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We don't like strangers in our town. If you want to stay, you join us. If you don't, you might regret staying in Scrapheap.Rayze

The Crypts are a gang of leather-clad men and women seeking to control the entirety of Scrapheap in the Fallout demo.


The Crypts vied for control of the entirety of Scrapheap, and as such their control of the sole power generator within town limits was a great asset, as were their numbers.


The Crypts have a very rudimentary organization, with Rayze single-handedly in control of the gang.

Relations with the outside[]

As Scrapheap only exists within the confines of the Fallout demo, their relations with the rest of the wasteland is extremely limited. Within the town itself, the gang is at odds with the Fools, occupying Scrapheap's garage. Max Stone could join the Crypts in their showdown with the Fools or wipe them out on his own.


Most Crypts use 10mm SMGs and various melee weapons, while their leader, Rayze, possesses a real beauty - a Rockwell CZ-53 personal minigun. The Crypts can be distinguished from the Fools by the Leather armor they wear.


The Crypts only appear in Scrapheap in the Fallout demo.
