Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

"Understanding how people tick and how we can make them tick better, bet happier and become more useful members of our community is hugely valuable," Leris claims. "I know that there are those that have challenged this, but those are so-called ethical concerns of the liberals which we must dismiss as counter-productive and close-minded.," Leris concludes.Boston Bugle Volume 12, no. 748

Doctor Albert Leris was an engineer working for the Vault-Tec Corporation who became the overseer of Vault 106.


According to the Vault-Tec Corporation terminal in the Citadel, Albert was a member of the Psychological Research Department.[1] An article published by the Boston Bugle claims that he was one of Vault-Tec's leading engineers and the head of the department, who published a white paper shortly before the Great War promoting the Vault program.[Non-game 1] He supervised the Vault 106 experiment, which involved the release of psychoactive drugs in the Vault's air filtration system, leading to disorientation and aggression in the Vault population.


When first entering the overseer's control room in Vault 106, the screen will display the blue tint and the overseer will appear as a hallucination, wearing a Vault 101 jumpsuit.


Albert Leris is mentioned in Fallout 3, as well as in Boston Bugle Volume 12, a promotional item that came with the real world Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI FM radio module product.


