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Marilyn Crestlawn is a former Versicorps researcher and the informal leader of the Underdwellers in The Pitt.


Before the Great War, Marilyn was a biochemical engineer, employed by Versicorps at the Versicorps Tower in Pittsburgh, engaged in some of the corporation's less-than-ethical research.[1] Well aware of the role money played in pre-War America,[2] she has nonetheless worked for the corporation and furthered their research, accumulating a treasure trove of information that could be exploited for nefarious ends[3] due to digging deeper than they should've.[4] The amount of hours she worked and practically living in the Tower ensured she had little time to dwell on the ethical ramifications of her research.[5]

While the Tower weathered the Great War, the occupants who chose to hide within did not. Some of Marilyn's colleagues gave in to curiosity, putting it above and ahead of self-preservation. This turned them into trogs and forced the evacuation of the Tower.[6] Marilyn took up with the Underdwellers, occupying the ruined subway tunnels beneath Pittsburgh. While it was a change from the environments she was used to, trading a luxury business center for sewer system, it also gave her the opportunity to reflect.[5]

While she did her best to maintain her upper class affectations[7] and vocabulary,[8] her conscience came to the fore and convinced her that the information in the Tower's research labs remained incredibly dangerous, potentially devastating if it wound up in improper hands.[4] As such, she looks for capable fighters to penetrate the horribly infested tower and wipe the data from Versicorps' private servers.[9][10]

In the meantime, she functions as an advisor for the Underdwellers, as her acumen has led to the community appreciating her advice on important matters.[11] She considers herself a part of the Underdwellers, and so looks out for the common good. This includes refusing to pick a side in the war between the Fanatics and the Union, believing that the battle is already lost and the only end in sight is the death of all Unioners.[12]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Poke the Beehive


  • Poke the Beehive: Marilyn would offer the optional objective to wipe the servers at The Tower, to ensure Versicorps' unethical experiments would remain buried.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Lab coat + Black-rim glasses Double-barrel shotgun + 50 shells
100 caps


Marilyn Crestlawn appears only in Fallout 76.

  1. Vault 76 dweller: "Who are you, exactly?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "I was a biochemical engineer in another life. I used to work in Versicorps Tower before the bombs. I suppose you can guess where I was when they fell. Now I'm just another survivor. No amount of education or fancy terminology will set me apart from any other poor soul left in the Pitt."
  2. Vault 76 dweller: "Why do you call it Versicorps and not the Bastion?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "The "Bastion" is a recent nickname. I can assure you, no one called it that before the bombs fell. I used to work there. Versicorps was a pretty formidable megacorporation during the war. They provided nuclear fusion power systems to most of the Vault-Tec vaults as a secondary power system. They donated a large sum of money towards the construction of the tower, and even had some of their corporate offices there. You know how money talks. The tower was named for them. "
  3. Marilyn Crestlawn: "There are some server towers left over from before the war that stored our research data They have information on them that...should not see the light of day. It goes without saying that the only people I trust to not exploit that data are the trogs. I need you to wipe some of the computers with access to the servers. There should be about five total."
  4. 4.0 4.1 Marilyn Crestlawn: "Not all research is done for good. We dug deeper than we should've, and there are some things better left unknown. There's too many corrupt people in this world to just let it lie. It plays on my conscience every day."
  5. 5.0 5.1 Vault 76 dweller: "How do you know this?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "I worked in the tower before the bombs. You could say I practically lived there with the hours I worked. I would rather be holed up in a luxury business center than a sewer system. Only reason we're here and not there are the trogs. But you have a point. It's not common knowledge."
  6. Vault 76 dweller: "How did the trogs take over the tower?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "I'd...rather not speak about that. Let's just say I had some foolish, foolish colleagues who let their curiosity get in the way of self-preservation. Those colleagues aren't with us anymore. And if they are, you'll meet them in the tower. They're just not human anymore."
  7. Marilyn Crestlawn: "However, before we can open up the entrance, it behooves me to warn you of what you'll find within Versicorps Tower."
  8. Marilyn Crestlawn: "I apologize for that uncouth reception. I do hope you don't view us as a bunch of savages. Let me introduce myself. My name is Marilyn, Marilyn Crestlawn. I presume you're here on behalf of the Union?"
    Vault 76 dweller: "I am. Hex sent me."
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "I thought as much. You look too competent to have wandered in here accidentally."
  9. Marilyn Crestlawn: "They're scattered around the upper levels. You'll find some in the research labs, the office spaces, and a few in the maintenance wings. The data was stored on our private servers, so it's hard for me to recall every single system that retained copies of it."
  10. Vault 76 dweller: "What should I expect in there?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "Apart from a barrage of trogs, it's what you'd expect of a classy commercial building. Shopping mall with restaurants, corporate offices, a few research labs. The building is extremely tall, the tallest in Pittsburgh. In my experience, the higher you go, the more trogs there are."
  11. Vault 76 dweller: "You seem to have some respect around here. Are you some sort of leader?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "A leader? Haha, no dear. I WAS a scientist before the war. If I was charismatic, I'd have worn a suit instead of a lab coat. However, the Underdwellers have come to respect my opinion on important matters. I help in the decision-making around here, but I am not the decision maker. We function as a community. We don't have a leader. "
  12. Vault 76 dweller: "Why don't the Underdwellers join the Union?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "Simply put, we aren't interested in fighting a losing battle. The Pitt may have been my home once, but a wise woman recognizes when a battle is lost. War is not always worth its price. The Union wants to fight until that war is over, and it will only ever end with their deaths. "