Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Do a fucking headcount, then. Everybody's right where they're supposed to be.

NCR Ranger Rebecca Lineholm is the commanding officer of Ranger Station Alpha[1] in 2281.


Ranger Lineholm joined the NCR Rangers in 2271. After grueling training, she experienced the proudest moment of her life when she got her Ranger badge.[2] Currently she's in charge of Ranger Station Alpha, once on the frontlines of the war with the Legion, now a mostly support outpost with a minimal chance of running afoul of critters, raiders, or the Legion.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.



Notable quotes[]


Rebecca Lineholm appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: "What is this place?"
    Castillo: "Ranger Station Alpha. Ranger Lineholm is in command here."
  2. The Courier: "So, you're a Ranger?"
    Rebecca Lineholm: "For about ten years now. Toughest training I've ever done, and was the proudest day of my life when I got my Ranger badge. Did you know that the first battle at Hoover Dam was won because of the Rangers? Legion had the numbers, but we had the skill."