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Fallout Wiki

Drew Collingsworth was a student of Vault-Tec University living in Appalachia prior to 2102. He was the overseer of the VTU simulation vault when the bombs fell.


Collingsworth's senior thesis proposal was a nutrient paste food replacement scheme - Project Lembas.[1] His proposal was met positively by VTU senior staff and he was granted one month of vault time commencing on October 10, 2077. However, his experiment was slightly altered to test how individuals responded to deaths caused by food supply - achieved by adding a plaquing agent to the food paste formula.[2] It is uncertain as to whether Collingsworth was aware of the changes.

The bombs fell at the start of the second week of Drew Collingsworth's vault experiment. Despite a temporary loss of power, Collingsworth and his vault dwellers assumed that it was part of the experiment.

After the first death caused by the plaquing agent, Collingsworth instructed his dwellers to take stock of the regular food supply to determine whether or not he could make the full four weeks allotted to him. Unfortunately, due to how bad his food paste tasted, a black market for regular food had been created early in the experiment and most of the rations had been consumed already. Collingsworth was reluctant to signal his advisors to open the vault as it would mean his senior thesis experiment was a failure and he would be unable to graduate and operate as a full overseer.[3]

After his vault dwellers threatened to revolt, Collingsworth attempted to signal his advisors to cancel the experiment. He became frightened when he received no response from the outside. His dwellers did not believe that the alleged no response was not part of the experiment and threatened to storm Collingsworth's office, upon which he barricaded himself in his bedroom in hopes that he could outlast the vault's timed locks and escape when the full four weeks were up.[4]


Drew's body could originally be found on a bed in a room connected to the overseer's office. The room has many other bodies of the Vault dwellers in front of it. However, Drew's body was removed at some point in time by an update.


Drew Collingsworth appears only in Fallout 76.

