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The Bastion is a location in the Pitt, the tallest skyscraper in the city formerly called the Versicorps Tower. It was supposed to be the site of the third Pitt expedition, Poke the Beehive, but it has yet to be released.


The tallest building in Pittsburgh, the skyscraper was designed from the ground-up for the upper class of American society, offering a shopping mall and restaurants at the ground floor, corporate offices and research labs.[1] Sleek, modern, and high class, it appealed to the rich, but the working class Pittsburghers, it was more like a building with a stick up its metaphorical ass.[2] Versicorps, an energy megacorporation specializing in nuclear fusion power systems and contracted by Vault-Tec Corporation to provide backup power for the Vaults bankrolled a significant part of the building's construction and elected to establish some of its offices within, with the skyscreper formally named Versicorps Tower after the company.[3] The influence of Versicorps also ensured the corporation could carry out unethical research without interference,[4] digging deeper than they should've, as some employees thought.[5]

The Tower weathered the Great War intact, taking relatively minor structural damage. Many employees working at the building have elected to remain within its confines, in particular those working for Versicorps, such as Marilyn Crestlawn. Unfortunately, some of her colleagues eventually succumbed to curiosity, and were exposed to the unique degenerative cocktail flooding The Pitt (or whatever Versicorps cooked up in their labs) and suffered the Troglodyte Degeneration Contagion.[6] The mutations spread rapidly, and eventually survivors were pushed out of the Tower, with trogs establishing their nests within its protective walls.[7]

When the war between the Fanatics and the Pittsburgh Union erupted, the Tower became a strategic objective for both sides. Apart from being the tallest building in The Pitt, allowing them to keep tabs on the whole city, the trogs ensured that it might still contain a wealth of food and supplies stockpiled before the Great War. Unfortunately, the Fanatics managed to get to the Tower first, establishing their storehouse in parts of the mall.[8] However, they have failed to establish firm control of the building, leaving them vulnerable to attack and leaving openings for the Union to exploit.[9]

Since the Union managed to fight the Fanatics to a stalemate with Appalachian assistance, it gained some breathing room, but is still on track to lose the war, as it is in no position to win through attrition due to limited numbers and supplies. The prospect of the Fanatics securing even more of the Bastion than they already managed would decisively shift the balance of power in favor of the Fanatics, which resulted in Hex resolving to plan raids against the Fanatics,[10] and perhaps ally with the Underdwellers living in the crumbling remains of the Pittsburgh subway system. While Hex dislikes them for their refusal to join up with the Union, she realizes they're the only way into the Tower that doesn't include getting killed in the warzone that is the main entrance.[11]


Steel Tower[]

Fo76 Steel Tower Ground Floor 2

Top view, as generated through fo76utils.

The base floor of the building includes a large shopping mall with restaurants, including the ubiquitous Slocum's Joe franchise, and directly connects to a subway station beneath the Tower, which is also used to reach the area from the Industrial District.

Steel Tower upper floors[]

FO76 Steel Tower Upper Floors

Angled view, as generated through fo76utils.

Accessible likely through the elevators, these floors contain the Versicorps offices and laboratories, along with unethical research that Marilyn wants destroyed. It also happens to be heart of the trog infestation, with the main nest located within these halls.

Steel Tower rooftop[]

FO76 Steel Tower Rooftop

Angled view, as generated through fo76utils.

The top of the building, with a crashed Vertibird on one pad and apparently Lennox and her Vertibird on another. The tower also has a giant satellite uplink located on the highest point.


The Bastion does not appear in the live game of Fallout 76, as it is currently unreleased content, along with its associated mission, Poke the Beehive.

Behind the scenes[]

The triangular layout of the interior, name "Steel Tower" and it being the tallest building in Pittsburgh suggest that it is based on the U.S. Steel Tower, completed in 1970 and remaining the tallest building in the Steel City at over a quarter of a kilometer of height.



  1. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "What should I expect in there?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "Apart from a barrage of trogs, it's what you'd expect of a classy commercial building. Shopping mall with restaurants, corporate offices, a few research labs. The building is extremely tall, the tallest in Pittsburgh. In my experience, the higher you go, the more trogs there are."
  2. ↑ Hex: "Used to be Versicorps Tower before the bombs. It's the tallest building in Pittsburgh. It was the full shebang pre-war. Had a shopping mall, restaurants, offices, and even a few research labs. The general vibe was high-class, sleek, and modern. Not so much anymore. The whole building has a stick up its ass."
  3. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "Why do you call it Versicorps and not the Bastion?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "The "Bastion" is a recent nickname. I can assure you, no one called it that before the bombs fell. I used to work there. Versicorps was a pretty formidable megacorporation during the war. They provided nuclear fusion power systems to most of the Vault-Tec vaults as a secondary power system. They donated a large sum of money towards the construction of the tower, and even had some of their corporate offices there. You know how money talks. The tower was named for them. "
  4. ↑ Marilyn Crestlawn: "There are some server towers left over from before the war that stored our research data They have information on them that...should not see the light of day. It goes without saying that the only people I trust to not exploit that data are the trogs. I need you to wipe some of the computers with access to the servers. There should be about five total."
  5. ↑ Marilyn Crestlawn: "Not all research is done for good. We dug deeper than we should've, and there are some things better left unknown. There's too many corrupt people in this world to just let it lie. It plays on my conscience every day."
  6. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "How did the trogs take over the tower?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "I'd...rather not speak about that. Let's just say I had some foolish, foolish colleagues who let their curiosity get in the way of self-preservation. Those colleagues aren't with us anymore. And if they are, you'll meet them in the tower. They're just not human anymore."
  7. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "What is it that you want to warn me about?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "Let me cut to the chase. The tower is swarmed with trogs. The monsters that skulk around Pittsburgh eating people and trash alike. A good day here is a day gone without seeing one. And when I say "swarmed", I mean the entire damn building's a nest of them. I doubt most people even know. It's hard enough to get in with folks killing each other left and right, and impossible to get out with some mutant eating your face off."
  8. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "Why is it so important to the Fanatics to take the Bastion?"
    Hex: "Oh, there's a whole score of reasons. For one, being a literal skyscraper, it's an amazing vantage point to keep tabs on the whole city. In addition to that, it's essentially a treasure trove of food and supplies stocked up from before the war. I bet a lot of it has been picked clean by now, but the Fanatics use what little of it that they can as a storehouse. Smart of them. It's basically impenetrable, so it's not like we can just walk in and steal it."
  9. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "What do you think is stopping the Fanatics from taking over the building?"
    Hex: "I don't have a clue. It wouldn't benefit me at all to hide anything from you. Could it be their own incompetence? Maybe, but as cruel as they are, the Fanatics aren't incompetent. Maybe the Bastion's just too much for them to handle."
  10. ↑ Hex: "We're winning small battles, but we're still losing the war right now. We've been fighting tooth and nail against the Fanatics for control of the tallest building in Pittsburgh. The Bastion. We've had them caught in a stalemate for a while now, but our numbers and supplies are dwindling whereas they're only growing stronger. Continuing this fight is going to slowly kill us, but we're equally fucked if we let them take the Bastion. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Recently, the Fanatics have managed to actually push their way inside of the building. For some reason, they haven't taken it over. Strange. I don't know what's stopping them from doing so, but I can tell you it hasn't been us, that's for sure. However, we can't even allow them to make it that far. I need someone to go in and sabotage their operations. You in?"
  11. ↑ Hex: "Best news I've heard all day. I'm sure you can put two and two together and probably figured you can't just waltz into the Bastion. The main entrance is a warzone right now. You'd get turned to Swiss cheese if you even tried. However, there's another entrance. If you go through the old subway system under the Pitt, you can get in from underground. Only problem is, there's people down there, too. 'Cept they aren't hostile. They call themselves the "Underdwellers." They hate the Fanatics and will shoot them on sight;. It's the only reason they're still alive. But they're too cowardly to join up and fight 'em. They're generally not hostile towards us, but that's only because we leave them alone." If you went trapezing through their home turf, they wouldn't be too pleased. Do something to get on their good side, and they'll let you pass through unscathed."