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Salve, Courier. How goes the battle in the east?

This veteran decanus is a member of a contubernium that advanced ahead of the Legion during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam (in the quest Veni, Vidi, Vici) in 2281.


During the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, this decanus was ordered to remain at the Hoover Dam checkpoint and direct the rest of the Legion as they arrived.[1] He, along with his contubernium, came up through one of the intake towers to the west of the checkpoint and headed east. They took the NCR troopers unaware from behind, with their confusion allowing the legionaries to "slaughter them like brahmin calves." His "brothers" that headed west immediately afterward were slain in battle.[2]

If the Courier chooses to side with the Legion, the decanus will direct them with information on NCR positions. In addition, he will provide options for the Courier to aid the Legion in battle. These options include overtaking the NCR snipers or to release the legionaries waiting in the intake tower; either would give the Legion enough manpower to successfully storm NCR positions. If the Courier appears from the same direction as the decanus had approached, he will be impressed,[3][4][5][6] and if the Courier is ruthless, he reveals his devotion to Mars.[7]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Veni, Vidi, Vici


Veni, Vidi, Vici: This decanus gives the player character options on how to help the Legion overcome NCR strongpoints in Hoover Dam.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Legion veteran armor
Veteran decanus helmet


This veteran decanus appears only in Fallout: New Vegas during the quest Veni, Vidi, Vici.


  1. Veteran decanus (Hoover Dam): "My orders are to remain here, and direct our men as they arrive. Go!"
    (Veteran decanus' dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "How did you get here ahead of me?"
    Veteran decanus (Hoover Dam): "My contubernium came up through one of the intake towers ahead and headed east, taking the NCR fools unawares from behind. Their confusion allowed us to slaughter them like brahmin calves. Unfortunately, my brothers heading west did not fare as well."
    (Veteran decanus' dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "There's still some fighting back there."
    Veteran decanus (Hoover Dam): "And yet you managed to slip past. Impressive. You may not find the fighting to the west quite so easy to get around, however. The enemy is much more fortified ahead, and have snipers set up at key positions, which keep our men pinned down. In addition, they've managed to beat back our men emerging from the intake tower ahead and secure it. If we could just get rid of those damn snipers, or release our waiting men in the intake tower, we'd have the manpower to storm their positions."
    (Veteran decanus' dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "The area is secure."
    Veteran decanus (Hoover Dam): "Good news, indeed. If only the same could be said for the west. The enemy is much more fortified ahead, and have snipers set up at key positions, which keep our men pinned down. In addition, they've managed to beat back our men emerging from the intake tower ahead and secure it. If we could just get rid of those damn snipers, or release our waiting men in the intake tower, we'd have the manpower to storm their positions."
    (Veteran decanus' dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "I'll see what I can do."
    Veteran decanus (Hoover Dam): "Any assistance you can provide is welcome, and will mean more of our men to carve through the foe by your side."
    (Veteran decanus' dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "I'll make my way across somehow."
    Veteran decanus (Hoover Dam): "Then I wish you luck, and good hunting."
    (Veteran decanus' dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Just make sure your men don't get in my way."
    Veteran decanus (Hoover Dam): "Ha ha, Mars favors the bold, does he not?"
    (Veteran decanus' dialogue)
Design Document
CharactersGovernor Joseph Dodge · Mjr. Jack Fleming · Guido Giordano · Enzo Giordano · Vinnie Giordano · Dorris · Ailis McLafferty · Ralph Peoples · Mitch Stiller · Candice Morris · Pierre LaPoubelle · Dr. Yuri Polivich · Pablo Riviera · Frieda Van Graff · Milko · Dusty Heart · Beatrice · Otto Steed · Dianne · Farmer Dave · Bob · Mary-Joe · Billy-Bob · Mallet McBride · Ginger Flowers · Nancy Haggard · Arcade Gannon · Mike Lawson · Hoover Dam commoner
LocationsThe Rim (Fancy PC pad) · Downtown (Frieda's Firearms · Dusty's Desires · Hock-it to Bob) · Hoover Dam baseline · Scum Pits · Sub-Level 1C
QuestsGet Meeting with Governor Dodge · Negotiate Peace between NCR and BOS · Get City Council attendance back to norm · Join up with the 3-Some Caravan Company  · Spy on Crimson Caravan for 3-Some Caravan · Join up with the Crimson Caravan Company as spy for 3-Some · Successfully frame 3-Some Caravan Co. for extortion and murder · Successfully extort money out of Ailis McLafferty using evidence · Expose Crimson Caravan to Governor Dodge  · Give filtration schematics to former BOS scribes · Get school attendance up to norm · Teach class on Wasteland survival · Clear out critters in Scum Pits for possible hydroponics lab · Get shipments from Denver for materials to build hydroponics lab · Discover Sub-level 1 · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Get Mary-Joe to stop turning tricks & get access to Scum Pits · Discover lost Hoover Dam war and Sub-level 1 history · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Help Beatrice in a bar fight · Do Bob's bounty hunter jobs · Recalibrate the two working power generators to be more efficient and increase power · Get liquor for Pablo
OrganizationsNew California Republic · Crimson Caravan · 3-Some Caravan · Followers of the Apocalypse