Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Tables Incomplete[]

Very confusing at the moment, with the tiers and such. What is the source info for the tiers? For example, Hunting Revolver (GRA) is not in any of the lists. Also, there are no indicators as to who sells mods for explosive, melee and unarmed weapons (seems to be available at any mod vendor?).

I have also noted that on PS3 Ultimate edition the vendor in Novac sometimes sells AM Rifle mods...but the table here indicates that he does not. What is the source of this information? It clearly needs to be updated.

Also, the table indicates that these are the only mod sellers...but that is not true. For example, the travelling merchant near Mohave Outpost, the Prospector Merchant in the Prospector cave both sell some mods. Jaguara333 (talk) 18:50, November 16, 2014 (UTC)

Making tables a little clearer[]

Can someone please bold the horizontal lines in the tables that separate each weapon and it's group of mods ie in the 10mm pistol, make the line above and below it bold all the way across making it quicker and clearer to view which attachments go with which guns.

Nope, sorry. You can only change all or none, table format doesn't allow to format individual grid lines.GhostAvatar 21:38, October 26, 2010 (UTC)
I assume you're using HTML coding for the tables, since its a webpage, and so actually i believe you could, I'd have to look into it, if you'd like me to, since I'm not 100% sure on how exactly you do it, but it involves placing some coding in either the 'td' tag or 'tr' tag, which you could always do in a CSS for easy formatting across multiple pages. I'm part nerd :P.SupahJacobs 09:58, June 12, 2012 (UTC)
Done. The Gunny  380px-USMC-E7 svg 20:06, June 12, 2012 (UTC)

Circulation of parts?[]

Dose each vendor carry only certain parts for certain weapons? (I.e Old Lady gibson only carries plasma rifle scope/Service rifle springs for an example.)

Also it wouldn't hurt to mention each 11 vendors specialise in certain weapons, a full list of which is in the stragety guide.

I believe that stock rotation is based of your level as mentioned here Assault carbine extended magazines, also you will notice that this item is available for separate vendors so I don't think each vendor is locked down to certain types of mods GhostAvatar 21:43, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

Mod Stack?[]

Can you stack mods? and if you can, are there mods that you can stack and you can't? Asking because if you can "only" have 3 mods per weapon, and I see only 3 or less mods for every weapon listed.

unless they meant that they werent including more than 3 mods per weapon Andrew-108 21:04, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

I think because there is no one weapon with more than 3 different mods at present, people made that the actual max limit of modding a weapon, while this is technically true because you are limited due to the amount of different types of mods available at present (pending future add ons etc). The weapons themselves are not limited, the only limitation is being able to stack the same weapon mod per single item. I have re written the overview so it no longer gives this impression that all weapons are allowed a max of 3, hopefully this will dispel the misinterpretation. GhostAvatar 21:39, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Hm.. I'll still try stacking laser damage mods when I can find a second one. -- 01:03, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

Can you mod melee and unarmed weapons is so what are the mods.

None at present. GhostAvatar 19:35, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
In Dead Money there is the moddable Bear Trap Fist (unarmed); Honest Hearts has the War Club (melee).

Great Khan Armorer[]

The first time I visited the Great_Khan_armorer, she had a weapon mod for sale. I even made a screenshot of it, as I was taken by surprise. If anyone wants to see the screenshot, ask on my talk page. I should add that at that time, I was the idolized leader of the Great Khans. I still think she should be added to the vendor list. Could anyone test, confirm or look it up in the GECK before I do that? --DanTheHitman 11:09, November 18, 2010 (UTC)

  • I uploaded said screenshot, find it here. I'll add the armorer to the vendor list. --DanTheHitman 09:45, November 22, 2010 (UTC)

Carbon fiber parts, maple stock...[]

I took a look at the both of them in FNVEdit, and they do exactly the same thing as the Little Boy kit. I assume that the CF gatling laser frame does the same thing as well. Why do the CF frame, maple stock, and carbon fiber parts not work, while the Little Boy does? Nitty Tok. 02:36, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

Modded weapons given to followers are equiped as default models[]

I have noticed that when a modded weapon is given to followers, they equip the default weapon instead. I can give at least two examples:
1) If Boone is given the suppressed Sniper Rifle he equips the default model instead, with all it's attributes, including the noise;
2) If Boone, Raul or Rose are given the Assault Carbine with extended magazine (long & curved), they equip the default model (short & straight magazine) instead. The functional effect is also present, as they need to change mags more often than expected;
Can anyone confirm these findings? Does it happen for other weapons and/or followers?

I can confirm this happens with Boone - the fully modded sniper rifle I gave him shows up as a stock sniper rifle, and the suppressor isn't functioning (or at least, appears to not be functioning - the sfx played is definitely of a stock sniper rifle). I would assume that modded weapons just function as stock for followers, and would also question whether this means giving them special/custom ammo is worthwhile... 08:02, June 8, 2011 (UTC)

Possible Glitch if buying an unmodified version of same type of (modified) weapon that you already own[]

I modified the Cowboy Repeater with the Custom Action mod (Increases rate of fire). After attaching the mod, it showed up as Cowboy Repeater+ in my inventory (to indicate it had been modified). When I bought an additional Cowboy Repeater from Cliff Briscoe, he took my caps and the new weapon appeared on my side of the dual inventory screen. HOWEVER later when I looked in my personal inventory the new unmodified Cowboy Repeater that I just bought was not there, but the caps for having bought it had been subtracted from my cap total. Also, the value and condition of my existing modified Cowboy Repeater had not changed. So it appears I bought a "vapor ware weapon" that cost me money but never appeared in my inventory! Anybody? 04:42, December 30, 2010 (UTC)

  • There is a bug in the game, which oddly still hasn’t been fixed, where like items will “hide” behind one another. It will show one in your inventory, then if you drop/remove it the other will show up. It’s a very annoying bug! ReapTheChaos 11:08, January 7, 2011 (UTC)

Vendors not rotating or restocking mods.[]

Not sure if its worth mentioning, but I’ve been having problems with merchants not rotating their stock of mods. I’ve had a cowboy repeater since about level 2 and have since been trying to purchase the mods for it. Over time (up until level 18) I tried checking every merchants inventory repeatedly for the mods but none of them ever had it. (Yes I was waiting for them to restock every 3 days.)

Typically Cliff in Novac carries them regularly, but neither he nor anyone else had them. Finally I noticed all of their mods were the same every time I checked, so despite not needing or even wanting them, I purchased all of them. After that they finally started rotating and I eventually got them.

However Alexander at 188 never restocked. I purchased all he had except two for the varmint rifle that I already had. For several game weeks he continued to have just those two. I eventually bought them as well but again after several game weeks he has yet to restock.

I like the Cowboy Repeater because at lower levels it’s a cheap and effective weapon, but by the time I got the final mod for it (the long tube) I had already upgraded to the Brush Gun. Anyone else experience this? ReapTheChaos 11:53, January 7, 2011 (UTC)

Michelle as weapon mod source[]

Can someone confirm - means including waiting for the inventory to respawn several times - if Michelle is indeed selling weapon mods? IPodged 19:14, February 12, 2011 (UTC)

I verified it a week ago in the GECK, his container for barter does include Gunmods tier 1 and 2, but set to very low values. ☣Avatar☣ 19:24, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
Could you actually confirm this in-game? Would really appreciate that before you revert every change. Thanks. IPodged 20:03, February 12, 2011 (UTC)

I can actually confirm now, that she does NOT sell weapon mods. To explain that; her merchant chest does include weapon mods, BUT she doesn't have the Miscellaneous flag set which is required to sell mods (every other merchant that sells mod has it set). If you still don't believe me, look at Samuel Kerr, he uses the exact same merchant chest (Michelle's) and doesn't sell any weapon mods, too. IPodged 20:34, February 12, 2011 (UTC)

LOL I just figured that out as well myself. ☣Avatar☣ 21:35, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
I fear the same is true for Torres IPodged 21:55, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
Yep, that information needs to be ripped out as well, defiantly not switched on to sell Mods. ☣Avatar☣ 22:16, February 12, 2011 (UTC)


It might be useful to add a price column since everything else about NV mods is consolidated here. Though economics is usually a secondary factor related to IF a player will pursue a useful mod, it is an important factor that often determines WHEN from a practical standpoint. From a standpoint of uniformity adding price to the table would be inline with other item lists. --Just Sayin' 14:08, April 29, 2011 (UTC)


Have the values of the weapon mods been modified by the patch? and if so someone fix up the info please.not gonna get the patch for xbox360, not loseing my damn saves. Spraynpray9932 00:48, April 30, 2011 (UTC)


I believe the page might be in error. Under energy weapons for pistols it lists the Laser RCW and its mod, the laser RCW recycler. However that’s a rifle not a pistol. Beneath that is says the recharger pistol can also be modded with the laser RCW recycler. I believe the chart meant to list the recharger pistol, not the laser RCW. If that’s the case the note should be removed as well. ReapTheChaos 12:53, June 6, 2011 (UTC)

GRA mods[]

Somebody get cracking on GRA mods. I will start, but I can't do it alone. --Hammerhead18 12:06, October 5, 2011 (UTC)

I would be happy to add all the GRA mods to the tables. One question first: Where there are 2 weapons of the same name, e.g. assault carbine, should the GRA version get it's own seperate table heading? There are 11 weapons that fall into this catagory, so it will make the tables quite a bit longer. I suspect the correct action would be to make them seperate, but before I start, I'd like some consensus on this. Also, I would like, for the sake of consistancy, to include all the appropriate mod effect numbers in the talble, as some have them now, e.g. "increases rate of fire by 20%", but others don't e.g. "increases accuracy". Does anyone have a problem with me adding the numeric values of all the modifiers to the table?--The Gunny 20:22, October 31, 2011 (UTC)

selling mods: with weapon or standalone?[]

Is is generally better to sell spare mods and their respective weapons a la carte, or it is more profitable to sell them combined? 19:44, November 10, 2011 (UTC)

Depends. Do you already have the mod and weapon in question? In that case yes I find it is more profitable to mod the weapon and sell it. If you can get the mod for extremely cheap (IE its an almost broken weapon) you can buy it attach a mod and sell it back for a large profit. If you have to buy the mod however it's not a good idea. Also not a good idea if you have to buy the weapon at full or nearly full health. -- 13:44, November 24, 2011 (UTC)

remove recharger pistol because it's just a bug[]

The laser RCW recycler isn't for recharger pistol, it's just a game bug. I think only non-bug should be on the list, and bugs in a seperate list. Eddo36 (talk) 11:29, August 19, 2012 (UTC)

Plasma Defender mod bug[]

I have the Plasma Defender and a Scope for it, but the scope wont activate and is not seen in the Mods. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Thehikki (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
