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The Chairmen are one of the Three Families on the New Vegas Strip in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.


The Chairmen and their casino, the Tops, embody an ancient "cool" aesthetic of Vegas, plucked from Mr. House’s historical data banks. Before The Strip’s renovation in 2274, the Chairmen were a Vault-descended warrior tribe named the Mojave Boot-Riders.[Non-game 1] The Boot-Riders were contacted by a Securitron that Mr. House was using to relay his proposal for their tribe to join the tribal workforce that he was putting together to start the renovation and reconstruction efforts for New Vegas.[1] The Chairmen became the first tribe brought to the Strip. Swank admits that, "Without Mr. House, we'd still be wearing gecko skins, poking around the ruins with pointy sticks and scalping people for giggles."[2]

Chieftain of the tribe and head of the Chairmen is Benny, who also served as Mr. House's right hand man up until the theft of the platinum chip.[3] Swank is Benny's second and works the front desk of the Tops. Swank oversees the day-to-day operation of the casino during Benny's absence.[4]

The Chairmen ultimately take orders from Mr. House, though contact with him after New Vegas got up and running has mainly been the occasional transfer of caps for the "House cut" of the casino profits.[5]

Traditions of honor from their tribals days continue to inform how they select their leadership and interact with each other and outsiders. Unbeknownst to the rest of the tribe, its current chief, Benny, has for months been scheming to seize control of Mr. House’s technology and the Strip itself, violating the tribe’s deeply-held values against duplicity and treachery.[Non-game 2]

Relations with the outside[]

The Chairmen were contacted by a Securitron that Mr. House was using to relay his proposal for their tribe to join the tribal workforce that he was putting together to start the renovation and reconstruction efforts for New Vegas. The Chairmen became the first tribe brought to the Strip. Swank admits that, "Without Mr. House, we'd still be wearing gecko skins, poking around the ruins with pointy sticks and scalping people for giggles."

The Chairmen are not particularly fond of the other families on the Strip. They believe the White Glove Society are hiding something and that the Omertas are a shifty bunch of degenerates. It is for these reasons that the Chairmen tend to keep their distance, as well as a watchful eye, on their two neighbors.

The Chairmen, like many other tribes and factions throughout the Mojave, do not like the idea of Legion control over the region, as they do not wish to become another footnote in the red tide that is Caesar's Legion. They also do not support the alternative of the New California Republic taking hold of New Vegas, despite their best customers being NCR troopers and civilians.


The Chairmen use an assortment of blades, such as the common household knife, straight razor, and switchblade, backed up by their use of the 9mm pistol, 10mm pistol, sawed-off shotgun, .44 Magnum revolver, riot shotgun, silenced .22 pistol, and silenced .22 SMG.


  • Killing a member of the Chairmen will not result in a loss of Karma.
  • As shown on their Collector's Edition playing card, the Chairmen were supposed to wear black suits with red ties, which is the proper texture for Grimy Pre-War businesswear and how it appeared in Fallout 3. However, due to a bug, their suits share the same texture as the Dirty Pre-War businesswear, thus making them appear the same as the Omertas.

Behind the scenes[]

At one point in development, the Chairmen were going to be called the Geckos, with Benny as the head of the Gecko family. However, this name was dropped during development.


The Chairmen appear in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "How did Mr. House introduce himself?"
    Benny: "We were east of Vegas when the first Securitron we ever saw rolled up on us. We junked it in a minute flat. The next day twenty roll up. So we listened. Said we'd been selected. Vegas needed us to defend it. In exchange, we'd get cushy digs, full stomachs, medical treatment. Everything a nomad never gets, in other words. Most of the tribe thought we should say no. I thought it was the best idea ever."
    (Benny's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What do you know about Mr. House?"
    Swank: "House is an all-right kind of guy. Sure, he keeps a pretty tight grip on the reins, but Vegas is a wild horse, and you can't just give her her head. Without Mr. House, we'd still be wearing gecko skins, poking around the ruins with pointy sticks and scalping people for giggles."
    (Swank's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Tell me about Benny."
    Mr. House: "Benny has led the Chairmen ever since I recruited his tribe seven years ago. Until his recent misbehavior, I'd planned to make him my protege. Maybe if I'd begun grooming him sooner, none of this would've happened..."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "I thought Benny ran this place."
    Swank: "Benny oversees the business, sure, but I run the Tops day to day. I'm his right-hand guy, you dig?"
    (Swank's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "Tell me about Mr. House."
    Benny: "A good cat to swing with. Or was - until he stopped mewing. It was House's big idea to resurrect the Strip. He recruited the Three Families as muscle, showed us how to set up casinos, negotiated with the NCR. None of this in person, mind you. Did all his talking through those Securitrons of his. But lately? The silence is deafening. The robots collect House's share of the take every week and life goes on. Ain't exactly what I'd call leadership."
    (Benny's dialogue)


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42: "Freeside"
    "Las Vegas wasn't heavily damaged during the Great War, but people didn't immediately "settle" into the remnants of the old city. The various Vault tribes that emerged years later, hunted and fought among the ruins, but it was not until the "return" of Mr. House that they ceased (most) of their hostilities. Mr House directed the tribes to use his sizable quantities of pre-war construction materials to build the crude (but effective) outer walls that separate The Strip and Freeside from the rest of New Vegas. While Mr. House valued the area around Fremont Street, he ultimately viewed it as secondary in importance to the Strip itself and he had a second, inner wall that separated the two areas. When NCR prospectors (and eventually the army) arrived in the region, people typically went straight for The Strip, leaving Freeside (as it had become known by locals) as an informal stopping point. Eventually Mr. House recognized that he could use Freeside as a filter for undesirables, and pulled his favored tribes and all Securitrons into the Strip, leaving Freeside to fend for itself."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide