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This is a transcript for dialogue with Creative patriot.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0064E0DE 0064E109 Hello darlin'! Wow, let me get a look at that outfit.
2 0064E10A My fashionable friend is back! Have you changed your mind about helping a designer out?
3 0064E10B You've returned! Did you change your mind about helping me prepare to renovate?
4 0064E10C Howdy! Did you get the photo for me?
5 0064E10D Thanks again for getting that photo, darlin'. Now it's up to me to convince Orlando to give me permission to flip this room!
6 0064E0DF 0064E102 This room is giving me "post apocalyptic chic". I just know with a few tweaks we could take it from drab to fab! I want this character to have a bit of a southern drawl. She's somewhat proper, and she is pitching HGTV style makeovers to the refuge leader
7 Orlando deserves the best base that the wasteland has to offer and I am here to make that happen! I want this character to have a bit of a southern drawl. She's somewhat proper, and she is pitching HGTV style makeovers to the refuge leader
8 All I need is someone to assist me in gathering reference... I want this character to have a bit of a southern drawl. She's somewhat proper, and she is pitching HGTV style makeovers to the refuge leader
9 0064E0E0 0064E11A It's giving me creative! Bold! Fearless! It's not every day you see someone out here in something so avant garde. I respect it! Think of how a fashionista would talk about style. I imagine this character saying this as they analyze your outfit, looking you up and down.
10 0064E11B Gorgeous. This look screams "I am not a person to mess with". I love it. How practical!
11 0064E11C Fabulous. This look screams "I am a unique individual with a one-of-a-kind sense of style". I should take some fashion notes from you sometime.
12 0064E0E1 0064E119 Your creative spirit leads me to believe you are just the person I was looking for.
13 What do you need help with? 0064E104 So you're interested! Well, I'm going to propose some hotel renovations to Orlando and I need some before photos.
14 Cut to the chase. What do you need me to do? 0064E0FE A person who knows what they want! How daring. Well darlin' I need some photos of rooms in the Refuge to help plan some renovations.
15 Me? Creative? No. I'm out. 0064E107 Your outfit says otherwise. But I respect your choices. If you feel like helping me with a creative endeavor later, come find me!
16 0064E0E9 0064E101
17 I don't have a camera. 0064E10E Well, doll, it's your lucky day! I happened to find this broken camera when I was out scavenging for new styles. It had a note attached.
18 I don't have a working camera. 0064E103 Pardon my prying' but someone as resourceful as yourself could refurbish that one in your inventory.
19 Why are you renovating the Whitespring? This place is nice! 0064E11D It's nice in an "I'm a rich politician headin' away from the city for a weekend golf trip" way. But I want this place to be more than that.
20 It should be inspired! Comforting! A beacon of hope for the backbone of this nation as we continue to rebuild! Character is really confident and inspired here. They have a vision!
21 I like this idea. Count me in. Where do we start? 0064E105 Well aren't' you an absolute peach. Your enthusiasm is contagious!
22 You're delusional. A remodel would be a waste of resources. 0064E0FF Perhaps in your eyes. But to me, we are merely surviving out here. To thrive is to rebuild, refurbish, and remodel! We can do so much better. Confident. This character really believes in what they are saying and wants the player to see it too.
23 Imagine a future where we get back to a quarter of what we had before the war! It's possible, but not without investment into ourselves and our home. If I could the character would wink when she said it. She's trying to teach the player a little lesson and is almost smug about her opinions.
24 I'm not interested in this project. 0064E108 Perhaps another time then!
25 0064E0F6 0064E10F Please get me a photo of the boardroom next to Orlando's office! I want to start with a proposal on bringing a pop of color to that room.
26 0064E110 I would love if you got me a photo of the stage in the Common room. I want to start by examining how we can spice up our communal recreation space!
27 0064E111 Could you get me a photo of the US Flag in the lobby? It's hanging from the ceiling. I want to start by examining our Refuge's focal point.
28 0064E112 Could you grab me a photo of the bar please? It's just to the right of the lobby. I am just itching to get a closer look at that ornate paneling.
29 0064E113 Please bring a photo of the Fireplace in the Recreation Room. I'm really thinking we need to make that wall feel like an accent wall!
30 0064E0F7 0064E100 Come find me when you get that photo. You got this!
31 Here's the photo you asked for. 0064E114 Why thank you! Hmm... hmm! This room has so much space, but the current decor is antique. I know exactly what to pitch Orlando! Player gives character photo. Character ponders the photo, and then has a brilliant idea at the end
32 0064E115 Now how are we supposed to enjoy a show without even a pop of color. This just won't do. This stage is in desperate need of a focal point facelift! Character is shocked at this room's current state. Think of makeover TV shows. The last line is almost a catch phrase from one.
33 0064E116 I love the location but that flag needs to really pop. I want to clean it up and hang it proudly with other symbolism of the strength of our refugees! Character is having a vision of how to make over the space after seeing a photo. I was imagining the last line is very inspired and assertive.
34 0064E117 Ah! It's a gorgeous mix of ornate architecture and technology. And that butler he is an absolute gem. But I feel like it's missing something... The ah is a reaction to seeing the photo followed by analysis
35 0064E118 The recreation room is already looking great, but I think we could use even more fun in here... I know exactly what to pitch Orlando!
36 I forgot what I was doing. 0064E0FD Ah! Don't let that worry your pretty little head. I'm happy to refresh your memory
37 0064E0FC 0064E106 Thanks for doing that favor, doll. Now the hard part starts for me - designin'. Let's hope Orlando loves it! Keep your head up high out there!