Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I hate that dog.

Phil is a citizen of Scrapheap in 2161.


Phil is a normal man that lives in a shack in Scrapheap along with Lenore. He could not get into his house due to a stubborn dog blocking his way. Every time he tried, the dog would growl and Phil would run away like a little girl. If the Vault Dweller chooses to talk to him, Phil will ask for help dealing with the dog. While Phil claims it's not his dog, the comments of his partner indicate the opposite.[1][2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.

Other interactions[]

If the dog is killed by Max Stone, Phil and Lenore will be grateful. If spared and befriended, Phil will warn Max to beware of the dog.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Metal armor



Phil appears only in the Fallout Demo.


  1. "{106}{}{I'm sure Phil would appreciate it if you were to get rid of his dog.}"
  2. "{102}{}{It ain't my dog!}"DEMOPHIL.MSG