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Cliff Briscoe is a resident of Novac and the owner of the Dino Bite gift shop in Fallout: New Vegas.


At some point while living in Novac, Cliff took over the ownership of the Dino Bite gift shop inside the Dinky the T-Rex statue. He soon after discovered that the place had an excess of Dinky the T-Rex souvenirs as well as some rocket souvenirs from REPCONN Aerospace,[1] so much in fact that he had to take some out of the clogged storage room just to make space for the rest of his inventory of weapons and ammunition that he knew would be the actual draw for visitors to the shop. Over time, he has become exasperated by the sheer lack of interest in buying up any of his surplus of souvenirs.[2]

Cliff maintains a friendship with the proprietor of the Dino Dee-lite Motel, Jeannie May Crawford, to which she always directs new visitors to his shop, and Cliff reciprocates by offering anyone who mentions her name a discount.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Bottle cap 201-1709
Sells: Ammunition, chems, explosives
magazines, misc, weapons + mods
40 Weaponsmith
This character can modify weapons.


Probability colored
This character plays Caravan. They can bid one quarter of their current caps.


  • Come Fly With Me: With a Science skill of 40, the player character can inquire with Cliff as to whether his rocket toys have radioactive material in them. This dialogue only appears after Chris Haversam has tasked the player character with finding the rocket fuel/thrust component modules. This does not hinder dialogue lines to suggest rockets as an igniting agent source for Chris directly.
  • One for My Baby: The player character meets and questions Cliff about the disappearance of Boone's wife. Cliff will mention he did not really like Carla. Like many other Novac residents, Cliff can be used to satisfy Boone's blood-lust. However, doing so will affect Karma negatively, and you will not be able to purchase the That Gun and other unique items from him. If the Courier completes the quest using Jeannie May Crawford as Boone's target, Cliff will take over as manager of the motel.



  • Behind the locked door in his store is a stockpile of Dinky and rocket souvenirs that can be taken without penalty. The rocket souvenirs can not be resold but can be used as fuel in the quest Come Fly With Me and as gifts to some of the Mini Boomers. There are more than enough for both.
  • The storage room key can be pickpocketed from Cliff Briscoe.
  • If the player character earns a high reputation in Novac, Cliff will give them a motel room to keep permanently. It is the same room available to rent from Jeannie May Crawford.
  • When Cliff tells the player character he is taking over and gives them the motel key, the dialogue allows them to tell him that they were responsible for Jeannie's death and ask whether you'll still get a discount ("She missed my wake-up call"). He will act nervous and uneasy but will not take back the motel key. It also has no effect on reputation or Karma. This does not remove the discount he gives for telling him that she sent them either.
  • Cliff sells the unique pistol That Gun. He will sell it to the Courier for a very reasonable price, even cheaper if they name-drop Jeannie May Crawford's name first. Alternatively, they can steal it from the storage room.
  • If the player character has the discount with Cliff, he can be used to remove stolen tags, so they can remove the "owned" label on items they want to display in their house, with no loss of caps. Simply sell him the item, exit the dialogue, then reenter his dialogue and buy it back and the red label is gone.
  • Cliff seems to keep some items sold to him in his inventory indefinitely. He could possibly be used as a "pawn shop," meaning he could hold onto high priced items for a while as a loan and then the Courier can buy them back after they have accumulated more caps.
  • Cliff's stock of Dinky the T-Rex souvenirs is limitless. Purchasing all 1000 will only remove them until his shop inventory refreshes (approximately every three days), at which point he will have another 1000 in stock.
  • Once the player character exits Cliff's trade inventory to his dialogue, all caps he has over 5000 will be removed.
  • The player character can play Caravan with Cliff, but he is limited to only playing five games.
  • Gun Runners' Arsenal Cliff will sell the unique recharger pistol, MF Hyperbreeder Alpha, the unique hunting rifle, Paciencia, and is one of the vendors who sells the katana and its associated mods. If he is killed, the former two items then become available to buy from Vendortron at the Gun Runners kiosk.


Cliff Briscoe appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 If the player trades over 30-33,000 caps to Cliff, his cap amount will not lower when the player attempts to sell items back. This makes it possible to play caravan indefinitely, as Cliff will never lose caps.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 When attempting to purchase Cliff's cowboy repeaters, caps will be deducted but when completing the transaction the Repeaters will not appear in your inventory and instead will reappear in Cliff's inventory, but as a single Repeater that has been repaired with all that he had available. Strangely, upon leaving the store, all but one of the purchased Repeaters will now appear in your inventory and the repaired Repeater that had reappeared in Cliff's inventory will still be there. A similar problem occurs if the Courier attempts to purchase a fully repaired Power Fist. If the Courier is already carrying a Power Fist, the fully repaired item will not appear in the inventory, until the Courier removes the previously used item. Upon picking the damaged Power Fist up, the fully repaired version vanishes again, unless it is equipped beforehand.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Cliff may stock the unique cleaver, Chopper, which is normally located at Wolfhorn ranch.[verification overdue]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 While the step to gain radioactive fuel for the rockets is open during the quest Come Fly With Me, with a 40 Science, the player can pass infinite speech challenges while inquiring whether Cliff's rocket toys have radioactive material in them. Note this speech challenge gives no XP, and the speech challenge dialogue does not appear at all unless the player has at least 40 Science (as opposed to normal speech challenges which appear as dialogue options even if the player will fail them). This can easily be exploited to rack up 50 speech successes very quickly for the Outstanding Orator achievement. This dialogue choice will disappear once the player has obtained the radioactive fuel, by any means.[verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If the player barters with Cliff for the souvenir rockets during Come Fly With Me and then later completes The Screams of Brahmin, the barter dialogue for the souvenir rockets will reappear. If the player waits in the shop after this occurs, Cliff will disappear from the game.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Since Cliff keeps nearly everything that the player sells him if the player sells to him extensively throughout the game and his inventory becomes very large, interacting with his inventory items will become increasingly slower the more the player sells him.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Upon the odd occasion (seemingly random), once the player has bartered/played Caravan with Cliff and tries to walk out of the Gift Shop, the game will blackout (where the loading screen is supposed to be) and essentially crash, causing the autosave file to become corrupted and unplayable.[verified]
  • PCPC When asking to buy from Cliff, the game may crash.[verified]


  1. The Courier: "What do you sell here?"
    Cliff Briscoe: "Well, there's t-rex figurines, of course. That's our bread and butter. We also have an assortment of the REPCONN factory souvenirs - rockets, things of that nature."
    (Cliff Briscoe's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What about supplies? And guns? Do you sell those?"
    Cliff Briscoe: "Guns? I, uh, well... yeah, I guess I might have a few. Darn it. No one ever buys the t-rexes."
    (Cliff Briscoe's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Jeannie May sent me."
    Cliff Briscoe: "Bless her. Seems like every traveler I get in here tells me the same thing. They see the sign and think, gift shop? That's just too good to be true. But Jeannie May always points them back in my direction. Well, a friend of Jeannie's is a friend of mine. And my friends get a discount at my store."
    (Cliff Briscoe's dialogue)