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Fallout Wiki

The President is scheduled to arrive sometime in the afternoon. It's going to be a short visit to boost morale for the NCR troops. He's going to arrive, give a speech, and then leave. No meet and greet, no questions, just a quick in and out. They're probably afraid something is going to happen. For good reason.

Cato Hostilius is a frumentarius in Caesar's Legion stationed around Hoover Dam in 2281. He appears only if the player character has started ​​the quest Arizona Killer.


Cato Hostilius is charged with reconnaissance against the NCR in Hoover Dam, specifically with finding a way to assassinate President Aaron Kimball during his speech.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Arizona Killer: The Courier will be required to meet with Cato Hostilius between Ranger Station Delta and the cazador nest on top of the mountain. There, he will offer the Courier advice on how to assassinate President Aaron Kimball before resting. Upon waking, he will be dressed in civilian clothing, give the Courier NCR armor as a disguise, and rush over to Hoover Dam in the middle of the crowd awaiting the president's arrival. After the quest is completed, he will disappear from the game.

Other interactions[]

  • Cato will treat the Courier with contempt if they are a woman.[2]


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Brahmin-skin outfit and Bandana (initially)
Well-heeled gambler suit and hat
Vertibird bomb
Bottle caps


  • Killing Cato during the quest doesn't give the player character negative reputation with Caesar's Legion, but it will cause them to fail the quest.
  • If the player character has an Explosives skill of 50, they can get Cato to give them a vertibird bomb, which they can use to kill Kimball. If they don't have the required Explosives skill, the Courier can pickpocket the bomb off him.
  • He has the only well-heeled gambler hat in the game.

Notable quotes[]


Cato Hostilius appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. The Courier: "What sort of information do you have?"
    Cato Hostilius: "I've been spying in the dam for a while now. I've gathered quite a bit of information from various sources."
    (Hostilius' dialogue)
  2. Cato Hostilius: "Didn't expect Caesar to send a woman to do this job."
    (Hostilius' dialogue)