Westside Cooperative shares several similarities with the real world location Vegas Roots Community Garden, located in West Las Vegas, Nevada.

